Chapter 14-Even More chaos

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I continued to throw/shoot/attack/slice/destroy the cy-bugs with my w/o/c..
Until I felt something come around my waist.
"Your not going to help them missy~!" Yelled a Lisp like voice..
"Y/N!" Yelled Felix as Tammy then pushed him behind her....
I turned around to see?
"T-turbo?!" I screamed as I saw his hideous lookin grin...
Turbo chuckled as he glitched from Turbo to King Candy.
"Awwww~! Your adorable when your in fear~!" He chuckled as his wings fluttered into the air..
"UP WE GO!" He Yelled as we went into the air...
I started to cry a bit of lemon drops....
"W-why are you doing this?" I asked as I punched his tight grip...
King Candy smiled as he then put a claw under my chin...
"Soo native~! Do you ever wonder why you cry out lemon drops? Or are emotionally scared of Felix knowing your secrets?" Asked King Candy as he went higher...
I nodded my head no as I sighed as King Candy chuckled "Wonder why you sometimes glitch?" Asked King Candy...
I started to cry again with lemon drops...
I heard a bang as Turbo then grinned evilly as chuckled darkly...
"WANNA SEE YOUR FRIEND DIE?" Asked Turbo as he then threw me to the Coca Cola mountain top....
Where Ralph was punching constantly the mentos so they would fall into the Diet Coke hot Springs...
I went face first onto the white surface...
Ralph was then threw into the brown glass wall as Turbo chuckled as he landed down..
Ralph was wide eyed as he then looked up at Turbo.....
"Welcome to the boss level~!"
"TURBO?!" Muttered Ralph as Turbo fixed his posture into his full height..
Turbo laughed maniacally as he let his demonic like arms go around..
"Because of you, Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the Arcade. I can take over any game I want. I should thank you but, it'd be more fun to kill you." Turbo then charged right at Ralph as he missed him by a landslide...
"Get back here little guy!" Exclaimed King Candy as he then said his catchphrase...
My head was thumping hard as I closed my eyes letting my head be on the cold mentos flooring..
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm not through with you yet."
"Up we go!"
"Look at that, it's your little friend!
Let's watch her die together, shall we."

"I'm bad, and that's good.
I will never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be..
..than me." I felt the ground under me shake knowing that I wasn't going to regenerate after this...
until I felt something under me..
"Kid!" I opened my eyes to see Vanellope
"Don't worry, I got it under control." Exclaimed Vanellope determinedly as she then glitched I looked above as all the cy-bugs were now going into the beacon of light..
We then landed in a lake of chocolate..

"Chocolate, it's chocolate. I love chocolate Beautiful chocolate!" Exclaimed Ralph as he threw chocolate liquid around me and Vanellope....
I heard Felix cheering in the background as citizens of Sugar Rush were coming in...
Vanellope then took my hand and glitched up to Felix..
It was like a hazy dream..
His face was full of tears,
happy not sad,
He ran up to me,
I ran up to him....
I cried out lemon drops..
Felix then took my waist and swung my around..,
I laughed and beamed with joy, laughter,
Felix then placed me down, His hand slithered across my waist so I would be nearer to his face...
He cupped my face as I stared into those Blue ocean like pools of his..
He leaned into my face and-!
He was kissing me....
I heard cheering the background,
And I swear there was red hearts around us at that moment but I didn't care....
I was with him...
He already fixed my heart instantly...
I don't care about Prince Ruthless for all I care he can go into a hole and cry...
I wasn't worried if anyone was staring at us or mocking us....
His kiss was passionate, loving, and tasted like lemon drops...
I let go as we hold hand in hand to the finish line...
I smiled passionately looking at my lover, my fixer, my handyman...
Fix it Felix jr.

Can you fix me? Fix it Felix Jr. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now