Trying to escape

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Still Noah's POV:

I hid the key in the pockets of the jumpsuit and got out. As soon as I opened the door I saw a girl.....A girl?
She was the first girl I saw here, she looked normal. Not like she worked there nor held captive. She had on a grey hoodie and some ripped jeans, her hair light brown and freckles covered her face neatly. She smiled and said,
"Hey, have you seen Brian? You know, light brown hair and brown eyes, yey tall?"
She showed me how tall using her hand. I nodded and showed her the boy behind me in the room. She thanked me,
"I'm Sage by the way"
"Noah" I said as she walked into the room.

Wonder what she's about?
I got out and heard this creepy old guy trying to lecture his way into making people straight. I looked at the boys, their heads still down. Listening to him.
He stood on the podium in front of lots of boys on chairs saying things like,
"Not only is god hating you, but so is your family. So unless you wanna lose both of them. You must be heterosexual"
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the only opened seat. Next to me was the boy who talked to me earlier,
"I'm making progress, I'm getting all of you out" I whispered. He heard me but didn't manage to make a sound only slightly nodded his head.

Later in the white room, Sage opened the door to the outside and said,
"Noah? Are you in here? Noah Gray." I raised my hand as her eyes shot my direction and smiled
"Brian wants you" she told me as I got up and followed her
"What is Brian to you?"
"He's my brother, he hates his job but he doesn't want to let mom and dad down. They lead this place. I don't work here because I'm a girl and apparently girls can't work here. I don't know. Personally I hate what they are doing and I'm moving out as soon as I'm 18."
"Tell me about it, I hate being here. I need to get back to someone"
"A lover?"
"You can say that"

I followed her to the room where she later sat on the chair,
"Go away, you can't hear this" said Brian to Sage
"No, mom says I can stay. And I'm staying here." She said in a matter-of-fact tone
"Fine but don't snitch"
He turned to face me and said
"My dad works at the front counter, I can call him over here and you make your way out. Though the security camera will get it"
"You guys are escaping!" She whispered excitedly
"No, he is" Brian informed her, "What did I tell you about listening?" She frowned
"But I can help" she said "trouble is my middle name"
"No it's not, your middle name is lesly" she rolled her eyes once more
"Pleaaaaaaaaasssseeeeee let me help you. I'm bored"
He finally agreed giving her a groan "finnnneeee! You take care of the cameras and delete the footage. You know how" Brian said
"Deal." She said

Later on in the afternoon, Brian called his dad.
"NOW DAD. I CANT DO IT ALONE" his dad sighed and walked away.
Then Sage took his seat as I left thought the front door waving to her. I left. She did what she had to do with the cameras.

She followed me outside later and said,
"Get in my car" I followed instructions and she continued, "you can't be walking around in those clothes. Your lucky they let you keep your fluffy hair"
I was grateful she was driving me.
"Let me use your phone" I said as she handed it to me
Calling. Voice mail. Calling again

I was silent, happiness flushed over me.
"Troye?" I asked through the phone, knowing it was him. I just needed to be reminded.
".......Noah?" He asked in both surprise and confusion
"Yeah, it's me. I missed you. This isn't my number. I don't know where my phone is but I missed you so much" I said. Truly meaning it.
"Is it really you? Where are you? Where were you? What happened? Are you okay?"
"One question at a time"
"Okay. Where are you?"
"Heading to your house"
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Uhh..." I looked down at my brushed body but didn't wanna worry him "No, I'm fine"
"Okay. Good. I'll meet you here" he hung up. I wrote my number on her phone.
"In case of emergency.....well.....when I find my phone, I'll give you a call. We need to get that place shut down."

She smiled at me. "You really did miss him, huh?" She asked
"You have no idea"
"I do. I really do. I used to have this friends, me and her were best friends since grade school. Her parents and mine were friends too. And they both hated anything LGBT related. When she came out, her parents took her to another school and city. We lost contact. I miss her so much. She left just last year"
"I'm sorry...did her?"
"So much. I loved her matter of fact. But I knew there was no way I was coming out. We're both Bisexual actually. I miss her everyday. Her social media is no longer active"

I had a sorry look. Before I realized. It's his house.....its Troye's house. We're here.

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