Chapter 45

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That morning, Woods and I go to work, Cora and Brett go to school, Natalie and Luke go adventuring around LA. This time, they want to go see the Hollywood sign and go hiking around the Hollywood Hills. I hope they enjoy themselves out there in the California bush. Hopefully they don't get attacked by coyotes, but that's highly unlikely since coyotes only like to come out at night, for most of the time.

While at work, I help Sam with her video. It's a DIY challenge. We have make a cute painting in 10 minutes or less. This gives me real anxiety. I am so scared that this won't look good. I start with reference pictures. I look at the picture of a sunset on an ocean over and over. The sunset is a blend of red, orange, pink, and purple. I take as much time as in need, in the constraint of the 10 minutes. Once I think I've finished, the product isn't so bad. Sam told me we need to reveal our art to each other at the end of the 10 minutes. When Sam's finished, we are back to back with our paintings.
"3, 2, 1. Reveal." Sam said.

We turn to each other and show each other what we made. Sam's jaw drops. She told me that it's really good. I thought it wasn't that good, but now looking at it, I think it's pretty good too. It's a picture of an animated animal in a Japanese style. It even has Japanese letters next to it. I love it, it's so adorable. We end up hanging up our master pieces in the common office for all to see. Every time someone walks in they can admire our art. They look so cute next to each other.

After work, Woods and I get dinner. We go get the most amazing food in all of LA. We come home and the two couples are cuddling on the couch, watching a romantic movie on Netflix. We leave them to their own devices and go to our room. Woods and I sit in our room, working on our new song. We have all the lyrics, we just need to add instruments to it. We go into the piano room to see if piano would sound good with this song. After listening through it, we think that the song sounds amazing to piano. We slap some guitar to it and it'll be perfect.

When we finish the song, we send the sample to Mike. He responds with great feedback, with some things we could change or add to make it even better. We go to the studio to begin recording. The first verse was sung by Woods, then I take the second. We take turns singing the verses, then we sing the chorus together with beautiful harmony. Mike applauds another great song added to our soon-to-release EP.

We go back home and see all the teenagers being a little frisky.
"Take it to your rooms. Don't stain the couch." Woods said, teasing them.
"Daaadd." Cora groans.
"C'mon you guys, you have bedrooms for a reason." I said.
"Fine." Brett said.
"Now we can have the couch to ourselves." Woods said.
"You have a bedroom for a reason." Cora mocks.
I only roll my eyes and join Woods on the couch.

The next day goes like any other. A great work day and Brett and Cora going to school. This time, they wanted Natalie and Luke to follow them around campus so Natalie can see what school is like. Luke had missed that one day of school because he wanted to take Natalie around the city, but now he's back. They go to each class as usual. Natalie personally likes German school better because they're built to hold all the students, instead of having cramped hallways. I'll accept that. Germans were always at being innovative. Brett, Cora, Natalie, and Luke come home from school. They go to their rooms to do homework. By the sound of the guitar, Brett is working on something for guitar class. I'm so proud of him. He's been getting good grades lately, and has been paying more attention in class.

Woods and I come home from work. I got the bad news from Woods that his channel has been discontinued. I wondered why until I watched Matt's video. His video explains everything. It was mostly Matt who had some problems with it. Since the discontinuation of his channel, now Woods and I only share our joint channel. Matt's not worry about it because it's our personal channel, and not technically a part of Hi5 Studios. I just hope that Woods and I have success with our channel, just like any other YouTuber. So far, the channel seems to do pretty good. We've been having so much fun with vlogging and telling people what's going on in our personal lives. Sometimes Brett and Cora have their little takeover of our channel with their own segments they've titled: The Brett & Cora Show. I think it's cute. They crack jokes, do covers, or say whatever's on their mind.

That evening, I serve everyone dinner. Since this is Natalie's last day in America before going home, I made it extra special. I also made it challenge to speak German to her for the rest of the night. It'll be difficult, but I'll try my best. Plus, she'll correct me if I'm wrong. I say my first sentence confidently:
"Abendessen wird serviert."
"Gut, sieght köstlich aus." Natalie said.
"What?" Brett asked.
"Ich werde dich später unterrichten." Natalie said.
"Okay. . ." Brett said.
"Alles schmeckt gut, Natalie?" I asked.
"Ja, ja. Es ist tolle." Natalie said.
"Gut, und danke, dass Sie heute Abend dabei sind. Habe morgen einen sicheren Flug." I said.
"Vielen Dank. Ich werde dich alle vermissen. Besonders du, Brett." Natalie said.
"I still have no idea what you're saying." Brett said.
"This moment would of been way more sweet if he actually knew what she was saying." Woods said.
"She said she'll miss you. Vermissen means: the act of missing someone. Got it?" I asked.
"Oh, thanks mom. Urm, Ich vermisse dich, right?" Brett asked.
"Zur gut." Natalie said, "You did good."
"Well, we loved having you here Natalie. Hope you have a good flight back home. Say hi to your family for us." Woods said.
"I will, thank you." Natalie said.

I put the dishes in the sink and wash my hands before taking Natalie to the airport. She puts her bags into the trunk of my car and hops into the front seat. We talk about what her plan is with Brett. I'm happy to hear that Brett is planning on proposing to her during graduation. After receiving his diploma, he'll call Natalie to the stage. Then, the big question will be asked. Aw, he's following in papa's footsteps. Both Woods and I married young, but not as young as 18. Brett beat us at that game. I'm so excited for them. That wedding will be something I'll never forget. I drop Natalie off at the airport, give her a hug, then she's on her way. Lovely girl she is. I'm glad that Brett chose such a sweet girl like her. She's so nice and cares about a lot of people. It'll be hard to let Brett go to Germany, but I'm sure it'll be worth while. What a life they'll have out there.

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