Chapter 8-Laffy Taffy

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"Well, I'll say this much, they don't
call your friend 'Wreck-it' for nothing" Muttered Calhoun as the cruiser zoomed around.
I kept on slipping until I felt arms around me hugging me..
"Don't  worry I got you..." Explained Felix as his grip tightened I looked around as I spotted the same shuttle that went past us!
"Look! There's the shuttle!" I Exclaimed as the cruiser we were standing on floated down near the shuttle.. Calhoun took out her gun and examined the shuttles inside..
Felix let's go of me and quickly grabs my hand.
"Is he in there?"  Asked Felix with worry in his eyes..
"Nope. Lucky for him." Replied Calhoun as she placed back her gun in her holster.
"Otherwise, I would have slap his corpse.
No Cy-Bug either. Gotta find it before it lays it's filthy eggs." Added Calhoun as she took her tracking device.
"He came this way but the Sugar particles
in the atmosphere are jamming my sensor.
Can't get a read on it." She Muttered loud enough for both of us to hear as she slammed her hand on the screen placing.
"So, what is it with this Wreck-it joker, huh Why'd he go AWOL?" Asked Calhoun as she went across the purple candy branch.
Me and Felix followed right behind her like ducklings.
"I wish I knew, ma'am. He was acting all squirely last night. Going on about cake and medals. But, I never thought he'd go Turbo!"
Explained Felix as he followed me
"What's Going Turbo, Felix?" I asked concerned since Ralph truly never explained to me what Going Turbo was...
I looked back at Felix as his face was surprised.
"That's right, you guys just got plugged in.
Well, back when the Arcade first opened,
TurboTime was by far the most popular game...
..and Turbo... Well, he loved the attention..
So, when Rogue Blasters got plugged in and
stole Turbo's thunder ...boy, was he jealous!
So jealous that he abandoned.. his own game..
..and tried to take over the new one. Turbo ended up putting both games and himself out of order..for good." Explained Felix as he tried not to look down.
"What would He do such a thing? Even though he was jealous?" I asked looking at Felix.
Felix shrugged "I wish I knew...."
"Yes, the selfish man is like a mangy dog
chasing a cautionary tale." Muttered Calhoun as she looked at her device.
"I know, right? That's why I have to get Ralph home or the same thing's gonna happen to my game." Exclaimed Felix with that fire in his eyes filled with determination....
The branch we were on quickly disappeared for some unknown reason as we fell into the brown solution.
I struggled to get out..
"What is this?"
Calhoun looked at a sign..
"Nesquicksand?" Yelled Calhoun.


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"Quicksand." I muttered as I struggled in the sand.
"Oh, I'll hop out and grab you guys one of those vines." Felix was stuck at this situation watching him struggle was terrifying for me to see. 
I tried to get out of the quick sand as the quicksand was quickly up to my chest.
"oh no! Nononono NO! I can't drown in chocolate powder!" I cried out lemon drops at the sight!
Felix looked at me with a really scared look on his face.
"I can't hop. I'm hop-less! This is hopeless, we're gonna drown here!" Yelled Felix
"Stop cracking, stop moving You're making us sink faster!" Commanded Calhoun.
"We're gonna die!" I Cried
"Get a hold of yourself!" Yelled Calhoun as she punched my face.
I let out a loud ow as I looked up to see the purple vines slowly coming down.
"Ah, the vines They are Laffy Taffy.They're attracted to whatever makes them laugh." Explained Felix in wonder.
"Here, hit me again" I Yelled
Calhoun then slowly just slapped my face softly as the Laffy Taffy went to their original spot as they cried out Awwws...
"That's not funny enough. Harder." I Muttered with frustration.
"Look, Your a nice gal I can't..." sighed Calhoun as she looked at me.
"No, ma'am! The Arcade is depending on us.
"Now do your duty, that's an or...." Calhoun quickly punched my face.
The Laffy Taffy then comes down fast really fast laughing very loud.
"It's working. Hit me again!" I Exclaimed as my face was swollen..
"Oooh.. your eye!" Muttered Calhoun..
I felt my eye as it was swollen..
"I can fix it." Says Felix as he takes out his hammer and taps on my face.
"Now go!" Calhoun punches my face once more as Felix fixes it, The Laffy Taffy coming down each time Calhoun punches my face..
"Fran-fantastic!" I Exclaimed as my nose was broken, Felix fixed my broken nose.
Without hesitation Calhoun punched my mouth where I lost my two front teeth
"Again!" I cried out as Felix fixes it again.
Calhoun punches my eyes
"You mean business.."
"We're... Killing...them!" I Exclaimed as Felix fixed my face and put his hammer into the holder.
I grabbed onto Calhoun's hand as Felix
then grabbed around my waist as he held onto A Laffy Taffy strand.
Felix lets go of me as My feet touch the branch, I blushed as the Laffy Taffy were then singing a song.
Felix put his hand on his hips as I then looked around where the Laffy Taffy were forming a heart around me and Felix...
Calhoun rolled her eyes as she took out her gun and shot the air causing the Laffy Taffy going to their rightful place.
"Alright, enought with the goo-goo eyes,
we've got work to do, let's go." She grunted as she took out her device.
"Ungh!.. lost the Cy-Bug." She grumbled as the device was unfortunately useless at this time.
"C'mon, we'll get a better view from the air!" She added as she went back to the shuttle
"You think you can fix that shuttle?" I asked with hope!
Felix then took out his hammer.
"Can do!"

"Can do!"

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