A small group

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Troyes POV:
I knew I had to stay as far away from Noah as I can. For some reason that plan almost always fails.

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of my life. I told my mom about it and she also warned me to stay far, far away from people like that. My brother than said that I shouldn't hang out with those type of people because I'll end up like him, struggling really hard to be better and get good grades.

I finally walked home, alone, without him telling me to get into any car. I walked all the way to school and went into class. Noah wasn't there. Good. I was listening and doing my work until he stormed in. He didn't say anything and sat down. But instead of sitting next to Clouse he sat next to me. Clouse looked extremely confused. Oh my god I want him to leave. But he didn't say anything until way later.
started to whisper lightly
"look, I don't normally...like...you know...say this, but...i-im Sorry. Okay? I didn't know it was going to turn out like that, and I never meant-

I cut him off. Whispering back.
"Okay. Got it. You can stop now."
"No, you're still mad. I know, but even if your still mad, im sorry. I should've never did that, I was just trying to help"
"Yeah? Well you you didn't. You only made it worse"
"I know! Just accept my apology, I said I'm sorry"
He looked up at the teacher to see if she heard us. She was looking directly at us.
"Is there a reason to why you two are talking?" She said. Everyone turned to look at us. Some laughing or whispering. Mostly about Noah.
"I'm sorry, I'll get back to work" I said
"Really? This is giving us more attention then if you wouldn't have said anything" Noah said
"Is there something private you two were sharing?"
"No ma'am." I said
"Well, yes" Noah said at the same time I did.
"Well the we can discuss it at detention"

During lunch we had to go back to her class. She wasn't there but Noah was.
He started "ok-
I cut him off once more.
"Don't talk to me" I put my head down on a desk. First detention. It was a while before he said anything.
"How about this, I'll leave you alone and you forgive me?"
"Deal" I said before I let him finish the sentence.
"Wow, are you really that eager to get rid of me" I thought he was joking. I looked up, he wasn't. He looked a little upset.
"What do you want from me?! Get away from me! Everytime I'm with you, there's trouble. But for some reason you keep magically appearing out of nowhere. Why don't you hang out with your other "cool friends" yeah? Why do you always come to me?" I shouted
"I don't know! Okay? If I know I would've said, but not even I know why! It's not like I want to, but you're the first person I think of!" He shouted back.
"Well don't think of me!"
"I cant!"
"Because-I don't know, okay!"
The teacher walked in. And simply smiled at us who were both in a desk next to each other. She sat at her desk.
"Ah yes, I see what's happening here. You two are struggling with your relationship . I heard you yelling from out the door"
"What?! No!" He shook his head with his eyes widened as if he just heard something awful and disgusting at the same time.
"I'm not struggling, I'm just gay" I said with no regret.

"Just do your fucking job, Mrs.whatever the fuck. It truly is none of your business. I don't ask if you're struggling in your marriage do I?"

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