chapter 25

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Chapter 25

“Brother, what are you doing here” Lucas said as he pushed Lyric behind him, taking a protective stance before his brother.

 “Now now, why do you hide this beautiful young lady brother, I thought we always shared, but I guess I was wrong” Darren said, stepping closer to Lucas and Lyric.

 “What do you want brother” Lucas said growling in warning as Darren took another step closer to them, Darren smiled.

 “I only want one thing, if you give me what I want I will let you live” Darren said, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he stared at Lyric, she had a bad feeling about this, she scanned the surrounding area and saw fifty or sixty rogues surrounding them, all of them hidden by the thick forest and dark shadows. She stepped closer to Lucas, he tensed and looked around as well, then a rumbling growl rose from his chest, shaking the earth.

 “What do you want” he asked, trying to keep his rage under control, Darren smiled and stepped even closer to Lucas, causing him to push Lyric farther back toward the forest, unaware of what Darren had planned.

 “I will only ask once more, what do you want” Lucas said, staring coldly at his brother.

 “I don’t want much, you see, my beloved didn’t like what I did and tried to change me so I did the only thing I could…I killed her” he stated, his voice and eyes held no emotion, no pain or sadness for the loss of his beloved, that’s when Lyric realized that this vampire standing before her had no humanity left, he was nothing but darkness.

“Why would you do that” Lyric yelled as she walked around Lucas who wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him, he was shaking from both anger and fear. Darren looked between them with fury in his green eyes.

 “She was not a good beloved, she tried to change me, now I have to have a queen, one that is strong and intelligent, one that has been dipped into the darkness, and that person is you Huntress” he said, coming closer to them, as if to take her from Lucas, but Lucas wasn’t going to let that happen, he pushed Lyric behind him and lunged at Darren. Lyric was to stunned to do anything as she watched the two brothers fight with one another, she was so entranced by the fight that she didn’t notice when four rogues came up behind her and suddenly grabbed her, two rogues grabbed her waist arsenal leaving her with only one dagger in her boot, the other two rogues grabbed her arms so she couldn’t fight, she twisted and pulled trying anything to get away, but when one rogue grabbed her by the shoulders she knew he was about to bite her. She froze, she remembered the pain of a vampire bite and she never wanted to experience that again, he was about to bite her when a voice broke through the sound of her pounding heart.

 “Stop this, I don’t want my beloved to be bit just yet, take her to the base and put her in the cells, I will be seeing her later” Darren said as he walked by. Where was Lucas, that thought ran through Lyrics head as she was dragged through the forest by the rogues, at one point they stopped and Lyric took that chance to try and run, she was able to get away from the rogues holding her but she didn’t get far before Darren caught her, he pinned her to the ground with a sinister smile on his face.

 “You’re quite fast, but I warn you never to try and run again” he said, Lyric spat in his face making him rear back, she lifted her leg and kneed him before standing too run again, and again Darren tackled her to the ground.

“I warned you” he growled as he lowered his head to her neck, Lyric felt a surge of panic as she realized what he was about to do, she tried again and again to kick him or hit him but there was no getting away, he laughed at her feeble attempts to get him off her.

 “If you had just listened to me I could have made this bite painless, but now that you have disobeyed me I have no choice but to punish you” he said as he let his fangs slice into her neck, Lyric tried her hardest not to scream from the pain, but when he forced his fangs deeper into her neck she screamed as the venom made its way through her body, lighting her blood on fire, she screamed and screamed until she no longer had a voice, she felt herself losing strength as her life blood was drained from her, but before she could fully slip into oblivion Darren pulled his fangs out and smiled down at her, her blood dripped from his fangs.

 “Now, let’s go” he said, she felt someone lift her and start to drag her away, she was in and out of consciousness as they dragged her through the forest, one minute in the land of the living and the next she was in the land of the dead. Lyric was jerked back into the living world when the rogues threw her into a cold metal cell and locked the door, she was too tired to realize where she was or wonder what was going to happen to her, her neck was soar but the bleeding had stopped thanks to Darren’s saliva, she shivered at the thought, she tried to think about something else, anything to take her away from the cold cramped space she was in now. Then the thought of Lucas came to her mind and she laid her hand over the necklace, relieved when she found it still securely latched around her neck, she thought about Lucas and prayed that he was ok, she didn’t care if she died, she just wanted him to be safe, with that last thought Lyric let the darkness consume her once more.

here is an update i may update again today i dont know comment if you want another update today :)

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