*time skip* it's been about three months since the girls had met them, and they were finally on tour but something just wasn't right. "Ugh I feel so sick." Brookylnn complained from her bed on the tour bus. "What's wrong?" Sara said, pouring herself a glass of wine. The boys sat in the somewhat of a living room, watching the nightmare before Christmas. "My stomach hurts, and whenever I eat I feel sick." Brookylnn whined, crawling under a blanket. Sara shut the door behind her as she walked into Brookylnns room. "Hey Brookylnn?" Sara said worried. "Yeah?" "Uh...When was the last time you and calum had sex?" Sara mumbled as she sipped her wine. "I don't know? Maybe...3 weeks ago? Why?" Brookylnn mumbled from under her blanket. "I see...well, you haven't had your period this month." Sara said as she sat down opposite of Brookylnn. Brookylnn quickly shot up from the blanket and stared at Sara, her face was pale white, like she'd seen a ghost. "Holy shit." She said, placing her hand to her mouth. "We didn't use protection because we were out and we were on the road and couldn't stop." Brookylnn said, her hands shaking. "Mmhmm...but uh, does HE know you haven't had your period?" Sara said motioning towards the door with her glass. Brookylnn shook her head quickly. "No, no he doesn't. And I'm not pregnant, I can't be. There's no possible way I could be logically. Not with calum fucking hoods baby." Brookylnn panicked as she stood up and walked to the mirror, and lifted up her shirt, looking at her stomach. "I've gained weight." She mumbled nervously as a tear streamed down her face, which was now red. "Oh my god Sara, what am I gonna do?" She cried. "Well for starters, tell him your period is late." Sara said as she opened the door. "I can't...not alone at least." She said and held her hand out to Sara, sniffling. "Fine, but if Ashton asks, I had my period this month." She laughed as they walked out into the living room area. Sara stepped in front of the TV and shut it off. "Hey! We were watching that!" Michael said trying to get the remote back from Sara. "Well now you're watching this." Sara said motioning to Brookylnn who was sitting on the couch crying. "What?! Baby...what's wrong? Talk to me, please." Calum said as he walked over to Brookylnn and put his arms around her. "How do I tell....how do I say it sara?" Brookylnn sniffled. "Like ripping off a band aid honey." Sara said softly as she crawled into Ashton's lap, her oversized shirt covering her Nike pro shorts, her glass of wine swirling in the glass as she watched. "Calum....I think I..." Brookylnn coughed, choking on her own tears. "Baby shhh....what is it?" Calum said kissing her forehead. "I think I'm pregnant." Brookylnn coughed out. The entire room fell silent, not even the bus made a noise. "You....what?" Luke said, glancing at calum, who looked shocked. "I think I'm pregnant...I haven't had my period this month...I've felt sick for a few days now, I've gained weight and I have weird cravings." Brookylnn sobbed into her hands. Calum pulled her closer to him and played with her hair. "Hey...shhh...breathe baby. It's okay. We don't know if you're pregnant or not. We can stop and get you a test. Wether you are or not, I'll still love you. No matter what I'll be here with you. I won't leave you because you're pregnant baby. I'm in love with you and this doesn't change anything. We'll stop for a test in a few minutes." He mumbled kissing her cheek. "Can we go to back of the bus and talk just you and me... please" brooklynn said wiping her access tears that where left on her face "yes of course" Calum replied holding out his hand for brooklynn to take and leading her to the back area that had been basically abandoned while everybody was watching the movie calum and brooklynn sat down and she shifted her body to face him "what if I am?" She asked "then where going to have a little baby hood running around" "baby" brooklynn pleaded putting her hands in calums hands "we can not handle a child, you're on tour with the boys and I have school and where both constantly on the road I don't think we have time for a kid and we're both only 22 we're still trying to get used to adulthood" she continued "sweetheart, please calm down whether your pregnant or not you will be an amazing mother and I will be here with you ever step of the way and if you are we would obviously stop tour for a bit so we can take care of it but we will be okay and I don't want you to think that we aren't going to be able to because we'll make sure we can" Calum reassured "thank you baby I love you" brooklynn said while they both stood up and hugging eachother "I love you too" he said with his face buried in the croke of her neck "okay you go back to watching your movie I'm going to see if The girl want to come back here and have a girls night" they walk out to the living room hand and hand "hey girls after the movie do y'all want to go back and have a girls night" brooklynn asked "omg yes we haven't had a proper girls night in forever I'd love to" sierra answered they sat with their partners as nightmare before Christmas continued to play, after about 15 minutes the bus came to a stop the driver stepped into where everybody was sitting "hey guys were at 7-11 either go and get what you need now or you're gonna have to wait until you get off the plane in Sweden" he said "hey Ben, if I give you money can you run in and get me a pregnancy test if me or calum run it there will be scandals going around on twitter and shit and I honestly dont want that." Brooklynn asked politely "yeah" he responded and brooklynn handed him a 20 dollar bill and with that he walked out of the bus after 5 minutes he walked back in and handed brooklynn the test "thank you bud" brooklynn said he just nodded and walked away brooklynn immediately got up and ran to the small bathroom while the bus started towards the air port... after 2 minutes brooklynn came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test and set down next to calum she waited... and waited... and waited, after 10 minutes she checked it, one line which means she's not pregnant "holy fuck thank fucking god" she shouted "I can enjoy the rest of your knowing that I don't have a human growing inside me" she said walking over to sit between Sara and calum. Calum wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her to lay her head on his shoulder Sara threw her legs on brooklynns lap and the rest of her body leaned towards Ashton "I'm so excited for Sweden, oh my gosh can we all go do group skiing it will be so much fun." She asked
"Of course we would " Ashton said kissing her head gently they put in another movie and all laid together until they arrived at the airport

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