Brookylnn rolled over, hugging a big warm figure to her body. She slowly opened her eyes, the light from the window piercing her eyes. She looked down and realized she was shirtless..not only was she shirtless, she was naked. She leaned up and looked down at the figure beside her. "What the fu-" she whispered before calum had turned around, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him, she wasn't complaining, but she knew it was wrong. She rolled over and kissed his forehead, before gently shaking him. "C...calum?" She whispered. He groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Okay this isn't so bad, at least he remembers last night." She thought to herself. *ding, ding, ding*, Brookylnn groaned as her phone went off. "Why is someone texting me so mu-OH MY GOD." She practically screamed, waking calum up as she tossed him her phone. The headline on twitter read, "Five Seconds of Summer's Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood spotted holding hands and walking into hotel with two mystery ladies in Japan last night!" With photos of them walking across the street with Ashton and Sara, and walking into the hotel. "Well.." calum started. "It would be worse, they could know about last night." He said, as an attempt to lighten the mood. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF MY EX REALIZES THAT'S ME? HE WILL KILL ME, NO ACTUALLY, HE'LL KILL YOU, BOTH OF US." She ranted, shaking as she paced back and fourth across the room. Calum quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down,'s going to be okay, they don't even know your name" He whispered as he sat down on the bed, pulling her into his lap and holding her tightly. "You don't understand, we broke up because he-" Brookylnn didn't finish her sentence because she was cut off by a loud banging on the door followed by loud voices. "OPEN UP MAN!" A voice yelled, it sounded like Michael. Both Brooklynn and calum looked down and realized they were still naked. "UH, ONE SECOND!" Calum yelled before picking up random pieces of clothes and throwing them to brookylnn. Calum quickly jumped into his boxers and sweat pants before looking back at Brookylnn. She had on Calum's shirt and her underwear. Calum's shirt was practically a dress on her, so he figured it was okay. Calum ran to open the door and was greeted by Michael, Luke, a shirtless Ashton, and Sara, who had on a sports bra and what appeared to be another set of Ashton's sweatpants. "Dude, we're fucked." Luke said as he held up his phone, and scrolled through the different tweets and articles about last night. "Correction, THEY'RE fucked." Michael said pointing between Ashton and Calum. "Oh no you don't, you guys were there too." Ashton said, referring to Luke and Michael. "It doesn't matter who was there, it matters that people found out." Brookylnn said, trying to clear her thoughts enough to think rationally. "She's right, but, they don't know our twitter, our names, our instagrams, we're not famous, all they have is a few blurry pictures of us holding hands and going into a hotel." Sara pointed out. "She's right." Calum said. "Okay, but what're we gonna do if manag-" suddenly, Luke's phone rang. "Finds out..." He said before answering the call and placing it on speaker. "Hello?" The boys all said in unison, sounding scared. A voice boomed back, it was a males voice. "Boys! No time to talk, working on getting times set up for the studio. I've seen the twitter headlines, they're EVERYWHERE! News articles, instagram, Facebook, snapchat, you guys are blowing up! I don't know who these mystery girls are but keep it up! This much publicity and you'll be booking out shows within weeks!" The voice said. "Now, I have to go, I'm trying to work with Andy right now and he's being a brat. See ya later boys!" He said and hung up. "Well.." calum started. "I guess the only thing we have to worry about now is..." he glanced over at Brookylnn. "Your ex?" Sara said. Calum quickly looked over at sara. "How did you know?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Her ex is a fucking douche." She started. "He's controlling and he wants her back and he has no idea where she moved to, he just knows it's away from the US. If he finds out it's her in those pictures, he would fly to Japan and well, probably kidnap her. He's insane." Sara said, crossing her arms and leaning into Ashton, who put his arm around her. Brookylnn sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "My ex was...abusive. He was a cheater and he was a liar and I even caught him doing drugs one time in the apartment." She mumbled, putting her head in her hands. "His name is Brandon. Brandon Miller." She sighed. Calum quickly came and sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her. "We won't let him touch you, and at concerts and interviews, we'll double up security." Michael said sternly. Luke looked like he was ready to throw punches in every direction, and Ashton looked like he was about to explode. "He hit you?!" Ashton screamed, pulling out his phone and going to Instagram. "What's this kids account?" He said through gritted teeth. "It doesn't matter." Brookylnn said, "it's over now, he's going to have to live with what he did and realize I moved on." She said, resting her head on calum. "Brookylnn's right, although, there's one more thing. Since you guys are going to be around us all the time, we're going to have to go shopping, not because what you're wearing is bad, but so that people will recognize you guys when you're with us." Calum said, looking over at the boys. "Well, what kind of style do you guys want? Punk? Girly? Run way model? Glitter? Wild?" Luke said looking between Sara and brookylnn. "Glittery and girly." Sara said. "Punk, but still feminine." Brookylnn laughed. "I'll get the wardrobe guys on it, also, let's take them to the salon, facials, manicures, makeovers, and hair." Ashton said as he twirled Sara around. "They're right. Also, we're taking them to the VMA's with us tonight, they'll need dresses." Michael said looking around the room. "Shit, those are tonight?" Calum said looking at the marks on Brookylnn's neck, and Ashton doing the same to Sara. "Well, it's not like people don't already know, they did see us going into a hotel last night." Ashton breathed. "I guess, but still, we need to get started with VMA preparations. Call Evangeline." Calum said and tossed Michael his phone. "Who's Evangeline?" Brookylnn asked. "You'll see." Calum, luke, Ashton, and Michael all laughed at the same time.

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