Chapter 5

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With the wonderful help of Woods, we were able to get all my belongings into the moving truck. All I have to do now is turn in the key of my apartment to the office. I go down to the office and walk in.
"Short notice, but I'm moving out." I said.
"Oh, okay. You would need to withdraw from the lease." Jenny said.
"I did that online already." I said.
"Okay, you're good to go then." Jenny said.
"Bye." I said, walking out.

I get into the U-haul truck, Woods waiting for me. He pecks my cheek,
"Ready to drive all this way?"
"I guess so, I have to be. You gonna follow me in your car?" I asked.
"Right." Woods said.
He gets out and walks to his car. We pull out of the parking lot and drive to the highway. We drive west, toward California.

*Twelve Hours Later*
After such a long day on the road, we finally get back to LA. Right about now, food sounds great. Breaking my resolution, my first stop in LA was In-n-Out. I bought two burgers with fries along with a diet Dr. Pepper.
I park the truck at Woods' house for now since I don't have anywhere to live.

After taking a well-deserved nap, Woods wakes me up by spraying me with silly string.
"Ugh, what do you want?" I asked.
"I have a surprise for you." Woods said.
"What?" I asked.
"C'mon, get up. We're going to the office." Woods said.
"Ugh, okay." I said.

I run a brush through my hair and throw it up into a messy bun. I spray some perfume on me so it doesn't seem like I just drove all that way. I get into Woods' car. We arrive at Hi5 Studios. When Woods unlocks the door, I see the entire office welcoming me back. A cute poster made by Sam and Cat reads:
Welcome back, Shelly! You were missed, and we can't wait for you to start at Hi5 :)
There were adorable drawings all around the message. I can tell that everyone contributed to that poster.

I begin hugging everyone and saying 'hey' to them.
"Welcome back, lil shortie." Tanner said.
"Ha, thanks Tanner." I said.
"Yo, what's good?" Paul asked.
"Everything's great, had a long drive over here, but it was so worth it." I said.
"Hey, you ready to start work, PA." Matt teased.
"PA is the absolute bottom. What do they do?" I asked.
"Just help around with different shoots." Matt said.
"Oh, okay." I said.
"You're our little helper." Conner said.
"Yo, are these short jokes going to stop. I'm 5' 1 okay, 5' 2 on a good day." I said.
"Don't worry, they tease me too. I'm like 5' 6." Woods said.
"Anyway, where can I start, boss?" I asked.
"You're so enthusiastic, I love it." Matt said.

I grab my camera and just start vlogging. I don't care about my appearance right now. I just want to make content. Woods gave the advice of not vlogging so often. Only vlog when I have a good idea or a great bit. I took that advice and turned off my camera.
"Chillax, girl. You just got back. You don't need a camera on you 24/7." Woods joked.
"Alright, fine." I said.
"Come on, you have to help with our Rekt shoot today." Gunner said.
"On it." I said.
*cough cough* "Try hard." Pat said.
"Bruh." I say, punching his arm.

I walk onto the Rekt set. This place is crazy. All the weapons are concealed in a closet. I wonder what we're going to get up to in this video. By what I've seen before, by the title of the freaking channel; we are gonna wreck stuff! We're gonna break stuff! Time to get all that pent up teen angst out, hehe. The first thing I'm asked to do is take out all the weapons that I see in the closet. The guys ask me to line them up on the table. They leave all the fruits and veggies on the side. When everything is ready, I get out of frame, and Mitch lines up the shot.

The video goes just as planned. I watch the guys cut up, crush, and crack weird jokes in between. I couldn't ask for better friends and coworkers. They're literally the best.
"That's a wrap!" Mitch exclaimed.
"Woohoo!" I exclaimed, "That was so cool."
"We're so glad to have you around, working for us all." Gunner said.
"It's my pleasure." I said.

5 pm is quitting time. Sam suggested since Woods has cats and dogs, and I'm allergic, that I shouldn't stay at his house. It's for my own good. I booked a hotel room for the night. Tomorrow, I want to go looking for possible apartments to live in. I got a call from Sam as I'm relaxing in my room,
"Hey, so I found a cool place for you to live, I just don't know if you can afford it just yet."
"Oh, cool. You should bring me over after work tomorrow." I said.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Have a good night." Sam said.
"Night." I say, hanging up.

I place my phone on the nightstand and plug it in to charge. I soon fall asleep around ten. I have dreams of future dates with Woods, my job, and the success that I may have. I have high hopes about starting out in this city. I know it can be tough around these parts, but I know I can get through. With the help of all my friends, they'll protect me, and I can stay out of trouble. Living in LA is going to be so much fun!

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