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Hoseok's POV

"Hyung!" One of my students yelled and I opened my eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked I looked at him confused.

"Why wouldn't I be? Whats going on why are you all standing around me like that?" I asked. The student helped me stand up and I felt Dizzy.

"You were teaching us the moves and then after the twirl you fainted." A girl explained giving me my water. My eye brows furrowed and the door busted open.

"Oh thank God I thought you left us!" Another student said followed by the buildings Medical team.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Its ok confusion is normal. You feeling ok? Any dizziness or headache?" The Nurse asked sitting me down I shook my head looking around the room.

I Fainted

"Please look at me." He said and I did. He went through this whole medical examination process making me even more confused.

"Have you been eating well?" I nodded,

"Sleeping properly?" I shrugged.

"Its probably Fatigue, Make sure you keep a good sleeping schedule! Using the energy you don't have isn't good for your health." He stated although I had no idea what's going on I nodded he bid us goodbye and left.

"Ok so you are telling me, I fainted? I don't even remember that!" I said and the students looked at me worried.

"Maybe we should end class here and ask Mr. PARK to take over, You need your rest mister." A student said the rest agreed.

"Do you want us to call Y/N Noona to pick you up?" Another asked I shook my head and stood feeling another wave of dizziness come over me. I sat down and held my head.

" I don't think he can drive like this, who can drive him home?" I shook my head and raised my hand stopping their conversation.

"Can you bring me my bag, I'll call a friend to come take me home, in the mean time Someone call Mr. PARK and tell him he is scheduled for the rest of the week."

I said they nodded and did as I said I picked up my phone and called the person I didn't want too.



"Oh Hyung. Whats up?"

"I need you to get Yoongi and come and pick me up."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, I have to tell you guys something important."

With that he hung up, I stood leaving the class as they wished me to get well soon. It took about 20 minutes but they both got to the studio. I tossed Yoongi the key to my car and he drove it to his house.

"So what is so important I needed to stop my genius work?" Yoongi asked a glass in his hand.

I flopped on the couch Namjoon sitting on the other as Yoongi stood at the door way for the living room.

"Y/N has been staying with me, And... I've been off my meds."

And just like that his glass dropped.

Your POV

Hoseok isn't home yet.

I think I put too much this time

What if he got in an accident?

Or in a fight, maybe he couldn't fight back

Because I put too much!

What have I done!!

The unlocking of a door made my heart start beating again as I ran to the living room waiting for Hoseok to step through the door.

And boy was I overjoyed that he did so! I almost screamed and tackled him but I kept my cool pretending like I wasn't scared to death.

"Hobi-- Yoongi Oppa?" I stated seeing the older just behind Hoseok.

"Hello Y/N long time no see." He stated a creep like smile on his face. I hummed in reply and gestured for him to walk in.

"Namjoon?" I said watching the taller walk in with his dimpled smile.

"Hi Noona." He stated patting my head and sitting down next to Yoongi. I looked outside the door waiting for the remaining to bombard the house but the hallways were empty.

"Hoseok, why didn't you tell me we were going to have visitors?" I asked following him to his room. He closed the door in my face and I stood their shocked.

"He isn't feeling too well, They called us earlier to pick him up." Yoongi said.

"Didn't they call you too?" He asked and I shook my head.

"They should've, oh Y/N I've been trying to get a hold of you lately and you haven't been answering." Namjoon said as I stood in front of them.

"Ah yeah I broke my phone a while ago, sorry."

"Why didn't you get a new one?" Yoongi asked.

"Don't have enough money to get a new one." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Can't find a Job?" He asked

"Would you guys like anything to drink?"

"Water please." Namjoon stated I nodded as Yoongi said he would like that too.

I set out the pitcher bringing two cups and placing them on a trey. I place it in front of them and they thanked me.

"You alright Y/N looking a little bit Pale and Skinnier." I nodded feeling uneasy about this visit. There was some intense air going around and I didn't like it.

"Y/N Are you sure you are ok?" I was asked a second time voices as serious as their facial expression. I blinked eyes watering up a little but I stood my ground.

Tell the truth

"I'm Fine, seriously." I said giving them a small smile they sigh and stand up.

"Alright, we'll be going." Yoongi stated.

"If anything happens, Call us." Namjoon said leaving Hoseoks apartment. I stood there baffled letting two or three tears slip before I moved on to Hoseok.

"A-Are you ok?" I asked opening the door. I saw him asleep on the bed breathing harshly.

I moved closer and he looked fine, I checked his temperature and he felt fine to me.

I shrugged going into the living room bringing him some water and medicine just in case he needed it.

"Guess I could go out for some time." I mumbled to myself holding my stomach.

I haven't really eaten the past couple of days fearing the medicine will have an effect on me.

Hoseok was right Fruit doesn't really count as food. I took some money and a key walking out of the house and to the nearest restaurant.

1080K Words
Is Hobi really ok?

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