Chapter 10

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I wake up that next morning, looking at Woods, and thinking to myself: this is the boy I want to keep for life. He's given me all I've ever wanted. I go to the bathroom and clean up. I take a shower, do my hair, makeup, and put on this outfit:

 I take a shower, do my hair, makeup, and put on this outfit:

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After getting ready, I make myself breakfast. Around 30 minutes later, Woods comes stumbling out my room, hair ruffled.
"Morning, sleepyhead." I said.
"Morning. Oh, shit. It's already 8:30. I better get going." Woods said.
"Yeah, we've got work in half an hour." I said.
"See ya later, babe." Woods said, kissing me.

I continue making breakfast as Woods heads out. I finish up and start eating. I eat all of my breakfast, wash my plate and cup, put them away, then head for work. I arrive at the office, then Sam comes up to me.
"I have the best idea ever." Sam said.
"That is?" I asked.
"You know how the guys did a 24-hour challenge?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"I think we should do that, except with all the girls." Sam said.
"That would be so fun. What's your idea for your video?" I asked.
"I was thinking of doing a bunch of DIY projects. I think it would be a good way to bond with each other, and to get to know each other better." Sam said.
"I love it. I would have to think about it, but I think my idea is a 'Spill the Tea' video, where we expose things that nobody knows about us." I said.
"Ooo, fun. What about that whole thing about keeping your relationship a secret?" Sam asked.
"I won't talk about it, or answer any questions related to it. My subscribers will have to wait until we've both ready." I said.
"Okay, cool." Sam said.

Sam has the night all planned out for us. Though it was short notice, I still came up with a good idea. Sam asked all the female coworkers to see who wants to hang out tonight. Most had other things to do, but the ones we got to invite, or who was available was Cat, Domi, and Nicole. This is going to be so much fun, I can't wait for what we're gonna get up to.
"Wait, before all this goes down, we should probably ask Matt if we could do this. If not, we could just chill in Shelly's apartment." Nicole said.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. . . Wait, hold on, I didn't agree to the whole hanging out at my place, but if we're not allowed to do this, then I guess." I said.
"Go ask, Domi." Sam said.
"Alright." Domi said.

She runs up to Matt's office. He's sitting at his desk, typing away. She walks in and asks if it's okay if we spend the night here for some fun videos. Matt replies;
"I don't think that's the best idea. You really don't want to be hanging out here after hours. It gets spooky."
"Okay, then that's a no?" Domi asked.
"No. You're not allowed to stay here after hours, and that's an order." Matt said.
"Well, okay." Domi said.

She comes back downstairs to tell us what Matt said. I guess it's a girl's night at my place. There's plenty of room. I have a spare room that I don't use very often. I was going to use that as my recording room, but decided not to since work is work, and this is home. My apartment is bigger than I had anticipated, and there's lots of room for activities.

Right when the work day was over, I get my place ready and tidy for the girls to come over. Once I was done cleaning, around 6, everyone started showing up. I made snacks for all of us. The first thing we do is film Sam's video. She films an intro, then sets up her camera onto a tripod. Sam lays out all the materials on the table.
"Okay, the goal is to make something we could all share with each other. Make something that is a gift of friendship." Sam said.
"Okay." I said.
"Got it." Nicole said.
"I'll do the best I can." Cat said.
"I've got this, I think." Domi said.

I make everyone friendship bracelets with matching necklaces. They're made of string with gold pendants. I find them so adorable. I braided the bracelets to make them look prettier. I made each necklace around twelve inches. Once I finished, I handed each one out to them.
"This is so amazing." Sam said.
"Yeah, thanks." Nicole said.
"You're literally the best." Cat said.
"Aw, you guys are gonna make me cry. It's just, I didn't expect for all of these amazing things to happen to me when I took that risk and quit my job. I just appreciate you all so much. I couldn't ask for friends better than you. I love you so much. You get me through all the hard times, along with Woods." I said, tearing up.
"Group hug!" Domi said.

We all gather into a wholesome group hug. The warmth and love from my friends made me feel better. We finished up Sam's video. She made us cute rings. Nicole made custom planners with little drawings. Domi made us lovely, painted mugs. Cat wrote us messages, making me emotional, yet again. Then, we moved onto filming my video.

I went to Twitter for questions. Within a few seconds, I got thousands of replies. I went through the replies to search for the best questions, avoiding any about Woods and I. Sam also looked for questions for us to answer. After searching for the best questions, we start filming my video. We answer as many questions as possible. I hope I satisfied my followers by answering their questions.

Now, it's time to just chillax. Just as we get into a great Netflix show, someone rings my doorbell. I go to my door and open it. It's Woods, of course.
"Hey. . ." Woods said.
"Um, the girls and I were having a girl's night, so would you mind?" I asked.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know. I can leave." Woods said.
"Please. I'll see you tomorrow." I said, kissing him goodbye.

I plop back down on my couch with the rest of the girls. Nicole asks me who was there. I told her it was just Woods and she moved her eyebrows up and down. She thought I was going to invite him in and stuff would happen. Of course I wouldn't do that when my friends are over, and trying to bond. It would ruin the moment. For the rest of the night, we just gossiped and binge-watched a lot of Netflix.

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