Noah Grey and his curly black hair

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP" , I hit the clock with my hand causing a thud before hearing another "BEEP BEEP BEEP". I've only managed to make it farther away. "Shut the fuck uppppppppp" I whined at no one. The clock kept screaming at me. I finally got up and turned it off. School is about to start, I knew I'd be late because this was the 5th time I snoozed the clock. I wasn't changed yet and Clouse walked in. "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! YOU READY?!" he looked at me and noticed I was still not changed. "Shit!" He said "school is about to start dumbass and you're not changed?"

Giving him a side eye I hurried into my closet and closed the door behind me, the closet was pretty big. The small yellow closet light flashed my eyes and it took me a second to adjust them. Almost everything in it was solid black or white. Loose black ripped jeans and a matching black jacket, paired up with a white t-shirt and high top converse. I stepped out, (IF I see any of you guys comment he came out of the closet I'm gonna laugh my ass off)
"about damn time" Clouse scuffled
I rolled my eyes at his words in response.

I looked at his yellow and blue outfit.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" I joked going into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"What do you mean? This outfit is better than yours you emo! It's called aesthetic!" He looked down at his outfit in embarrassment anyway.
"You whine like a girl" I said through my toothpaste filled mouth.
"Well you act like a girl"
I finished brushing my teeth, hurried to grab my backpack and left the house following into Clouse's jeep.
"Why are you driving?" I questioned
He turned up the volume.
"Hello?!" I tired again
He turned it up even more.
"Oh fuck off you douchebag"
He grinned as saying "I successfully annoyed you. Besides you were late and it ISS my car"

We rolled up and saw the front of the school.
"I can't wait to get the hell out of here" is the first thing I said
"Me too, I hate this damn school"
"Oh, now you wanna talk?" I answered sarcastically
He laughed

I got out of the car smiled at the first girl I saw. Her face familiar, but I was unsure from where I knew her. Probably made out once or twice.
She walked next to me
"hey gray" she started. Her straight blonde hair curled to perfection.
I looked at her then walked away, I dont really talk to girls unless I want something. And I know for a fact she's doing the same.
Clouse finally catching up to me.

I spotted Maya who ran up to Clouse and gave him a kiss.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked her
"Follow me." She led us to Mike's locker. There was Clay too. We were all together again. Yay?
I shook hands, hugged and greeted them all.

Then I looked around the hallway and saw him, Troye Lindmann. He was my neighbour but I didn't know he went to this school. He comes over here and there when his mom comes over.
Rushing putting something in his locker and closing it, before he his eye caught mine. He looked at me then walked away embarrassed. My gaze got interrupted by Maya who reminded me the bell was about to ring.
"Alright,well I gotta go" I said walking away into a different hallway, passing a bunch of girls waving and smiling at me. As I got into class the teacher rolled her eyes
"I've heard a lot about you Noah Gray" she gave me an annoyed tone
"Yeah well everyone has, your not special" I answered, shrugging my shoulders.
"Just don't do anything stupid, I just met you and I already want to call your Parents" She scuffed
"Call em' they never answer anyway"
I sat down next to Clouse who somehow got here before me.

(A few periods later)
It was finally lunch and I walked out of class into the long crowded hallway, it was too loud with people yelling and laughing. I walked up to open my locker, then heard footsteps. I turned around and saw him again. I ignored him and placed my things inside. I never talked to him before so it's not like we were friends. I walked away and made my way into the cafeteria. Maya waved to let me knew where they were. I already knew where they were, we sat there every year. I sat down and talked to them about some more meaningless stuff until I heard.
"I'm throwing a party, it's tomorrow, seniors only." Came from Maya. Expected.
"I'm there already" Clouse said with a smirk
"Count me in" I said
"Me too" Mike added
"Yeah same" Clay responded.
"Alright, open invite" Maya said.

I got in Clouse's jeep again and he took me home,
"bye" I said
"Bye" he waved driving off.
I opened the door with my keys and walked up the stairs.
"How was school" Said Emily
"Shit" I answered
"Don't talk to your sister that way, she cant hear that type of language" Responded my mom, like she cares anyway. She doesn't give a shit about what I do.
"tu parles comme ça aussi" I told her
I only knew French because I've been taking it since freshman year. My mom knew French as her first language.
"ne commence pas un combat" she answered
I rolled my eyes
"et ne me donne pas cette attitude" she continued
"What's going on? What did you say?" Said Emily
"None of your business" I argued hurrying up the stairs.

I took the cigarette box out of my backpack and lit one to clear off my mind. After I was done, I layed on the bed to take a nap, that became a nap so long I woke up the next morning.

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(nov 14,2019) update: ew i'm reading this rn and i'm cringing at it. i'm glad u guys like it but i wrote it when i was 13 and published it later i-

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