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This is what you should imagine them as,

Troye Lindmann: Blue eyes, light brown almost blond hair

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Troye Lindmann: Blue eyes, light brown almost blond hair. Soft jawline, freckles. Likes posters, has anxiety and is a Gemini. His nails are always painted, he gets made fun of for if. When he blushes, it's really visible. Has never been in a relationship and cried when one direction split up, he loves Music. Music is his everything.

Noah Gray: an absolute daddy, almost always has a scar or a bruise that makes him hotter, jet black hair, dark chocolate eyes

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Noah Gray: an absolute daddy, almost always has a scar or a bruise that makes him hotter, jet black hair, dark chocolate eyes. Jawline that would cut a homophobe and varies taboos, some places you'll see later in the book *wink*

 Jawline that would cut a homophobe and varies taboos, some places you'll see later in the book *wink*

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Clouse Jamal: Though he doesn't look it, actually born in the middle east, Iraq to be exact. Left at the age of two. Highlighted hair, dark brown eyes. Always wears that stupid necklace, girls think it's a conversation starter.

Maya Stevens: Girls always want to be her, they are all her best friend

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Maya Stevens: Girls always want to be her, they are all her best friend. But they talk so much shit about her behind her back, don't worry she returns the favor. Talks about why Clouse doesn't fuck her as much anymore almost always. If you're looking for her, she's getting her eyebrows threaded. Light brown hair and emerald eyes. Resting bitch face. Actually cries about her insecurities and her family want her to be perfect.

Maggie Rose Maze: prefers her middle name, She writes it in every social media

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Maggie Rose Maze: prefers her middle name, She writes it in every social media. EVERONE loves her. She's in every single group, the popular and the nerdy and the in between. Her Instagram laggs because of all the likes. Girls trust her because she's very inclusive and never talks shit. Doesn't want to date, rejects people everyday, girls and guys. Has a single mom who would kill for her anyday. Too nice. Light brown hair and almost green eyes, freckles. Heart made of gold, she's one of a kid, I promise. Take care of her.

Clay Amore: More anti-social than the rest

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Clay Amore: More anti-social than the rest. Ladies love his piercing. Everyone wants to touch his hair, btw the answer is always no. Has a skateboard he posts about 24/7. Never wears color. Talks about how much his parents suck even though they're so sweet, his mom spoils his bc she's rich uwu.

Mike Butler: Parents born and raised in Tokyo, Japan

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Mike Butler: Parents born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. Loves stationary supplies. His house is ALWAYS clean, and take your shoes off! His mom has food ready already. You'll never find him arguing with his family because they are too close. His mom just wants grandchildren to spoil. Speaks Japanese, English and French. Ppl tell him he has super amazing skin and lips. He knows.

(Youll meet her later in the story but shes  important)Sage Mae: More adorable than you think

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(Youll meet her later in the story but shes  important)
Sage Mae: More adorable than you think. Super sociable, but emotional. Probably a Cancer. Graphic tees are all she wears. "Im wearing shorts under!" typa gal. Also a "have you seen Emma's new video?" Knows how to play piano, is the only child.
Has SUPER homophobic parents, bisexual but no one knows. A smile is ALWAYS on her face. Her instagram is popping with amazing comments and owns a self care account.

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