Drunk And Depressed Snuffle

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Becky: *knocks on Snuffle's door*

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Becky: *knocks on Snuffle's door*

Snuffle: What. I'm busy. *Drinks whiskey straight from the bottle*

Becky: U-umm, it's just that, I know you're missing Josh, and I miss him too....but....

Snuffle: Leave. Now. I'm not in a good mood. And I don't want to hurt you. So please leave before I get angry and violent.

Becky: But-

Snuffle: Now. Before I start yelling. I can and will make you cry, Becky. So please go away.

Becky: *sighs* Fine....

Snuffle: *puts his head on his desk* Dammit Josh....*sobs*

Gabby: Nathan honey? I made some biscuits if you want any....

Snuffle: .....just set them in front of the door.....

Gabby: Nathan please come out of there.....

Snuffle: No.

Becky: *has tears in her eyes* Oh Josh... I wish you could see what is happening.....

Gabby: *sets the tray of biscuits in front of the door*

Cynder: *has tears in her eyes as well* *sniffles* I miss him....

Becky: I do too....*sniffles and starts crying*

Gabby: It's alright girls, but you need to be in bed, you're both still sick. Go on, off to bed now, both of you.

Snuffle: *sobs more and bangs his fists on his desk* Dammit Joshua! *Slams the chair against the wall*

Gabby: It's best if you two don't see him like this....

Snuffle: *drinks more and throws the bottle at the door, breaking it* F*ck you, Joshua....f*ck you for dying, f*ck you for everything....

Quinoa: Mommy is Daddy okay?

Gabby: *sighs* No sweetie he isn't....go to your room and play, okay?

Quinoa: Okay Mommy....*goes to her room*

Snuffle: *sits down again* *holds his head in his hands* *sighs*

Gabby: *sighs and walks away*

Snuffle: Gabby wait....I'm sorry for my actions.....

Gabby: I know. *Walks in and kisses him* I know.

Snuffle: *sighs and holds her by the waist*

Gabby: *runs her hands through his hair*

Snuffle: Come here. *Gently pulls her close*

Gabby: *sits in his lap*

Snuffle: I love you....

Gabby: I love you too. *Kisses his cheek*

Snuffle: *smiles a little* Thanks.

Gabby: Mhmm.

Snuffle: How am I going to tell Goku? And Goki? And Junior? Becky knows already but I doubt she'd understand at the moment. She'll try to deny it, I know she will.

Gabby: But you'll be there to talk them all through it. Right?

Snuffle: Yeah....

Gabby: Yes. Now how about some biscuits?

Snuffle: I'm not hungry right now.

Gabby: *sighs* Alright.

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