Chapter 6

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The ocean breeze drifted across Kattegat, swallowing it whole. All was quiet as the clouds rumbled with the chatter of the Gods, Thor furiously striking his anvil. Lightning cracked open the skies, bashing against the mountains with such ferocity.

I walked through the muddy streets, the hood of my black cloak covering my face. Long braids came down my shoulders, pounding against my chest as I walked. The mud splattered against my leather boots, squelching beneath my step. Rain made its way down my cheeks, kissing my skin gently.

"Aneira!" A familiar voice called from behind me.
I turned around, smiling when I saw Hvitserk bounding over.

"What are you doing out in this weather?" He asked, pulling me into the shelter of an alleyway.

"I could ask you the same thing." I commented.

"I came to find you. You weren't at the feast tonight... I wasn't sure if I'd see you again before I leave..." He explained, still holding onto my hand.

"I wouldn't miss your departure, Hvitserk." I smiled up at him.

"I'll miss you." He mumbled, barely audibly over the booming thunder.

"I'll miss you too. Do us all a favour and come home safely." I sighed.

He beamed a grin at my comment, "Are you worried about me?"

"Shut up." I chuckled. "But I'm serious. I'll kick the shit out of you in Valhalla if you die over there."

"You can't get rid of me that easily. I'll be back." He smiled.

I looked deep into his eyes, a worried frown contorting my face, "You better. I don't know what we'd do if you didn't come back."

"I guess I'll have to make the most of this goodbye then." He spoke gently, leaning in and pressing a light kiss against my pale lips.
I held onto him, pulling him into an embrace as soon as he moved his lips from mine.
"Go on, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He answered, running back inside out of the rain.

I sighed, sitting back on some crates that stood behind me. My face traveled up to the sky, letting the rain wash over me. As if my life wasn't already complicated enough.

My eyes travelled from the dancing stars, down to a silhouette in the distance over by my hut. The dark figure seemed to be observing me. I stood up, making my way over to them.
Soon I made out their face.


My husband.

I ran over to him as he made his way back inside the hut. My heart pounding in my chest, wondering how he would react... Or if he even saw anything. I slammed open the door, closing it behind me. My clothes were drenched by the pouring rain but I stood by the door, unsure of whether I should push my boundaries.

"Sit by the fire, woman! You must be freezing." He exclaimed.
I hung up my cloak, making my way over to the fire and sitting down. I rubbed my hands together and held them over the heat of the burning flames.

"What were you doing outside?" I asked timidly.

"You'd been gone awhile. I went to see if you were alright. Clearly, you had your reasons for taking so long..." He sighed.

I looked up at him, shocked that he could think such a thing of me, "Egil that wasn't- I didn't-" I stuttered.

"It's alright, wife. I am not a fool. I am under no illusion that you have ever loved me. Nor am I shocked that you would choose a Prince, a son of Ragnar Lothbrok over me. For whatever it's worth, I still admire you and care for you. If he or the crippled son I saw you with make you happy, then I am glad. However, I do warn you, choose. You cannot have both." He explained.

I was, quite honestly, at a loss for words. My mouth hung agape as I heard him talk. I expected shouting, a fight, perhaps to be put in my place. I did not expect this. I did not expect to feel so guilty for putting such a good man through my escapades.

"Egil, I don't know what to say..." I whispered.

"Don't say anything then. We will divorce, if you wish. I will not hold your feelings against you." He shrugged, bringing a spoonful of soup up to his lips.

"No." I answered finally.

"What?" He asked, clearly unsure what I meant.

"I will not divorce you, Egil. You are a better man than even the sons of Ragnar. I'd be a fool to let that go." I smiled.

"I do not wish for you to remain here for pity, Aneira." He concluded.

I chuckled, "I do not pity you. I respect you more than I have respected anyone in my life. I will not divorce you, Egil, because I believe you're exactly what I need. I believe that the Gods brought us together for a reason." I raised my cup, and took a swig of mead. "Now, goodnight, dear husband. I must see Bjorn and Hvitserk off in the morning."

"Goodnight, wife."

My dreams were filled with unsettling visions. I tossed and turned, sweating in my sleep. I felt snakes wrap around me, saw them slithering up my skin. I heard screams and watched as Kattegat wore a veil of flames. I heard thunder crack and watched ships sink to the bottom of the ocean. My eyes finally shot open when I saw a bloodied axe being pulled from a bloody crown.

I panted, my breathing shallow and rapid. My eyes shot around the dark room, feeling terrified to close my eyes again. This had to be an omen. I could feel something brewing.

I looked to the side of me, watching Egil's chest rise and fall as he slept. It was strangely soothing. I soon curled up close to him, listening to the steady beat of his heart. That is what I liked about him, his stability. I knew that that was precisely the reason I'd been chasing after the princes, they were the opposite of stable. Especially Ivar. Hvitserk was kind, of course, but a relationship with him could never be deemed as stable. I hadn't craved Egil because he was just a good and honest man, but now I realised that that was exactly what I needed. As much as I loved the brothers, they only brought chaos with them. That's what had drawn me towards them in the first place.
Besides, my friendship with them would soon be ruined when they realised I had been a spy in Kattegat all along. A spy for Lagertha whom would soon be here to seek vengeance on their mother. I could not let my emotions interfere with my primary objective. The entire reason I was there in the first place. To help Lagertha take the throne.

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