Chapter 19

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Our second day in Greece began with a trip to see all the historic sites of Athens. The first one is the Patheon. We get a ride to the Patheon. When we arrive it's like a blast from the past. Most of the site is mostly intact. That's incredible. To think that a building that was built thousands of years ago, still stands today. Our tour guide takes around the entire site, giving us information and history on the Patheon.

We walk on the trail that the tour guide that Greek gods and goddesses walked. That's really cool. The tour guide also showed us some pictures and paintings from the time that they walked this trail. We finished the tour of the Patheon, we moved on to the next historical site. This one is the Acropolis of Athens. We arrive at the Acropolis and I'm amazed, yet again. The pillars are so tall, and all of it in general, is massive.

I take pictures of this place and of Woods and I.
"I'll remember this forever." I said.
"Yeah, me too. I love you so much." Woods said.
"Love you too." I said.
We walk around the entire Acropolis, taking our time to take everything in. Around noon time, we go to lunch at Mani Mani. It's a Greek restaurant that has the most delicious looking food in the universe. For a starter, I order their homemade ravioli. Woods ordered mussels. As a main, I order chicken breast. Woods orders lamb. My drink of choice is Dr. Pepper. Woods' drink is water.

We get our food. Instantly, my mouth is salivating. I start eating my food, not hesitating. I spill some ravioli sauce on my shirt and wipe it off with a napkin. Woods giggles at my messiness. I think it's cute he thinks it's funny. I finish my appetizer then move on to my main dish. I slice into the chicken and it's so juicy. I can't wait to put this in my mouth. I take my first bite and it's so good.
"This is the best." I said.
"So is this. Greece knows their way around food." Woods said.
"Yeah." I said.

We finished up lunch, then went to our last place of the day. The last place is called the Temple of Olympian Zeus. The tour guide gave all the history of this place as well. We walked the whole trail. We pause to look out at the gulf that looks so beautiful. We finish the tour around the Temple of Olympian Zeus. By that time, the sun was setting and it's about to get dark.

We head back to our hostel to chill. I start reading a book I had bought back in Germany. It's the Deutsch version of  Hunger Games, titled Hungerspiele. It's a bit difficult to read it at first, but then after a while, I start getting the hand of it. Woods sits at the desk, writing a new song. He can't add instruments until we get back home, but he's jotting down ideas, and a few ideas. I finish reading the first few chapters, then check up on Woods.
"What are you writing?" I asked.
"A song. I still can't decide which lyrics are better. I'm on the fence." Woods said.
"Let me take a look." I said.
"Okay, here." Woods said, handing me his notebook.
I take a moment to read both sets of lyrics. I think about it briefly, then hand him his notebook back.
"I think this set on the left has a deeper meaning and better lyrics." I said.
"Okay, thanks for the help." Woods said.
"No problem." I said.

I plop down on the bed, then Sam facetimes me. I answer her.
"Yo, what's up?" I asked.
"Nothing, just checking on my world traveling bestie." Sam said.
"I'm good. Woods and I toured the famous temples of Greece." I said.
"I heard you two love birds are engaged now." Sam said.
"Yeah, and?" I asked.
"I'm happy for you. I cannot wait for the wedding." Sam said.
"Me neither. I still need to choose my dress and stuff." I said.
"There's a great wedding shop in LA that I can show you. Catherine showed me. I went dress shopping with her." Sam said.
"Nice. When I get back, I'll make suee to check it out." I said.
"Okay, cool. How are you?" Sam asked.
"Great, how about you?" I asked.
"Good. I finished filming a collab with Tanner and Paul." Sam said.
"That's great. Well, it's getting late here, I'll have to go." I said.
"Oh, okay. Have a good night, see you soon." Sam said, hanging up.

Woods takes a break from writing a song, and joins me in bed. We go to bed peacefully. In my head, I plan out what we're going to do tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. That morning, I take a shower. We grab breakfast in the lobby. This time, Woods planned what we're doing today. We're going to the Museum of the City of Athens. It's a nice museum. We walk in and there's artifacts and artwork from the history of Athens.

We walk through every section of the museum. Some fans walk up to us while looking at some art.
"Woods, I love your vlogs." She says.
"Oh, thanks. What's your name?" Woods asked.
"Selene. Could I take a picture with you?" Selene asks.
"Sure." Woods said.
I pop out of frame. I'm asked to take the picture for them. I snap the picture and hand Selene's phone back to her.
"It was nice meeting you." Woods said.
"Nice meeting you too." Selene said, walking away.

We continue our walk through the museum. Once we've seen everything, we go out to lunch. We went to a little cozy restaurant. I get a toasty turkey sandwich. Woods orders a salad. We eat our food, then head out. Woods says that we should go to the infinity pool located on the top floor of the hostel. I think that's a great idea. We get in our swimsuits and spend the afternoon swimming around in the infinity pool. I couldn't love a place more than this.

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