"You look so cute bundled up in your little scarf." Calum smiled as he pulled her forward and kissed her before they got off the elevator. "And you look...." she started before giggling. "What's so funny?" He raised an eyebrow. "You just look so...cute." She smiled and stared into his eyes but was quickly pulled away by the sound of the elevator doors dinging open again. Out stepped Michael and crystal, in matching thick white sweaters and thermal gear. "Who are we missing?" Luke said from down the hall, holding sierras thermos in his hands. "Ashton and-" Brooklynn started but was once again cut off by the dinging of the elevator. "Us!" Sara said as her and Ashton stepped from the elevator, bundled up with a thick blanket with a small bag. "Aye what's in the bag?" Calum asked. "Thermos, extra gloves, heat packs, chapstick, and blankets." Sara smiled cheerfully and pecked Ashton's cheek. "Whenever you guys are ready, the private slopes are just down outside, down the path in the evergreen forest and take a right." The cheerful woman at the front desk waved at them. "Ready losers?" Michael shouted. "Let's goooo!" Sierra said as she pulled her wool beanie down. The guys picked the girls up on their back so they wouldn't have to walk so far in the freezing cold. "Hey baby, are you okay? You're shaking." Calum whispered to brooklynn. Brooklynn knew it was because she was nervous, but she didn't want to tell him that and have him feel bad. "Yes baby I'm okay, it's just cold." She smiled as she played with his curly locks. "If you say so beautiful." He smiled and kept walking. "Guys? Where did Ashton and Sara go?" Brooklynn peaked up and looked around. "GUYS?!" Michael yelled. Suddenly, a powdery white ball of snow hit Luke in his leg. "The fuck?" He mumbled as they all set their girls down. Two more snowballs came from the trees, nailing crystal and calum. "FUCKERS!" Crystal laughed and everyone started to make snowballs, preparing for war. Sara and Ashton ran our from behind the trees and threw snow balls in every direction. Everyone was so busy throwing snowballs and laughing they had forgotten who they were even firing at. Snow flew in every direction at everyone and Michael finally threw his hands up. "I give, I give." He laughed and picked his bags up. Everyone laughed and smiled before warming their hands on their thermos and continued down the path. "Take a right, and were here." Luke said as they turned. "Holy fucking shit." Brookylnn mumbled. They had a pre-built Fire with marshmallows and gram crackers and chocolate set up around it. They had a hot chocolate and tea stand. They had huge hills and small hills. They even had little saunas and hot tubs to warm up in. "This isn't as bad as I thought." She smiled and kissed calum on his cheek. "Race you to the ski lift" Sara said to brooklynn who where both holding their snowboards Sara and Ashton took off towards the ski lift followed by brooklynn and calum, they got on one and rode it to the top "uh guys I don't really know about this" brooklynn spoke softly "hey hey it's okay you'll be fine I promise it's not to hard it's just like skateboarding" Calum said putting his hands on her now red checks, Sara walked up behind her and wrapped her arm around brooklynns shoulder "if you don't want to do it you don't have to, we're not going to force you" brooklynn nodded her head and sat down on the ground and started strapping on her snowboard "that's my girl" Sara said before sitting down and doing the same, calum and Ashton had already stopped theirs on and where sitting down waiting for the girls... after they had finished strapping up it took them a little while to stand up due to off balance but eventually they got it, ashton went first down followed by Sara and then brooklynn and calum, when they got to the bottom of the hill they all sat down in the snow because they where so tired after about five minutes of sitting there trying to catch their breaths calum felt a buzz in his pocket he unzipped it and pulled out his phone to see likes caller Id "hey man what's up" Calum said when he answered it "y'all need to get back now micheal fell and hurt his ankle is bruised and swollen we need to get him somewhere warm so hurry" Luke said on the other line "yeah okay we're on our way" Calum said starting to unstrap his snowboard and everybody else doing the same... 
After they arrived to the lodge micheal was sitting on the stairs, ankle was swollen and bruised badly he had put snow over it "what the hell did you do,ash and cal can y'all help him inside" brooklynn said after putting her board on the porch "boy, is brooklynn going nursing school really about to come in handy" Sara said following the boys inside... once inside brooklynn went and got an ice pack and gauze, once she had everything ready she put micheal leg on her lap and began wrapping it once she was done she put the ice on it and then stood up and put pillows as her replacement "how did you know what to do" micheal said looking at her "well first of all that's common knowledge, but I was a nursing student before joining you guys I know about a lot more than just sprained ankles. Now you're not aloud to walk or even stand up when it time for bed will have someone help you up stairs but for know you need to stay off of it"

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