His huge Jeep

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Noah's POV:
No. Not that. It cant.....it won't. I wasn't. It felt like I was trying to explain myself, to myself. What was going to happen. I wasn't trying to.......kiss him........was I? NO. It wasn't what it looked like. Right? Right! I'm not like that. I just didn't like hearing Troye talk about how he thought this was a joke when it wasn't. I just want him to be more confident. And I want him to be more comfortable with me around. But the thing is.....I wasnt even comfortable with him. I've never felt like I was right now. I tried not to think about it, but the more I didn't want to think about it, the more I did. Shit. SHIT! No one can know. Not even me. I don't wanna know. I brushed it off.
I texted troye

I'm sorry I ran off: Noah

He wasn't answering.
"AY!" I heard a yell.
I turned around. Clouse?
He ran to me.
"I was looking for you everywhere. He looked at Sam's house.
He laughed "What're you doing here, huh?"
"I was with Sam" I made myself clear
"Sam! I miss him. Let me talk to him."
He tried to go knock
He looked at me "he's not there" I said
"I thought you said you were just with him?"
"I was....but Then he left. He forgot something on campus "
"So.....what? You hung out with his.....wait Don't tell me" he laughed
"Don't tell me you hung out with his brother!" He continued still laughing.
"No! I left as soon as Sam left"
"Good, now let's go to your house. I have something to tell you"
My heart skipped a beat even though I knew that he had no idea about what happened.
"Who were you texting by the way" he said on the walk home.
"Just....mom" I said.

When we got home, my mom had come back. We went up to my room. He sat on my beanbag.
"So what happened today before lunch?"
"It was just a fight"
"No after that"
"You weren't at the bathroom. I know when you lie. I've been your best friend forever. So like, what chick were you with"
"No one......I was at the bathroom,for real,bro."
"Okay.....if you say so"
I jokingly punched his shoulder.

My mom came up the stairs
"Hey Clouse, long time no see"
He was here a few days ago.
"Hey mélodie" he called her by her first name.
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux?" Mom said
"Nothing, just saying hi" I said, she looked at me then continued
"You left your keys, you know" mom continued
"Yeah, I noticed"
"So, where were you before coming here?"
She nodded. "You should have him come over with his brother, they're nice people, Troye comes here often anyway"
"maman ne m'embarrasse pas! il ne sait pas!"
"Why not? Nothing to be ashamed of."
I shook my head in embarrassment and mom left.
"What do I not know? That Sam's brother comes here often?"
"Yeah" I said smiling, embarrassed.
"oh I know how his mom and mélodie are"

Me and Clouse hung out the rest of the day. He told me about Maya and how she's annoying him about sex. He said he wants it to be special, not an everyday thing. It becomes more of a chore. He was right. I loved it when only me and Clouse had a talk, it was more deep than when everyone was here.

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