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The waiting was the hard part. At least for Ben it was. Funny it would seem that way, after all the trouble it took just to get out here. He wasn't satisfied until he knew for sure. It was 1996, and Ben and his crew were aboard the research vessel The Akademik. They were on the hunt for a rare treasure, a treasure thought to be lost to the sea long ago. It wasn't so easily accessible since it was among the wreckage of the historic maiden vessel the RMS Titanic, several leagues under the endless blue sea.

Ben knew if they could find this treasure, they would hit it big. The first treasure hunters to claim something worth millions. Especially after all these years if they could find it in a worthy condition. It was a bracelet. Made of the finest silver and littered with beautiful pieces of a rare blue diamond. It was called "The Heart of the Ocean."

"We've got something!" Will shouted up to him from the bottom deck as the diver sent out rose back to the surface. Could this be the moment? Had they actually done it? Ben quickly descended down the steps from the top deck and made it to the side of the boat and watched as the crane hauled back up their finding.

They had managed to recover a safe from the sunken ship. If what he'd heard was true then it had to be inside. The anxious crew surrounded the safe as Ben carefully opened it up. After the water cleared from it he looked to see what was left.

"You've got to be kidding me..." It was empty. Just an empty safe that had been underwater for too long. "It's not here." He sighed in exasperation.

"Wait- there's something right there." Will pointed out. Using a tool so not to damage whatever it was, they pulled out what appeared to be a piece of paper.

"Take it to the lab." Ben instructed. "Be sure not to touch it just yet. Not until we know what it is and it's stable." The rest of the crew dispersed as Ben sorted things out. Will came to fetch him whenever the paper was stable enough for him to view.

"You're gonna want to see this." He told him. The two went back up to the lab and Will led Ben to a little tub of water the paper was sitting in for stabilization. He peered in and was surprised to see it was a drawing. A handmade sketch from the looks of it. It was a sketch of a young man. What was really interesting about it was what he was wearing on his wrist. It was...

"The Heart of the Ocean..." Ben whispered. How strange... he looked and saw that there was a date at the bottom of the paper. April 14, 1912. The date before the ship went down. "Do you know who this person may be?" He asked Will.

"No idea. There isn't a name anywhere we've seen. But whoever he was he had the bracelet. Maybe he still did when the ship went down. It could be anywhere now." Will sighed.

"It could be... unless he's still alive." Ben looked at him.

"What? Are you saying you think this person could actually still be alive? Out of the few survivors from the wreck? Come on, whoever this is he'd have to be around a hundred years old by now." Will shook his head.

"Will come on, he's the only lead we've got." Ben tried to reason. "Please just trust me on this." Will looked at him a moment before sighing.

"Alright, I'll help you with this last fantasy but it's going to be a wild shot, we don't even have a name..." A pause. "And if we're successful in finding someone?"

"I want to meet him."

* * * *

Ben took a deep breath as he waited to see the old man who most likely had the answers to everything. It had taken an excruciating two days of waiting when they finally got word of someone reaching out. They had put the drawing on the news and requested that if anyone had any information to please come forward. Ben was actually quite shocked when Will had told him that a woman had called and went on about how her grandfather was insisting that it was him in the drawing.

"I talked to her about it and she was telling me that at first she was brushing it off as nonsense since her grandfather is quite up there in age and tends to get muddled at times, but she said he was very insistent on the topic and she could see something in him that convinced her." Will explained. Ben nodded along listening in concentration.

"I'm interested. I say we bring them out."
And so it was settled. The man and his granddaughter would be flown out to their location and board the boat to see the picture for themselves.

Ben entered the lab where he could see the man and his granddaughter, who they learned was named Amanda, surrounding the picture. He was looking at it, a faint smile evident on his face as if he was lost in a distant memory. Ben had some hope that they had really found him.

"Mr. Hansen? My name is Ben, I invited you out here." He greeted catching the man's attention.

"Oh, so you're the one running this operation?" He smiled with a humorous tone. "Nice to meet you, but please, call me Evan."

"Of course. Shall we sit?"

"Yes, we have a lot to talk about I'm sure." Evan nodded as they all took a seat.

"So, you believe that that's really you?" Ben inquired, earning another nod from Evan.

"Oh yes. I know for sure that would be me. I never imagined that I'd see that picture again..." He trailed off.

"So you really were on it? The Titanic?" Will asked next.

"She was a beautiful vessel, and most of her secrets went down with her that night. But, a treasure like that can only truly belong to the sea right?" Evan smiled lightly.

"Please, if you don't mind, tell us about what it was like. I'm sure you've got quite a story..."

"I'm very fortunate to have survived that night. Now after all these years... I can finally tell the story. I remember it all now, the things I saw, the people I met..." Evan paused. "And of course, we can't forget about The Heart of the Ocean. I had no idea those events would lead me to really discovering who I was. No idea how those events would lead me to the love of my life..." He smiled, remembering a memory. "Now, let's begin. It was so long ago, in another time, another place..."


marshmallow_bubbles I FINALLY DID IT

Ok so this is the opening for my new story which is going to be a Kleinsen story because I love my bois and we need more Kleinsen oBviOusLy. I don't know how I feel about this prologue so I might do something about it later on idk, I didn't want to spend too much time setting it all up because I didn't want it to be boring lol

Basically this story is the Titanic movie which I recently re watched and I came up with this idea because I'm obviously insane heh. It'll mostly follow the course of the movie (lol unintended pun) and will be third person. So anyways, thanks for making it this far and I hope you like it! It's gonna be a trip :3

Kleinsen: Titanic AUWhere stories live. Discover now