Chapter 3

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Eventually, everyone at the office found out about my first vlog. They all wanted to celebrate by having a screening of it. I was really nervous to do this. We all gather around and I click play on the video. Almost everyone here had made a cameo in my video. They cheered me on, despite how shy I am. When the video ended, they were all chanting;
"Speech, speech, speech!"

I stood up in front of everyone. Good thing I took those speech classes back in high school, or I'd be twice as awkward.
"When I first got invited to the office by Sam, I had no idea what to expect. What did end up happening was new friendships that I never want to lose. I love you all. You help me be more confident. You teach me things. For that, I am very grateful." I pause. Sam is mouthing; "Tell him. Tell him you like him."
"I'd like to say one last thing. . ." I'm hesitant to continue, "I. . . Woods, the truth is, I kinda like you."
"Ooo!" People say.
Woods blushes and covers his face; "For the record, I didn't know you, but Sam has told me a lot about you. I've heard just how amazing you are. I'm going to be honest, I don't know how to feel. You're a great person, I couldn't of asked for any other person to walk into my life. That one night you were in my house, we got to know each other. I'm safe to say that I. . . Oh, god. I like you too."
"Come here." I said.

Woods gets up and walks up to me. We share a wholesome hug. I hear everyone whistling and cheering for us. We aren't even together, but the spark is definitely there. That was unexpected. The cutest guy in the office actually likes me. My entire high school year consisted of me getting rejected by the guys I liked. Now that I'm in LA, it only took one night, and 'pretty vlog boy', as Tanner calls him, likes me.
"We can talk about this later." Woods said.
"Yeah, where it's not so public." I said.

Later that day, I hop into Woods' car and he takes me to his house. We go into his room and just start talking. It was very casual, but then the conversation took a turn to flirting.
"So, the reason I like you is because you're super chill around everyone. I know you're shy, and that makes you so cute. Plus, you've told me you used to be in choir, right?" Woods asked.
"Um, yeah. I wasn't that good, though." I said.
"Hey, let me hear you sing a little." Woods said.
"Oh, I don't know." I said.
"C'mon." Woods insisted.
"Okay, fine. Let me think of a song." I said.

I look through my playlist, thinking of what I could sing for him. I decided to go with a classic Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I pull up sheet music for it and start playing on the piano. It's been a hot minute since I played, so I'm a little rusty. Under pressure of Woods approval, I'm doing better than I thought. I sing through the song, making it obvious that I fell hard for him.
"You're not as bad as you think. It's my turn." Woods said.
"Go for it." I said.
He played an original song. I am so in love right now. Not only he is hilarious, but he can legit sing. I cannot right now.

Our jam session came to an end after singing through our favorites.
"Woods, your voice is literally so beautiful." I said.
"Aw, thanks. You're not too bad yourself." Woods said.
"Thanks, so you saying you like me earlier, you were serious?" I asked.
"Yeah. I think you're pretty, and your personality is irresistible." Woods said.
"Could you be any more charming?" I asked.
"Ha, well." Woods said, running a hand through his hair.
"You. . . Hmm. Are so hot." I said.
"A lot of people have told me that." Woods said.
"Your fans say that. I've read some of your comments." I said.
"Uh huh. I bet. What's weird is the majority of my fanbase are girls, with some guys in the mix to see what kind of crazy stuff I get up to." Woods said.
"That shouldn't matter though." I said.
"I know, I'm just saying." Woods said.

Tonight, I laid in Woods' bed. I couldn't help myself. I cuddle close to him. Never did I think that our friendship would turn to this, and so quickly too. At the moment, this is just a crush. I could move on, but at the same time, we could start dating. It's all up to what we actually feel. If we think it's worth dating, then we go for it. If we think we should stay friends, then that works too. I don't want to distract Woods from work. We'll need to work things out. If all goes well, I'm hoping we end up together.

The next morning, we eat breakfast, then head to the office. Matt calls me into his office. I go upstairs and walk in.
"Would you close the door, please." Matt said.
"Sure thing." I said.
"Now, I called you in today to let you know that I would like to interview you." Matt said.
"Wait, like right now? I'm not even wearing the appropriate clothes." I said.
"Don't worry about it, just sit down." Matt said.
"Okay." I said.
"I'm going to ask you a series of questions to see what kind of job you qualify for here at Hi5 Studios." Matt said.
"I just started vlogging, and Sam showed me how to edit and make a thumbnail." I said.
"This is good information." Matt said.

Matt continues to ask me questions about my skillset. I told him what I studied in college and high school. He took those skills into account of my job. Once the interview was over, we stand up.
"Congratulations, you're hired. Your first day is tomorrow. Make sure to show up at 8." Matt said.
"That's no problem, except the fact that I live in Nevada. Could we work something out?" I asked.
"You could either find someplace to live out here, or continue living where you are, and come in every week or so." Matt said.
"I think to make it easier on myself, I'll find somewhere to live here." I said.
"Great, just let me know of any complications that come up. I'm sure your colleagues will be glad to help with your move." Matt said.
"Yeah, thank you so much for the job." I said.
"I saw your passion for it. Welcome to the team." Matt said.

I am officially working here. This is so unbelievable. I never expected any of this to happen, and in a matter of days too. Now I have to explain to the superintendent of the school board why I'm quitting. It has to make sense, and I hope he lets me go. This is going to be kind of hard to explain, but in the end, it'll be so worth it.

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