*skip to breakfast*
"Oh my gosh, Calum this buffet is huge!" Brooklynn said biting her lip. "It's complementary babe." He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Hey wait where are sara and Ashton?" Luke said, biting his lip ring and looking around the room. "Let's take a guess." Crystal giggles and looked up at Michael. "Ugh DONT even remind me, all I heard the entire night was "ASHTON, HARDER DADDY...AHHHH" " Michael mocked, causing Brooklynn to bust out into laughter. "Okay I do NOT sound like that!" Sara said from the bottom of the stairs. "You're right you sound hotter." Ashton chuckled, causing Luke to nudge his arm. "Oh shut the fuck up, and I do NOT call him daddy!" Sara groaned and rolled her eyes at Michael. "You're right, I heard master too." Michael snickered, causing the entire room to bust out laughing, Sara turning red. "Actually..." Calum said between laughs, "that was Brooklynn." He wheezed. "Oh dear god." Brookylnn laughed and placed her hand over the slightly purple hickey on her neck that was being covered by her sweatshirt. Well, calums sweatshirt. None of the girls could exactly hide their hickeys, but they had to make an attempt due to the paps. "Well, we'll eat breakfast then head towards the hills." Luke said proudly as he grabbed two mugs and walked over to the coffee machine with Sierra. Sara got a plate of bacon, strawberry's, and a pancakes with a mug full of hot tea. Brooklynn got sausage( and not just calums), eggs, and raspberry's with a cup of hot chocolate. "So why exactly are we going skiing? Don't they know we'll get bombarded by the paps the minute we walk out the door?" Brookylnn asked Ashton. "Private hills, we rented them last night so they can't hound us. There's a lodge there so we aren't staying at the hotel tonight, Michael and Luke packed everyone's stuff this morning. It's quite amazing, and we've all bought the romantic packages. In room massages, a hot tub in every room, log cabin style, big beds with furry blankets, fireplace, we've never done that part before but hey, there's a first time for everything." Ashton shrugged, shoving his face with food the entire time. Sara and Brooklynn both smiled at the idea of a massage. Honestly the whole celebrity thing was kind of stressful, they didn't know how the guys did it. Brooklynn shivered at the idea of calum massaging her in front of the fireplace with glasses of champagne and the snowy scenery outside the window, candles lit and the bed just screaming her name. "Hey stop that!" Brookylnns thoughts were broken by the sound of Sara laughing as Ashton squirted whip cream on her nose and laughed as she wiped it off. Calum leaned over to Brooklynn and whispered "you okay princess?" This sent shivers down her spine. "Yes, uh yeah I'm okay." Brookylnn smiled at him. "Are you sure? Your cheeks are really red. Are you cold?" Calum said and placed his hand on her thigh. Brooklynn cleared her throat and smiled "yes baby, I'm fine." She bit her lip and kissed his cheek. "Up and out losers!" Michael announced and tossed on his coat, the rest of them following. "The Uber guy said he's in a black SUV with a red sticker on the back." Michael said as they all stepped out on to the snowy gravel, listening to it crunch under their feet. They looked around as the wind floated across their faces. It wasn't freezing, just a little cold. "There he is!" Luke yelled pointing towards the car. They all walked up to the car and got in while calum gave the driver the address. "Everyone strapped in?" Calum asked. An echo of "yeah"'s filled the car as the driver took off. "Are you ready baby?" Ashton whispered to Sara as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Absolutely." She mumbled as she turned into his shoulder and kissed his neck. "Listen pornhub, save it for the room." Michael laughed and threw one of his Swedish Fish at them. "Oh shut up, they're just kids!" Brooklynn laughed. "No, they're more like rabbits." Calum chuckled, causing the entire car to laugh as they pulled up to the resort. Calum tipped the driver and paid the fee as Ashton, Luke, and Michael unpacked the car. "I'll check us in." Luke walked into the lodge and Brooklynn tried to sneak a peak inside, all she could see was a fireplace and marble statues. "Wow." She thought to herself as calum came up behind her and hugged her from behind. "Ready?" He asked kissing her cheek as he threw their bags over his shoulder. "Yes, always." She smiled as she picked up her purse and followed him into the resort. Luke handed everyone their room keys, and all of them were on the top floor. "Great...I'm next to sara and Ashton.... AGAIN!" Michael groaned and rolled his eyes. "Don't worry michael, you won't hear much noise tonight, I'll make sure her mouth is full." Ashton chuckled, causing sara to playfully hit him in the stomach. "Just kidding." He chuckled and Sara rolled her eyes. "Should we head upstairs and get settled in?" Sara suggested, stretching her back. "Yes please! And let's do a girls night tonight! I haven't had one in ages." Crystal suggested. "Oh my god yes! We can do face masks and drink wine in the hot tub!" Sierra squealed. "Translation, were going to the bar tonight men." Calum chuckled, causing Brooklynn to look up at him and smile as they walked into the elevator. When they reached the top floor calum slid the room key into the door and watched as the 2 doors automatically opened and they walked through. Brooklynn was amazed. It looked so warm and cozy and romantic. A little down the hall Ashton and Sara opened the doors to their room and Sara felt like she was in a movie, it was so warm and romantic and the view was amazing. "Wow, look at how big that bed is" Sara said letting out a sigh,Ashton had walked up behind her and kissed her neck "and for good reasons" Ashton had said causing Sara to giggle followed by a knock on the door Ashton groaned letting Sara go so she could open the door she opened it and it was brooklynn and calum already dressed in there jackets and snowboarding pants "y'all ready, we need to get going" brooklynn asked "no but we will be in about 15 minutes we'll meet you guys downstairs" Sara said, brooklynn nodded and walked away towards the elevator followed by calum "I feel like the marshmallow man" brooklynn said when they stepped into the elevator causing calum to chuckle he held out his hand and brooklynn gladly took it and he pulled her into a hug "I'll be with you the whole time and if not not far behind you, please tell me if you get hurt" Calum said kissing the top of her head "of course baby, and i won't get hurt I have a vague idea of what I'm doing" brooklynn assured before pecking him on his lips "I love you" brooklynn said looking into his eyes "I love you too" Calum said before the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

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