Chapter 7

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Today is our day off, it's finally the weekend. My first real work week ended. I enjoyed my time so far. Woods is taking me out for our first real date. Man, there's a lot of firsts happening. I'm not complaining. Woods is planning to drive all the way out to Vegas. Looks like we're going back to my home state.
"I'm telling you right now that I will not drink or do any drugs." I said.
"Oh, then what's the point of this?" Woods asked.
"I'd really appreciate it if we could have fun without drinking, please." I said.
"Oh, okay fine. I'll respect that. It's probably what's best for me anyway." Woods said.
"For the record, I've seen what addiction does to my aunt. It was so scary. For your own good, I advise you to not drink anymore." I said.
"You're gonna help me be healthier by not drinking." Woods said.
"Yeah, exactly. Anyway, what's the agenda for Sin City?" I asked.
"Zip-lining, nice dinner at a restaurant, a helicopter ride, jumping off the Stratosphere, and to end our night, a stay the Golden Nugget Hotel." Woods said.
"That sounds amazing and fun." I said.
"Ready to go then?" Woods asked.
"Let me pack up some stuff first." I said.
"Okay, I'll be back in an hour." Woods said, leaving.

I pack a backpack perfect for one night. This is only a day trip to Vegas, but I know, from what Woods has told me, is going to be the best day of my life. I finish packing and text Woods.
Hey, I'm ready to go now.
Woods: Okay, be right over
Woods picks me up and we begin our venture to shimmering, shining Las Vegas. Fun fact, Tanner is from Vegas. Anyway, we make the four-hour drive over. Once arriving, our first activity is going zip lining on Fremont Street. We're suited up to zipline. I aim the go pro at Woods and I. Filming my hilarious, screaming face, I look as if I'm having so much fun.

Once we get to the other side of Fremont, we're unhooked from the rig, then go down, and walk down the street to look around. Next on the agenda is the helicopter ride over the strip.
"Woods, a helicopter?!" I asked, shocked.
"Yup." Woods said.
"How did you afford this?" I asked.
"A magician never reveals his tricks." Woods said.
"This is amazing. I've had the greatest time of my life. I love you so much, babe." I said.
"I love you too." Woods said.
The ride started just as the sun was about to set. Soon, the city lit up beautifully. I took multiple pictures so I would never forget this experience. I have one picture of Woods kissing my cheek.

The helicopter lands. The last thing that Woods has planned before we go to our hotel room is of course, jumping off the Stratosphere. I'm scared of heights, but I guess this is the time to get over that fear. We take an elevator all the way to the top. Passes are wrapped around our wrists and we're suited up into outfits for jumping.
"You have no idea how scared I am." I said.
"Trust me, I know. Every time you step closer to the edge, you step back. You've got this. You're not gonna get hurt." Woods said.
I nod my head, "Okay."

I press record on my go pro, then jump off. I scream going down and try not think about splattering dead on the ground. I land safely on the matt with no injuries. Looks like I worried for no reason. Soon after, Woods comes flying down, obviously not as scared as me. I give him the biggest hug ever.
"See that wasn't so bad." Woods said.
"You're right. I think I might be over my fear of heights." I said.
"Good for you. Now, it's hotel and hot tub time." Woods said.
"Ooo, nice." I said.

We drive to the beautiful Nugget hotel. We check into our room and get into our swim wear. We're lucky because there's no one else in the hot tub. We get it all to ourselves. You could say things got a little steamy, if you know what I mean. Okay, I'm sorry for the cringe. Spur of the moment. We hang in there, just chatting, talking about our past and stuff.

When we finish chillaxing in the hot tub, we go to our room to dry off. For the rest of the night, nothing really interesting happened. We basically just cuddled and went on our socials. After such an amazing day in Vegas, it was time to to back on the grind, and head back to LA.
"Thanks for bringing me out here." I said.
"It was my pleasure. I have better and bigger dates planned. Like something you've always dreamt of." Woods said.
"That's nice to hear. Can't wait til that day comes." I said.

We make the drive back to LA. We check back in at the office, returning to our regular schedule. Sam and Cat welcomed us back. They asked what we got up to. I showed them the pictures I had taken. They told me that it looked like so much fun. Sam especially told me that should of been the moment Woods should of proposed.
"What's with everyone wanting us to get married?" Woods asked.
"You guys are adorable and have such chemisty. How could you not spend the rest of your lives together?" Cat asked.
"Again, we need time to think about that. Check back in, in about a year." I said.
"Okay. . ." Sam said.
We continue working and finish up our day. I go to my apartment to rest from our eventful trip. I lay there, dreaming of what Woods possibly could of planned for the future. I wonder if he would ever take me out of the country. If that were ever to happen, I wouldn't even wait for him to propose. I'd ask him myself, breaking gender stereotypes. That would be great if I did that. Some day, that day will come. But, for now, I'm just enjoying dating Woods. I don't want to rush anything right now.

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