chapter 16

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Chapter 16

            Donavan lunged towards The Huntress, his fist swinging around to hit her in the jaw, she ducked low and through two punches to his stomach. He stumbled back, trying to catch his breath, after he recovered, he used his speed against her and had The Huntress pinned to the ground before she knew what happened. He stared down at her, smirking like he had already won the fight, but The Huntress wasn’t going to give up so easily. She pulled her legs out from under him and latched them around his neck, Donavan growled and stood, trying to throw her off of him, but she held on, arching backward she grabbed his legs, pulling her still hooked legs over her head, throwing him face first into the ground. The vampires gathered around the fighting mat cheered, The Huntress smirked.

            “It's not over yet” Donavan spat. The Huntress hadn’t seen him stand back up, he was now standing behind her with a gun pointed at her head, she stiffened, she hated guns, she had never found any use in them, Donavan chuckled.

            “Did you really think I would come to this fight without a weapon” he asked. The Huntress remained silent, she looked out over the crowd, seeing all the scared and angered faces of the vampires. She was startled by how much they cared for her, she was a hunter, there enemy. But when The King had said she was The Princes beloved they had accepted it, calling her there princess and saying they would do anything to protect her. She smiled softly at them as she realized, she too, would do anything to save them, anything. The Huntress felt the gun press harder against her head.

            “Give up, submit to me” he said. The Huntress laughed at the thought.

            “I would rather die” she spat, venom dripping from her voice. Donavan growled, the gun clicked, showing her he was ready to shoot if needed. She saw some of the vampires come closer to her, ready to help if she needed it. She shook her head at them, not wanting them to get hurt. The situation was almost funny to her, here she was, standing in front of a gun instead of behind one, vampires were crowded around her, but they were here to protect her, not harm her. Just yesterday she had killed four rogues, and thoughts were swirling through her head, like how she would never fall into the arms of a vampire, of her enemy, but now, she wanted nothing more than to have The Princes arms around her, comforting her. She wanted to help the vampires, she realized. They weren’t all bad, you can’t judge a race of people by a few, she felt shame crash into her as she realized she was wrong, the vampires weren’t her enemy, only the rogues were, and she had to stop them.

She slowly raised her hands, as if she was going to surrender, the gun was lowered from her head and she heard a small click, telling her the safety on the gun was now set. She quickly spun around, kicking her leg out and hitting him square in the chest, he fell to the ground. The Huntress smiled to herself, she stood over him and pulled her dagger from her arsenal and pointed it at his heart, waiting to see what he would do.

Donavan stared at The Huntress as she pointed the silver dagger at him, her cold, ice blue eyes stared down at him with no sign of emotion in there depths, he shivered as he felt the cold metal press harder into his chest. He sighed, knowing he had lost, he raised his hands in surrender. The Huntress looked over to The King, he nodded, telling her the fight was over.  She stepped away from him, but what she did next, surprised everyone in the room. She reached out a hand to help him up, a small smile upon her face. Donavan looked at her hand, then back up to her, she nodded, telling him to take her hand. He reached out and took her hand, standing with her help.

 “Why” he asked, staring at her in wonder, she shrugged.

 “It was a good fight, you are a good fighter. I look forward to fighting next to you in the war” she said before turning and walking over to The Prince. Donavan stood there, amazed at The Huntresses actions. He watched as she walked willingly into Prince Lucas’s arms, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. Donavan smiled, The Huntress had found her way into the cold heart of the most feared vampire in the world, and made him soft and genital, that was not an easy feat to accomplish.

 “So what are we going to do with you” one vampire asked Donavan. The Huntress turned in Prince Lucas’s arms and stared at the vampires surrounding Donavan, she sighed, she didn’t want to watch this.

“Let’s go, I don’t want you to see this” Prince Lucas said, as if he had read her mind. The Huntress nodded and let him take her hand and lead her out of the training room.  They walked back to her room, but before she could open the door Prince Lucas stopped her. She turned to see him staring at her, his eyes searching her for something.

 “Is something wrong” she asked, he looked up into her eyes.

 “I’m sorry” he said as he crushed her body to his.

 “What do you mean” she asked, confused by his sudden apology, he sighed.

 “I hurt you, and I promised not to I hurt you, I’m so sorry, but the thought of you leaving me again hurt too much, and then I thought about the war, and how we will have to fight in it, and if I lost you, I-I-I would go insane” he said, burying his face in The Huntresses neck, she tensed, but didn’t push him away. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his soft hair, he sighed, tightening his hold on her.

 “Why don’t we go into my room and we can talk” she whispered, afraid she would break his genital manner and anger him if she spoke any louder. He lifted his head from her neck and nodded, she turned in his arms and unlocked the door, they walked through the threshold to find Lucy standing by the bathroom door, she smiled at them, The Huntress smiled back.

 “Is there something you need” she asked the old lady.

 “No dear, I am here to assist you, not the other way around” she said, The Huntress nodded.

 “That’s true, but please don’t overdo yourself, I can take perfectly good care of myself, I have done it for years now” The Huntress said, a low growled erupted from behind her and she turned to see The Prince shaking with rage. She then turned to Lucy, fear racing through her veins, she didn’t want Lucy getting hurt by Prince Lucas.

“I think you should go, I don’t need anything at the moment, and if I do need anything I can get it” she said as she led Lucy out the door. Lucy smiled at her before waving and walking down the hall. She shut the door and began to turn around, but two strong arms wrapped around her, caging her in their grasp. She felt warm breath fan across her ear and she shivered at the feeling.

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