Parents in the other room

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Noah's POV:
I was about to fall asleep when,
Knock knock knock
I went t down to the door and opened it. It was Troye? I led him to the kitchen, closed the door and looked at him.
There he was, staring at me with his stupid (yet cute) smile.
The only light hitting him was the yellow-ish kitchen light hanging on top of his head.
"what're you doing here so late?" I asked hoping it was me.
"Your mom didn't tell you? My parents just left town to go checkout a university Sam's going to, I'm staying with your family"
"you better be lying" I answered
His eyes looked at the floor, kind of disappointed
"I'm being serious" he mumbles in a low tone
"I didn't mean it in a bad way. Just....follow me" I led him up to my room though he already know the way.
"Um I don't have a sleeping bag prepared so.....I can sleep with me? If that's okay with you, of course"
"If it's okay with you" he said.
"Yeah that's fine, just don't make it weird" I nodded moving to the left side of the bed
He got up and I said "are you gonna sleep in those?"
"I did t know if you wanted me to change"
"I'm not in control of you, Troye. Do what you want. Bathrooms right there"
I pointed at a white door.
"I thought that was a walk-in-closet"
"No, that one's over there" I pointed at another door.
He went in and later came in a too-big-on-him-white-t-shirt and blue shorts. His legs small and fragile. He basically sank in that shirt. He looked at me as if waiting for me to say something.
"Okay, now you can sleep" I moved the cover to uncover my white sheets where he sat on top and I threw the cover over him. I faced the opposite direction of him and turned the light off. The window was opened so the street lights made it still clear to see. In the middle of the night I woke up and looked at Troye to find him gone. I looked at the bathroom light and it was on. That scared me. Later he came out and I said, "what're you doing up?"
"Nighmare, everytime I close my eyes, it's back" he later layed back down. A few minutes later I knew he was still having a nightmare because he was talking in his sleep about it. Without thinking my hand grabbed his and I woke him up. He woke up and immediately looked down at my hand that was holding his, he stayed quiet but looked at my face and kissed me.

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