Noah Gray and his bad boy tatoos

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"Yeah, of course come in" I heard my mom say from upstairs.
I took a peek to see who it was. Oh, it's Troye and his mom. I kept looking at Troye as he walked in. He was wearing a baby blue hoodie that brought out his eyes and dark blue jeans. Are his nails...painted? His eyes looked up, catching me staring at him and looked away. I walked back upstairs but before I can escape the long greetings,
"NOAH!" mom called. I came back down.
Why don't you take Troye to your room?"
This wasn't expected. I looked at him, then at mom, then back at him. Finally I nodded. He followed me.

We passed the picture frames hanging on the walls next to the wodden stairs and the hallway, into my messy room.
He stood there.

"You can sit down" I said throwing myself on my bed.
He sat on the end of my unmade bed.
"Sorry, you had to bring me here, you didn't have to." he spoke with shyness to his voice.
"Its whatever, what'd you wanna do?"
He looked at me then looked around my room as if searching for something. He kept quiet.
"Well...I don't really know...anything you wanna do...I don't wanna be annoying..."
"Your not. Just say something"
I wanted him to get comfortable. It's hard talking when he's this shy.
"Well, do you have netflix?"
"Yeah" I took the remote and turned on a movie "black mirror:thundersnatch" it read.
30 minutes later*

We hadn't spoke much, just when it got good. He was so zoned in to the movie, he forgot where he was. He was hugging my pillow that's sitting in his lap. Almost to protect himself from the movie. It was kinda cute to look at.

He wasn't that close to me, I was almost all the way across the bed. I checked again, his nails were painted.
Wish I can do that.

His mom came in to say that It was time for Troye to leave. He thanked me and left. He left his jacket, though, I only noticed after he left. Shit.

The next morning, I drove my car out the drive way. On my way to school, I passed by a few houses and saw Troye walking. I didn't wanna say anything but my mouth spoke before I could think about it.
"HEY!" I yelled out my window
He looked at me and smiled "Oh, hey"
"Come in, I'll drive you" why did I say that? I hardly know him.
"Its fine, I'm-im fine" he stuttered, it was freezing. He was hugging himself to keep warm.
He's refusing to look at me
"No really, come in" I said again.
"Its really not that far" he answered still refusing to look at me. Looking everywhere else. Look at me.
"Look, I'm not going to force you but....come on?" I really didn't have to do that.
He finally looked at me,but not in my eyes, "Ok, thank you. I didnt wanna bother you"
He got in to the backseat and closed the door behind him.
It was raining. I told myself. That's why I let him in. I repeated.
"Thanks, you really didn't have to." Came from Troye.
"Don't worry about it" I told him as he looked out the window.

He seemed a little scared of me, like I was going to hurt him? Which, I wasn't. I'm not like that.....well....not to him.
"What's wrong? You seem scared?"
"I'm just...not used to people....especially people like you...being, you know? I just don't trust people like you"
"Like me?" I asked pretending not to know what he meant.
"You know, bad people...not saying your bad or anything! Your not! But like bad as in teenager bad?" he hesitates on his words
I chuckled, he seemed embarrassed.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. I brought your jacket. You forgot it."
I handed him the jacket to the back and he smiled.
"Thank you, again" he said, his facing turning pink. It showed because he was pale.
"Your turning pink" I speak my mind.
He covered his face with the jacket and mumbled "I'm sorry"
"Hey"- he looked at me again- "don't apologise"
When we got there Maya came running at my car.
"Who's this?" Was the first thing she said, rolling her eyes. Looking at Troye, it made him more nervous. I didn't want that. Not that I cared.
"This is Troye, my neighbor. I drove him" I answered
"Oooookkkkayyyy? She dragged the word out. "Your still coming to the party, right?"
I nodded. Troye was silent.
"You can leave now!" She practically yelled at him.
"I'm-im sorry- I didn't wanna interrupt your conversation. I'm so sorry. I'll go now." he replied
"Whatever, weirdo, just leave" she crossed her arms.
"Don't fucking talk to people like that maya"
I said.
She looked at me, kind of mad. He heard that, but left.
"Ok, what the fuck is wrong with you?" What's wrong with me?
"What's wrong with you? You were being a bitch"
"Whatever, let's just go. And never yell at me again. Before I expose you on snapchat, I got dirt on you, you know"
She smiled, it was a joke.
I laughed, "you and your millions of followers"


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