Chapter 1

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   The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of crowds. People from all over were gathering near the dock of Southampton for one thing, to wish off the huge ship that was waiting to set sail for New York. The marvelous splendor known as the RMS Titanic. Lucky folks who could afford tickets were boarding throughout the day as it got closer and closer to setting off. People from all sorts of backgrounds and levels of status were arriving to either get on board or just catch a glimpse of the boat.

   “It’s so big!”

   “I heard she’s unsinkable!”

   “Oh what I would do just to be able to be a third class passenger!”

   Those were just some of the words people were saying as murmurs spread throughout the crowd. Among the people several vehicles pulled up to drop off more passengers. From one of these cars a young teenager hesitantly stepped off. It was really busy today and he wasn’t a fan. He was well dressed and was quickly accompanied by a woman who was equal in dress.

   “Evan don’t stray too far please.” Heidi Hansen advised keeping her son close.

   “Trust me, I won’t.” Evan assured her looking up at the huge boat just across the dock. Just looking at it gave him a spout of anxiety so he looked away. He was soon joined by a lovely girl at his side.

   “Just look at it. There’s nothing that can take that thing down.” Zoe Murphy smiled. Zoe happened to be Evan’s fiancé. The Hansen’s had been in major debt ever since Evan’s father died. The Murphy's on the other hand were a very wealthy family, and Evan was obligated to marry Zoe in order to keep his family’s high status. Of course this arrangement was very much against his will, but he couldn’t let his mother down… she had told him over and over how important this was. Although to Evan it appeared that she cared much more about keeping their family name than how he actually felt. He sighed looking at Zoe. “Yeah.. it’s uh, really something.”

   “And we get first class. Only the best for you sweetie.” She smiled pecking Evan’s cheek. He never got a chance to reply since Heidi called him over to help carry some bags so they could get ready to board soon.
Well a ways from the couple, currently taking place in a local bar that outlooked the dock, a very intense poker game was going on.

   “Honestly I don’t know why you’re even bothering kid.” A man laughed as he placed down a card. “You might as well just give up.” The other guys surrounding laughed as well. Jared Kleinman looked at the card placed down and then at his own deck. His best friend Rich was beside him anxiously watching the game unfold.

   “I can’t end it all now, we haven’t even made a bet.” Jared answered calmly.

   “You wanna bet huh? Ok fine. If I win, you both gotta give us all the money you have on you.” The man smiled smugly. Jared looked at Rich who looked back at him shaking his head no quickly.

   “We can’t do that Jare-“

   “Ok.” Jared gave Rich a look before turning back to the man. “If I win however… hmm let’s see…” He looked down a moment. “Then you have to give us those two tickets of yours for the Titanic.” Rich made a noise behind him.

   “You have yourself a deal.” The man smirked shaking Jared’s hand. “This is going to be too easy, but I’m a man of my word nonetheless.” The two continued the round, Jared’s turn still up. He focused for a moment on the cards present on the table.

   “This is going to be easy.” He stated placing down his cards. “Seeing as I just won.” Rich along with everyone watching gasped.

   “What?! You knew this entire time- and you tricked me?” The man stood up.

   “Time to go!” Jared stood up barely dodging the guys fist. He grabbed Rich and they both high tailed it out of the bar.

   “What are you doing they’re gonna come after us!” Rich screeched as they headed for the big crowd of people.

   “Don’t worry, they won’t find us.” Jared smirked. “Because by the time they get through these people we’ll be halfway to New York!” He waved the two boat tickets in his hand.

   “What? You got them?!” Rich was surprised but very excited at the same time.

   "What can I say? I got skills.” Jared grinned as they slipped into the mass of people.

   “Oh my God you're incredible.”

   “Just you wait Rich, in New York we can do whatever we want! We can actually be something.” Jared smiled.

   “This is exciting. Look at how big she is!” Rich pointed at the huge ship. “Come on, I'll race you to the loading dock!” He shouted taking off at once.

   “Hey wait up!” Jared called after him always up for a good challenge. He raced after the other boy apologizing to the people he bumped along the way. He nearly crashed into Rich who had made it first.

   “Haha! I win. You may be the slickest but I sure am the quickest. Hey that rhymed!” He laughed.

   “Whatever short stack.” Jared rolled his eyes playfully.

   “We're literally almost the same height!” Rich protested punching his shoulder lightly. Jared laughed and was about to get him back when something caught his eye. More like someone. Up on the top deck of the ship a very beautiful boy was looking down at them. Jared's eyes connected with his bright blue ones and he was instantly captivated. The strange handsome stranger smiled shyly before being pulled away from sight by someone else. Jared found himself smiling back but he was already gone.
“Hello? Earth to Jared?” Rich poked him. “Jared!”

   “Huh? What?” Jared shook his head and snapped back to reality.

   “Come on we're gonna miss boarding if we don't get on now!” Rich whined tugging at his sleeve.

   “Ok ok you're right, let's get on with it.” Jared smiled as they started making their way to the loading doors.

   “How can I help you two?” One of the men looked at them cleary judging them.

   “We're here to board.” Jared answered matter-of-factly, presenting the tickets. The man rolled his eyes but took the tickets anyway waving them on.

   “Come on, we gotta wave everyone off like classic sailers!” Rich dragged Jared up to one of the decks. The two boys looked out at the crowd along with everyone else aboard, waving goodbye to their old lives. Jared had no idea what adventures they'd run into on this ship, but what he did know was that the mysterious boy was also on board...

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