Troye Lindmann and his curly blond locks

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I was a nervous wreck. I was about to walk into a new school. With new faces and new drama then new reasons to leave. I had nowhere to go and saw no familiar face.
" so...are you gonna get out,or....?" Sam said.
"Right, sorry" I snapped back to life then left his car.

I went straight to class and put my head down until the class walked in. I heared the class get louder the more people came in. Ugh it's too early for class. I looked around, girls greeting each other talking about how much they missed each other, giggles and hugs from their side, most new ones swapping snapchats.

The boys saying 'bro' too many times to count and giving eachother hanshakes then a half hug. They were talking about summer, moving the hairs off their faces every second. They all looked like models, all of them. One hotter than the other. Damn, when am I gonna look like that?

Then I saw Noah, I've seen him around. I saw him earlier in the hallway. He was being the douchebag he is to the teacher. He looked at me as if to say
"I saw you around, what're you doing here?"
Giving me a raised eyebrow and sat on the table next to him and the boys.
They were all snacks, the snack squad. I laughed to myself. I rolled my eyes at him. We never got along. He smelled like cigarettes and cologne. Girls liked that smell.

To be honest, it was hot, he was only two seats next to me,sitting next to him was Clouse. Another douchebag with different hair. Clouse had straight, middle parted, light brown hair. Noah's hair was wavy and jet black. Their eyes were different too, Clouse had light eyes but Noah's were dark and bigger.

Why did I care, anyway? I looked at something else, the poster on the wall reading "be polite to everyone, this is a safe space" a girl I didn't know sat down in the middle of me and Noah in the empty seat. Twirling her hair and flirting with him. He talked back to her. The amount of giggling she did would make you think he was actually funny. What a man whore. I looked away in disgust. And saw another girl sit in front of me. She turned back.

"Hey, I'm Maggie" she happily introduced
"T-Troye" I answered. How did I stutter on my name? I was just surprised.
"Are you new? I haven't seen you around? I like your nails!" She's very cheerful.
Shoot. I forgot to take off the light blue polish.
"That's because I am new, I came straight to class when I came to school, and thanks"
"Is that why you're still wearing a backpack?"
I totally forgot about my backpack too. Quickly taking it off and wrapping it around my chair.
"Oh, yeah." I didn't know what to say.
"Ok well, see you around" she smiled, her smile lit up the room.
She left the seat and sat somewhere else. I frowned. All the girls went to talk to her.
The teacher started the boring history lesson and I side eyed Noah who wasn't listening and instead trying to hide his phone and texting...whoever.

After school Maggie ran and caught up to me,
"Where were you at lunch?" she said panting like she ran a mile.
"The library" I answered
"Why, come sit with us next time" her voice disappointed.
"That depends on who "us" is"
"Don't worry, they'll love you, it's just me and a few others"
"Okay then, I'll look for you"
"Hey, Maya's throwing a party, your coming right?"
"I don't know, party's aren't my thing"
"You have to come! It'll be so much fun! Me and my friends are gonna be there, you can stay with us! Pleaaaassse" she whined looked at me waiting for a response
"....fine!..." I gave her my number
"yay!! Text me the address" she smiled wide
"Will do!"
She hugged me way too tight and walked away. She's really happy, wonder what that's like.
I got into Sam's car.
"Who's that?"
I looked back at Maggie, she waved
" just Maggie."
"Is she your friend"
"I mean...I guess"
He looked at me confused.
"Hey, um...can you take me somewhere tomorrow?" here we go
"Depends, where"
"Uh...a p-party" I hesitated
I cut him off "Oh god, I knew you'd do this, why did I even ask" I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, but seriously, why now? You hated party's"
"Still do"
"Then why the change of heart?"
"I really don't know, I just wanna fit in and make friends, and yeah, actually, Maggie did invite me."
"Do you like her?"
My eyes met his "dude......did you forget im gay or something?"
"I know, but I thought.....Anyway, you know high school party's are like, bad? They have drinking,and girls,and sex,and-
"Ew! I know!" I don't actually know...
"Well then stay safe, and yeah I can take you"
"Thanks dad" I joked
"Shut up!" He gave me a small push

DAS IT faggots (chill out, issa joke.)

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