chapter 9

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ok I'm back im so sorry i havent updated i didnt have a computer till yesterday and i was wrighting all night i havent slept so im sorry for the mistakes in this chapter!

I am sorry that I left, but I could not trust you, and you hadn’t told me what I was there for, I thought it was a trap. The Huntress wrote, the king and Prince Lucas read over the paper then stared back at her.

“What changed your mind, why did you come back if you thought it was a trap. Which it was not” the king said narrowing his eyes at The Huntress in anger, she shrank back in the chair, Prince Lucas tensed, his eyes hardening as he saw the light green color come into The Huntresses eyes meaning she was scared, his father was scaring her, and he didn’t like it.

 “Father, calm down, if you scare her off then we can never explain anything and neither can she” Prince Lucas said as he stepped closer to The Huntress, she tensed and clinched her hands into small fist, trying to fight her instincts that were telling her to fight, but another part of her was telling her to trust Prince Lucas, he would protect her, and love her, she shook her head, trying to shake those thoughts out of her head, but no matter how hard she shook her head they stayed there, burned into her skull.

 “Is something wrong” Prince Lucas asked as he knelt next to The Huntress, she shook her head again, staring into the silver and gold eyes of the prince, he gave her a small smile.

 “So why did you change your mind” he asked quietly. She leaned forward in the chair to reach the paper but Prince Lucas snatched it away, she gasped and looked up to Prince Lucas, he was holding the paper in his hands, staring at her, his eyes danced with mischief.

 “You will either have to talk or come get the paper yourself, your choice, but personally I want to hear your lovely voice again” Prince Lucas said. The Huntress huffed, not liking the game he was playing, she had no intention to talk, she never talked, why she talked to him that first night, she didn’t know, but she never spoke and she didn’t want to start now, she was always silent on a hunt. So she stood and walked over to Prince Lucas and tried to grab the paper, but he held it above his head as he smirked down at her, she had to crane her neck back to see his face because he was so tall, his six foot five frame towered over her small five foot three frame, she glared at him through her cloth and stared up at the paper in his hand. Her eyes changing from there light green color to pink, like that of a rose, his smirk grew as she tried to jump and grab the paper, she was too short to reach it, only being able to reach about the height of elbow when she jumped, she landed with a huff and stared up at Prince Lucas, she crossed her arms across her blood covered black T-shirt and thought about how she was going to reach the paper without talking to him first.

 “What’s wrong, giving up already” Prince Lucas asked. The king chuckled behind them, but stayed out of the way of the two love birds as he watched them flirt, Crystal would have loved to see her second oldest son so happy, he sighed as grief crashed into him, she’s in a better place, he thought to himself, she is safe.

The Huntress smiled beneath her cloth and stood on her tip toes till she could reach his head, she lifted her arm trying to stretch until she could go no further, one hand rested over his beating heart, and her smile grew when she felt his heartbeat quicken under her hand, she steadied herself, making sure she had her balance before pushing the prince over, caught off guard he fell to the ground, laying on his back propped up on his elbows he stared at The Huntress. She stalked forward and knelled down to grab the paper out of his hand, her hand brushed his as she retrieved her prize, she stood quickly, trying to put some distance in between them as she rushed back to the library table and started writing again, she was very aware when Prince Lucas sat down beside, her placing his hand on her knee as she wrote, she glanced over at him he smiled innocently at her before leaning down to read what she had begun writing. Deciding she had to pick her battles she ignored him and didn’t move his hand, but if she was honest, she didn’t say anything because she liked his hand on her, she liked him, maybe even lov… wait, stop right there, I can’t love him, he’s a royal vampire, I’m a hunter, we are complete opposites, stop, you’re only going to get your heart broken again, just stop those thoughts right now, she thought as she continued writing, cursing herself for thinking he could ever love someone like her.

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