Troye Lindmann and his baby soft skin

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Troyes POV:
Today was the day I'd go to a real high school party. You know, the ones like the movies. And I overheard who else was going to be there, Noah. Party host was Maya. The one who was being mean to me earlier. I changed my mind about going. I was going to tell Maggie. Good thing I had first period with her. I walked into class and sat next to her.
"Maggie, I'm not going anymore" I got that out the way.
"What,why? Where is this coming from? You have to go! It'll be so much funnnnnn" she whined.
"Maya's throwing the party, she called me a weirdo. It would be weird if I just showed up after that"
"Forget about Maya, she'll be drunk. She won't even notice you there"
I mean maybe?
I smiled to her, "I cant. If she says anything, im donezo. I'm new here I don't want attention on myself."
"Pllleasssee. If she says anything I'll drive you back"
"Fine, Got it" she nodded giving me another hug.

The bell rang and I had to go back to my seat.

A few minutes later walked in Noah. A few bruises on his face and hand. He got in a fight that fast? He looked at me and the class if saying "stay out of this" then sat next to Clouse who was confused like I was.

"What happened?" Clouse started.
"A little fight, nothing major" he shrugged it off.
Nothing major? He was bruised. Like purple and blue bruises.

During lunch I sat with Maggie who introduced me to Lucas, Rose and Chloe. I told them I was thinking about not going to the party and explained what Maya did.
"Ok but,why was he driving you in the first place?" Asked Chloe.
I shrugged
"Its just not like him" She continued and I shrugged once more.
They changed the subject.

After school I waited for my brother and saw Noah instead.
"Get in, your brother says his class was rescheduled and he has to stay late"
I got in.

"I can..I can walk, how does he have your number anyway?" That's weird.
"We used to have football practice together last year before he left, he just needed a favor. He was always good."

He kept his eyes on the rode. I still wasn't looking at him in the eyes. I'm too scared to. Eye contact makes my anxiety act up. Especially now after his fight.

"Why didn't he text me?" I asked
"He did"
I checked my phone, it read;
'16 unread messages and 3 missed calls'
"Oh I'm not on it often, it was on silent too"
He nodded to say he heard me.
"So, I'm going to Maya's party. So should I drop you off or are you coming?"
"Drop me off"
He rolled his eyes, "you're really not coming?"
"N-no, Maya's...mean. She yelled at me. It would be weird if I showed up"
Why cant I form a proper sentence?
It looked like he was thinking of something. Looking at me weird.
"Nothing, it's just, if I were you. I'd go just to piss her off" he had a cigarette in his mouth. One hand out the drivers window, and the other on the wheel.
"Yeah, because you' And im... me?" I don't really know what i'm trying to say.
"Well, you're going anyway" he said
"And you're going to have a great ass time, and thank me later. Your going to show Maya the mistake she made."
"That's not going to happen"
"Bet. When I make up my mind I stick to it"
"I don't wanna go, please" I did.
"I won't take no for an answer"
"Fine, do you take "I decline" as an answer?"

"Look, if you insist, I won't take you. But do you really not WANT to go?"
"Of course I...I WANT to go, I just cant"
"Then we're going"
"You heard me"
He sped up. I knew going with him was a mistake. Not with him. But you know.
"Why do you....why do you care so much anyway. You don't even know me."
" I dont, I just don't feel like driving to two places."

I looked at my feet.

"Then why are you taking me?" I frowned. Looking at the floor of the car.
"Stop pouting"
I pouted some more.
"Ughhhh" He sighed. "look, I'm taking you because I'm a good person" he said looking at the rode.
"You beat someone up" That he did.
"He fucking deserved it"
"How would you know?" He's lying.
"He talked shit about someone"
"I can't say" liar.

I looked back out the window.

"You're lying"
"I wouldn't lie to you. I mean, not like that, I don't care about you enough to lie to you. But I'm not lying" Then get me out the car.

"He hit you hard"
"Not that hard" he shook his head.
"You're bruised"
"I'm fine"
"But you're not"
"I am, stop worrying"
"Your purple! And blue"
"I said stop worrying"
"why do you care?"
"You're right, I dont"
I kind of did.
He looked back at me "do too" smirking. Then looking at the rode again.

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