His jean jacket

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Troye's POV:
Oh no. I closed the door and I felt my face turn red. I ran back downstairs where I met Maya.
"W..what the FUCK are.........YoU here doing?" Yep, she was drunk.
I rolled my eyes and walked passed her to find Maggie. There she was. In the kitchen. I walked over to her as she looked at me, surprised.
"I thought- I interrupted her.
"I know, long story short, I'm here"
The rest of the night was me talking to Maggie, Lucas,rose and Chloe.
"Hey guys, we should take a picture. You guys look so cute" said Lucas
We grouped up and Chloe took the picture because she had the longest arms.
I saw Noah come down, I knew it would be awkward to talk to him so I stayed.

"Awww, it's so cute!" Chloe said as if it's a puppy.
"Especially me, so I'm posting it" said Maggie
"No fair! Tag me!" Chloe said.
"What's your instagram?" Maggie pointed to me, I told her.

Noah walked up to me,
"let's go" he said, taking me by the wrist.
Maggie looked shocked. So did Chloe.
I walked after him and got into the car.
"Your brother says you should of told him you were going to the party with me. Well, not like WITH me but you know"
He sounded kind of angry with me. I didn't even do anything.

I didn't answer.

"Did you hear me?"
I ignored him and said "I'm sorry I walked in on you. I really didnt mean it. I'm sorry."
wow I made it 10x more awkward.

He chuckled "people walk in on me all the time. Stop being sorry. I can feel your anxiety from here." he didn't seem mad.
"Could you like....not tell your friends" I asked
"Why would I tell them?"
"To make fun of me. I know people do it. They think I don't hear them but I do. I know your friends do too. I hear them. I bet you do it all the time" His friends made fun of everyone.
I shut my mouth before I start to cry. Why am I so soft? I'm not a real man!
He looked at me confused then looked away. "Don't worry, I'm not telling them" I know he wouldn't. He wasn't the best person ever but he was always honest.
Then it went quiet for a good 5 minutes. We were almost home.
"And no, I don't talk about you. I'm not like that"
"Yes you are"
"Is too"
"But you are! I hear you talking about Kevin, I don't even know who Kevin is but you ALWAYS talk about that guy. And how about Laudia and Sarah. You called them sluts. And-
"Okay, okay. But I don't talk about YOU. Plus Kevin deserves it."
"Bet he doesnt"
"He was the one I fought"
"Why? What did he say to make you THAT MAD?!"
"He said- he stopped himself. Then looked down at his wheel. "Forget it"
"Tell me!"
"No. You don't deserve to know! I don't even know why I'm being so nice to you. Don't think anything of it, okay!" He was yelling. My eyes started to water. I couldn't handle being yelled at.
"Hey, are your eyes watering?"
I started to cry burrying my head in my hands.
"Are you....crying? Hey, look at me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I don't apologise often so know that I mean it"
I kept crying.
I felt a hug. Arms wrapped around my crying body. "Come on, you're stronger than this. I'm sorry"
I finally looked up at him with a puffy and wet face.
"What are you doing?" I said
"What does it look like?" He brushed my face with a tissue.
He drove me home and drove off. I still wonder what Kevin said.

I know this is short but, hey guys. I really hope your enjoying this because I love you so much. Vote? (I'm listening to ariana grande while writing this, she's so pretty bye)

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