His crowd of friends

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Noah's POV:
The police guy with a name tag reading "Nathan" placed both me and Kevin in this one small cell, this wasn't prison it was just a building with a few cells. Troye and this other officer went in a different room to question him about the "violence" while I had to wait for my mom to come pick me up.
I turned away from the long iron rods
"This is all your fucking fault" I yelled at him
"Yeah, sure. Because I was the one to hit first"
"But you were the one to bring up something I told you not to, just because we were friends before and you know things like that, doesn't mean you go around telling everyone. I told you, It was a one-time thing. Shut the fuck up about it,yeah?"
"You're fucking bipolar, one minute your in love and the other second you hate. You're weird. How much you wanna bet your gonna kiss that kid, too"
"Oh fuck off, just, if you tell anyone I'll make sure to ruin your fucking life, more than your Parents do, okay mate?"
"Don't call me that, faggot"
"Fuck you!"
My mom came and gave me an angry look. She looked at me through the bars.
"Vous savez combien il est difficile de voir votre propre fils derrière les barreaux?"
"non, mais rien de plus difficile que de voir ta mère essayer de renier son sang à cause de leur putain de sexualité."
She looked angrier and her face flushed red.
"combien de fois je te dis de ne pas en parler. Je ne veux pas vous entendre dire ça encore une fois. vous êtes si jeune et stupide pour comprendre jamais! Nous parlerons plus tard!"
(I know you can't understand it. This is part of the story. Imagine if it were in a movie and they spoke a diff language. You just need to know that she's angry)
She left to talk to the police. The guy named Nathan came back and unlocked the door, he then said
"now, I don't want to see you kids in a fight, ever again"
"Shut up, Nathan" I said
My mom gave him a sorry look.
"I'll let that slide for your mom, but Mrs.Gray, please control your son"
The car ride home was awkward and silent because we had to take Troye back who looked extra upset and on the verge of tears. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was sorry for running off and sorry for fucking his day up and sorry for not saying sorry. But I couldn't. I didn't. I sat there and moved my eye to my left every once in awhile and gave him a small glance. He didn't look at me. He was facing the window. Once we got to his house my mom said,
"I'm so sorry sweetie, tell your mom I'm very sorry and it'll never happen again"
He nodded and turned around without a single word, his presence disappeared through his red front door.


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