chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Fire and ice, Lyric knew these as she lay immobile in her cold, dark oblivion, her whole body was on fire one second and ice cold the next, she couldn't move, she felt like something was sitting on her chest, slowly suffocating her, but could you suffocate if you weren't breathing, could your heart race with fear and pain if it no longer beat.

"I'm dead, I'm dead, forgive me Lucas" Lyric thought.

"Here we meet again Lyric" a voice said.

"Angel" Lyric whispered knowing it was the same angel that had spoken to her when she had been rescued from Darren, but she was still in the darkness, she was still lying on the ground or bed she couldn't tell.

"Where am I, I'm dead aren't I" she asked confused.

"You are not dead, it is not your time" The Angel said.

"Then what is happening" Lyric asked, The Angle seemed to laugh at her question.

"You are being turned into a very powerful being Lyric, and when you wake you will end this war with your beloved by your side, you will rule over the vampires, the humans, and the hunters, there will finally be peace" The Angel said, his voice becoming soft and kind.

"Then why are you here" Lyric asked.

"Why are you talking to me, why have I not woken up, why can't I move, I'm so confused" Lyric said her voice shaking with fear.

"You are being turned, you will awake today, but as of now your body is becoming accustomed to the new power it has been given, give yourself time and you will wake, we all wish you luck, but we know you will be victorious, but heed this warning, do not let your anger control you or you will end in darkness" his voice trailed off and echoed in Lyrics head, she gasped, she was going to become a vampire, she realized, but little did she know she would become much more than a vampire, she would be the very symbol of darkness.

It felt like hours but in reality had only been a few minutes before Lyric realized she could move her hand, only slightly, but she could still move, she could also hear what was going on around her, but it was different, she could hear the breathing of a human and the whispers of three vampires in the room. She listened closely trying to listen in on the conversation.

"She is supposed to wake today, yet nothing has happened, we were to late father she is dead" Lucas said.

"No she is not son, remember she is your beloved, she is stronger than you think" The King said. The sound of human sobbing broke through the room.

"Lucy she will be fine, there is no reason to morn for her, she will live" The King said, his voice soft and comforting.

"I can't just sit by and watch as she lays on that bed motionless, I'm sorry" Lucy said sobbing harder, the sound of rustling was heard, as if someone had embraced Lucy.

"She will live, she is one damn good fighter, she won't let this be the end of her, I know she will live" Emma's voice said.

"Thank you" Lucy said sniffling a little. Lyric tried to open her eyes but they would not move, all she could do was move her hand ever so slightly, she did this repeatedly, trying to gain there attention to tell them she lived, after the third time someone spoke up.

"Wait" Lucas said, everyone went silent.

"What happened" Emma asked.

"I think her hand just moved" he whispered.

"Are you sure son" The King asked, Lucas nodded.

"Yes, I am" he said confidently.

"Son, do you want us to leave for a moment" The King asked.

"What, no way, I am not leaving until I know if Lyric is alive or not" Emma said the challenge clear in her voice, The King sighed.

"Emma I realize you want to make sure your commander is alright but she is my sons beloved, let them be together for now then you may see to her later" The King said calmly, but you could still hear the command in his voice, Emma sighed.

"Alright" she said, the sound of feet shuffling and the door opening and closing was heard, then silence, after a few moments a warm hand wrapped around Lyrics cold stiff one, she was surprised, she had heard so many things yet when he had moved she had heard nothing.

"Lyric if you can hear me please, please give me a sign, I can't take it anymore, I have to know you live, please I beg of you show me that you still live" Lucas pleaded, his voice soft. Lyric tried to tell him she was alive but her mouth would not move, so she tightened her grip on his hand instead, she heard his quick intake of breath and smiled to herself, he knew that she was alive, he rested his head onto her hand and wept with relief.

"I'm so happy you are ok, the effects of the venom will wear off in a few minutes" he said, his voice shaking, Lyric could feel his tears hit the bed beneath her, silence filled the room, Lucas leaned back down and rested his head down on her hand, after a few seconds his breathing became even and Lyric knew he had fallen asleep, he must be tired, there was no telling how long she had been out, or when the last time he had sleep or feed was. That thought made her shiver, that's when she realized she could move freely, she slowly sat up and looked down at herself, she didn't seem to look any different but as she looked out at the room she noticed her vision was a lot better, she could tell different details apart from one another, something she couldn't do before, she could also zoom in and out with her eyes, she could look at one specific point on the wall and zoom in until that was the only thing in her vision, she was amazed by all this, but one thing kept coming to her mind, how come she didn't want blood? She took a deep breath and smiled as the scent of her beloved filled her nose, she looked over to where he slept and placed her hand softly on his head, he groaned and lifted his head from Lyrics hand and looked up at her, he blinked a few times before his eyes widened and he stood from his chair and leaned over closer to her and placed his hand on her cheek.

"Are you really here, or am I just dreaming" he asked, Lyric leaned forward and pecked him on the lips.

"You're not dreaming" she whispered, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him, safely securing her in his embrace.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered next to her ear making Lyric shiver as his breath tickled her newly sensitive hearing.

"Stop that tickles" she said giggling, Lucas chuckled.

"Now you know how I felt every time you whispered to me" he said, Lyric giggled again, Lucas laid her down on the bed and hovered over her.

"How are you feeling" he asked, concern shining in his eyes, Lyric frowned, where did this question come from.

"I feel fine, why do you ask" she asked him, his eyes darkened and she knew he wasn't telling her something.

"What wrong" she asked, he sighed.

"Have you realized anything about how you're not hungry" Lucas said staring down at Lyric, she frowned.

"I'm not hungry at all, why" she asked, then it hit her, she wasn't hungry, it's not that she didn't want blood, she didn't want any kind of food.

"What's going on" she asked fear coloring her voice, Lucas sighed and looked down at her with sham darkening his silver eyes.

"I'm sorry but I had no choice, I couldn't lose you, I had just gotten you back you couldn't ask me to live without you, not again" he whispered as he rested his forehead hers.

"What am I" she asked knowing she was not just a vampire, no, she wasn't a vampire at all. Lucas opened his eyes and stared at her for what felt like an eternity before he answered.

"You are a deaths angel, a dark angel" he whispered.

the end


"His Dark Angel"

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