milk chocolate eyes

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Noah's POV:
I walked down the hallway to hear "Gray, saw you at the party last night, is that why you stood up for him? Are you guys like, together?" He laughed.
"Don't be stupid and make me mess up your pretty face again dickhead!"
"You can try" he said as I threw a punch to his face. He shot back at my chin. Shit. That hurts. I punched him in the stomach as a crowed gathered. No teachers came. This school sucks ass. We fought until Clouse took us apart.
"Let me hear you talk shit about me again!" I yelled at him before he left.
My eyes went left. Troye was watching from a distance. He saw me and shook his head in disapproval. He didn't hear anything.....I think.
"Be right back" I told Mike and Clay as they nodded. "But where are you going?" Clay called back.
I kept walking. And took a right where they couldnt see. I tapped Troye on the shoulder and he turned around. He looked at me confused.
"What now? Did my brother say something again?"
"Then what?
"What did you hear?"
"From who? Hear what?"
I felt relieved. "You didn't hear him? Kevin?"
"No, you still didn't tell me what he said. Where is this coming from?"
"Nevermind, forget it"
I walked back to where Clay was still waiting, we left looking for a place to sit and finally finding one.
"So, where were you"
"Had to go to the bathroom"
"But...the bathroom was the other way" Mike answered for him.
"The other one"
"Okay?" Said Clay.
Clouse sat there quietly, it was weird because he was usually the first one to ask what happened. Maya came and was all over Clouse.
This other girl came with her too. She sat in Between Clay and me. She looked at Clay and gave him a smile. I started a cigarette in my mouth.

When I got to class the teacher told me to throw my cigarette away and gave the whole "it can kill you" speech. Then she threatened to call my parents.
I sat down. And turned around to see Troye writing something in his journal. He was pretty far away across the room. He looked at me, gave me a puzzled look, Then went back to his work. Was that homework? I never knew if we had any. Then the teacher told me to hand in my homework.
"What homework?" The class giggled. Troye didn't. He shook his head like he did the other time. It was a disapproved look on his face. When school was out I saw Troye's brother,
"Sam!" I yelled getting his attention. I went up to his rolled down window.
"Noah! How's football?"
"We're good, you should see the team we are against, they're pretty shit"
Troye walked up not saying a word and opened the back door to get in. Still quiet he plopped his backpack next to him and looked at me.
"Oh yeah! Thanks for driving this kid"
This kid?
"Yeah, anytime. He's pretty chill. We should go clubbing sometime, yeah?"
"Yeah, you know what. Can I give him your number in case emergency? He only has me and I'm mostly in class"
Troye seemed embarrassed. "No, I'm fine. I can manage" came from Troye.
I ignored him. "Go ahead, and hey. If you see any chicks, give them my number too"
"You know it" he said as I walked away.

When I got home I searched for the keys. Shit. I left them inside. I knocked. As I assumed, no one was home. Mom and dad have work. I know I should've called Clouse but he was at Mayas. He was helping cleaning up. Clay and Mike were too far away from me. I decided to just go a few blocks to Troye's- I mean- Sam's.

I knocked. His mom answered. "Noah! Hey!" This was so embarrassing. I saw Sam come up.
"What's up bro, I wasn't expecting you?"
"Yeah I totally forgot my house keys Inside."
"Then come in, I'm playing COD" (Don't say anything I didn't know what else he would be playing)
"Perfect, I'll get next round" I sat on his couch and picked up a controller.
Troye came downstairs.
"What is he doing here?" He asked.
"HE is joining your brother in some fun" I answered for myself.
"Why do you keep showing up everywhere"
"Or are you ALWAYS looking for ME?"
He rolled his eyes.

His house was as big as mine, three bedrooms and two bathrooms.He was wearing a oversized white T-shirt. His jeans light blue. His hair unstyled he was wearing a rainbow bracelet.
He looked cute. A thought that crossed my mind.
What the fuck? I said to the thought as if it were a person. Never think that again!

Vote? I hope you enjoyed.

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