Chapter 46

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*2 Years Later*
Today is the day of graduation for Brett and Cora. Sadly, Luke and Natalie couldn't be here to witness it, but Woods and I are here. I watch at each student is given their diploma, on the happiest day of their lives. Soon, it was Brett and Cora's turn. Cora was called first, then Brett. I snap pictures with my giant camera. I motioned for them to pause there for a picture with their principal and vice principal. I tell them to move on once I've got the picture. You know, I was wrong when I said Luke and Natalie weren't here, because actually, they were hiding among the crowd. Brett pauses on the stairs and goes back up them. He whispers to his principal:
"May I call someone up really quickly to ask them something?"
"Yes, but make it quick." The principal said.
"Okay cool," he walks up to the microphone, "Today was the most exciting day of my life. I graduated. I may not of made it top of my class, but I know we all have futures ahead of us. I'd like to spend a life with a curtain someone. . . Can Natalie Mayer please come forward."

Natalie walks up to the stage, wearing the most beautiful dress in the world. Brett had tried to keep this proposal a secret, but it slipped out during one of their conversations. Brett walks up to Natalie and holds both her hands. He begins his speech;
"Natalie, beautiful, my life, my whole world. When I met you, I knew you were the one. The one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I never want you to walk away ever again. I don't want anymore long nights on the phone, knowing you could be laying next to me. So. . . Natalie Mayer, will you marry me?"
"Yes, for a million times, yes! Ich liebe dich!" Natalie exclaims.

Brett slides the diamond ring on her finger and they share a passionate kiss. This is the ring Brett had bought for Natalie:

 This is the ring Brett had bought for Natalie:

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It shines in the sunlight. The crowd goes insane as Brett and Natalie continue kissing. The principal walks up to them to congratulate them,
"You know, Demars, I didn't expect you to ever come back up from the rut you dug yourself into, but you did. Now, you're engaged and going to make a life for yourself. I sure am proud of you, son. You're gonna go places in life. I wish you both a happy marriage. Go have fun out there, together."

Brett and Natalie come off stage, the crowd still cheering and applauding. I run up to them and give them hugs. My baby boy is now a man. That's the first step in life, find yourself a girl whom you can settle down with. The next is just to have kids and continue the family line. Woods pats Brett on the back. They hug each other. That's the most wholesome thing I've seen them do. Usually, it's just playful punches and arguing. Woods is beyond proud of Brett and what's he's been able to accomplish. I'm proud of him too. He's come so far, and I can't wait to see what's he going to do while living in Germany.

Now it's onto Cora and Luke. What do they have planned? Well, to celebrate graduation, Luke flew Cora all the way to Sweden to hit the most romantic, beautiful spot in all of Sweden. It's called  Blå Lagunen on the island of Gotland. That place is incredibly beautiful. Luke was also dropping hints about being the next ones to be engaged. No wonder he took Cora to that place. It's the dream location of engagement. This is what Blå Lagunen looks like:

Immediately after getting engaged, Cora sent me a million selfies of Luke and her kissing, hugging, and pictures of her ring, which looked like this:

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Immediately after getting engaged, Cora sent me a million selfies of Luke and her kissing, hugging, and pictures of her ring, which looked like this:

Immediately after getting engaged, Cora sent me a million selfies of Luke and her kissing, hugging, and pictures of her ring, which looked like this:

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Both my kids are engaged! Not only that, but they're engaged at the age of 18 and 19! That is unbelievable. Brett is in Germany and Cora's in Sweden. They're both spending time with their fiances in the most beautiful parts of Europe. Oh, I'd been there too. Just travelling the world with my love, living life to the absolute fullest. I hope they have so much more fun later on. Then, they'll come back to visit. I had asked Cora and Brett to text and call as much as often. Cora had agreed to move in with Luke in Stockholm and attend college there. Brett will be attending college at a music school in Berlin. It would be so cute if they had a double wedding, where all of Luke's and Natalie's family attended, then had a giant party afterwards. Only time will tell where those two couples will go. I couldn't be more happy for them. When Woods had heard about Cora getting engaged, he couldn't stop talking about it. He just went on and on about it, how excited he is for their wedding. For both Brett's and Cora's. When I had finally gotten him to calm down, the rest of the night he spent talking to Brett. I had spent the rest of the night talking to Cora. I gave her great advice and answered all her questions about weddings and life in general. Since she's so young, I told she has all the time in the world. She doesn't have to have kids right away. I told her to explore the world, see what's out there. When the time comes, then settle down and have a family. She thanked me for the advice, then hung up as she needed to go do something for Luke. Woods had spoken to Brett about almost the same thing. He shared his experience, this helping Brett get a reference point of how marriage actually works. He also told him that they're young, they'll make loads of mistakes, but they'll have the time of their lives out there. Brett loved his advice and will take it to heart.

With all of this said, this is the end of our story, but the start of a new one. Brett and Cora will continue on their venture out in Sweden and Germany. Cora will be attending the most prestigious college in all of Stockholm. Brett will be working on his music career as he attends classes all related to music production, the technical side of music, and everything in between. With each new update I get, the more excited I get about what will happen next. Brett and Cora have just scratched the surface of life. It'll get more amazing, the more they discover. This is the end. Brett and Cora are out of the house, and now Woods and I are left to do our own thing again. Who knows what life will bring those two. Whether it be bad or good, I hope they enjoy it nonetheless. I just know they'll love it out there. They've already told us so much, and there will be so much more to come in the future.

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