You continued to ride alongside your fellow cadets, all of your eyes running over the different trees and bushes that surround you all. You had been riding on your horses for about an hour now. If your memory serves you correctly, then your hometown should be coming up sometime soon! It was great news, especially since sitting on your horse the way you were for hours wasn't helping you stay awake at all.
You remembered hearing either Sasha or Connie complaining about how long the ride was taking, your usually stoic captain not hesitating to tell them to 'shut up and keep your eyes and ears peeled'. You were all more than a little aware that the command was directed to all of you and not just Sasha and Connie.
You had all answered the male with a quick and firm "Yes sir!" Before returning back to what you were doing earlier.
"Hey guys," you said, looking back at the others for a second, a small smile on your face, "I believe that my town should be coming up soon."
As you faced forward once more, you heard some of your friends letting out sighs of relief. "Oh thank god." Jean said, slightly rolling his eyes, "I thought this was never going to end."
"You said it." Connie said, a look of boredom flashing across his face. "There's really nothing out here to even be looking for!"
As some of the others began joining the conversation, Eren gulped lightly. His gaze wasn't on his surroundings as it should have been, but the Captain that seemed less than impressed with what was going on at the moment. He wasn't great friends with the guy or anything, but he was aware about what ticked him off and what didn't. The look on the shorter male's face being more than enough for him to know what he was feeling at the moment...They were definitely going to get it when they reached your place.
You had joined in the conversation every so often, but mainly kept your eyes ahead of you. You did like your life as it was over in the Scouting Regiment, but you still missed home...what was home now anyway? You had a hard time thinking about that, especially since you were so comfortable with the others now.
It seemed as though you were lost in thoughts once more because before you knew it your reigns were yanked to the side jerking both you and your horse back onto the trail. It took you a few seconds to balance yourself onto your horse once more, preventing yourself from falling off.
"Stay focused brat." A low voice spat, your eyes meeting with the owner's cold grey ones, "If you keep this up, you're more likely to become Titan fodder than anything else. I suggest you up your game cadet."
You knew that you should've been focusing on his words and ice cold glare at that moment, but all you could think about was the close proximity between you two. You weren't nose to nose or anything, but close enough that it kind of made you uncomfortable.
"Are you even listening to me brat?" Levi asked, giving you another hard glare from where he sat.
"U-uh, yes sir!" You responded, bringing your focus back onto the mission at hand. You cheeks did feel a bit warm due to how embarrassed you felt at the moment. This was your second mistake today, definitely not a list you want to expand upon. You really weren't making that great of an impression at the moment...
The male let out a small "Tch" before handing the reigns back to you, giving you control of your own horse once more. You watched the male as he rode in front of you, the male probably having a good idea of where to go now...especially since a decently sized town was beginning to enter your line of sight.
Your face had visibly brightened at the sight, happy to see that your hometown was still in tact. If anything, it seemed like your hometown had only expanded the amount of land it took up. There were some buildings that weren't familiar to you, that and they looked less worn out than some of the other surrounding buildings.

Life of Dignity? Or Corruption? (Levi x Reader)
FanfictionY/n L/n, you weren't anything special. In fact you weren't all that great if a cadet and was constantly challenging yourself to try and keep up with people like the top Ten of your regiment. As you aided Levi and his new squad in a mission that woul...