Chapter 2

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  TW: Mentions of a suicide attempt, it does pertain to the storyline however.

  The ship was well on its course and most of the guests had retired from the dock and went off to explore what the boat had to offer. Jared and Rich set off to find out where the third class was and where exactly they would be bunking.
  “Let’s see, apparently we are supposed to be right around… here!” Jared pointed to one of the many open rooms along the halls. They peeked inside seeing it was a very tight quarters consisting of two bunk beds and a tiny space between the two.

  “Wow, looks like we’ll have to get real friendly with whoever we’re rooming with.” Rich commented.

  “That would be us.” A voice sounded from one of the bunks. The boys turned their attention immediately towards the new voice. “I’m Michael and that’s Jeremy.” One of the strangers stated, pointing over to another in the corner trying to organize their baggage.  

  “Oh. It’s a pleasure guys, I’m Jared and this here is Rich.” Jared introduced them. Rich waved.

  “Hope you guys enjoy your time on here, third class has more to it than meets the eye.” Michael smiled.

  “We definitely plan on exploring the heck out of this place.” Jared grinned eagerly.

  “Speaking of which, we should probably get going!” Rich added. “I wanna see everything!”

  “Well then we better get to it!” Jared waved bye to Michael and Jeremy before him and Rich took off. They went back up to the top deck and looked out at the waves. It felt so great out here, the sea spray, the breeze, absolutely perfect. He was positive it’d look even better from the very top deck.

  “Let’s go to the very top.” Jared smiled at Rich who nodded excitedly. They raced each other to the very front of the boat, past the captain’s quarters and to the very tip of the ship’s bow. The sun was shining brightly over the blue water and it went on for forever it seemed. Jared went to the very front and embraced the wind. “I’m king of the world!” He shouted in pure joy.

  “Hell yeah!” Rich fist pumped. In that moment it seemed like they had such a bright future ahead of them.

*        *        *        *

  After they had come down from the top of the deck Rich had dashed off to explore and make friends with the other third class passengers. Jared went to the side of the deck to watch the waves made from the boat.

  No less than just one deck above, Evan ventured out to observe the scenery. They had gotten settled in their room and he would admit it was a very nice place to be staying, not to mention this boat was massive. So many rooms and so many people from all around. He enjoyed being here right now but he knew it wouldn’t be long before Zoe found him and took him back to his mom and whatever other rich person she would have found to mingle with.

  As he was looking down at the deck below, he caught sight of a boy. Could it be the one from earlier? It must be. Evan’s suspicions were confirmed when he caught his eyes again. He could tell that the other boy wanted to say something to him, and would admit to finding that love struck look on his face kinda cute… Not to brag, but Evan was used to receiving stares like that from lots of people. Of course he was never interested in anyone, he wanted someone who would understand him. He was intrigued however by this stranger...

  Jared smiled a little up at Evan, quite surprised that he found him again. There was something about him, he just had to know who he was. A girl appeared beside the boy and took his arm and just like that, they were gone.

  “Good luck getting with him.” Someone said catching Jared’s attention. A girl was there following his gaze. “He seems a little out of your league, no offense.”

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