You slowly followed the male into your house with your eyes on the floor, your eyes glancing over at the male every so often. Yeah, apparently you didn't learn from your actions earlier. No matter what kind of situation you found yourself in because of your habit of glancing in his direction, you never stopped. It wasn't that you were obsessed with him or anything like that. It's because you held so many feelings for him that you weren't able to sort out properly. There were some days where you felt like you wanted to do nothing else but wring his neck with your bare hands because of how heartless and unsympathetic, especially at times when most others would be really worried or sad because of an event that had just occurred. In moments where most would be distraught or saddened, Levi would be calm and composed, so calm and composed that it pretty much pissed you off to absolutely no end. Of course then there was also the part of you that had a crush on him, something you felt confused you to no end. how was it possible that you liked someone that managed to unintentionally piss you off so much?
"Hey Y/n, are you listening to me?" Eren asked, snapping his fingers in front of your face as if to ensure that you had heard what he was saying, or at least the message that he was trying to get through. Sadly for him, you were lost in your thoughts, so much that you didn't even notice him talking until now. Wow, you really needed to get out of that habit and quick, it could be a real problem causer if you just so happen to do that out on the battlefield. Thankfully that was something that has not happened yet, and for the sake of everything that was good in this world, you hoped it never would.
"O-oh, sorry Eren I didn't really hear anything." You said, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly. You hoped that Levi didn't overhear you saying that again or else you both were probably going to have particularly long talk...and it was most likely all going to be things that you've heard before. How annoying that would be...
Eren let out a small sigh at your words, rubbing the back of his head in what seemed to be disbelief, something that made the light in your eyes slightly dim. He seemed to be pretty annoyed at you as well... For some reason began to feel slightly less hungry than before, your eyes glued on the wooden floor below you. You were going to make some sort of excuse so that you'd be able to go upstairs or something like that, but stopped you heard a small laugh escape the male's lips instead of anything else. "Wow, guess I shouldn't have expected anything different from you huh?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder and flashing you a smile, "Hey, what's with the downcast look huh? Is something bothering you?"
You looked at the male and shook your head, "Nope...I'm just overthinking things is all, no worries!" You chirped, laughing a bit before grabbing his wrist lightly and taking it off of your shoulder.
Eren didn't seem to be offended by the action at all and nodded his head, placing his hand right back to his side before walking over to the table where everyone else was already seated.
It didn't surprise you all that much when everyone else took the same seat that they sat in last night, placing you right next to Levi yet again.
"It's nice to see that everyone could make it." Your aunt smiled as she entered the room with some more platters in hand.
Everyone in the room nodded and thanked her for the food as she began to place everything down, your mother following her into the room not much later. Your eyes went over her form in curiosity as she took her seat next to Rei. Was she planning on giving you any more uncomfortable questions? Or was she going to allow today to be a civilized lunch and dinner?
A few minutes passed, consisting of everyone getting their utensils and other dishes before they all began to dig into the food, you taking the serving you knew you'd be able to ingest before beginning to eat your food in silence. As you ate you allowed your eyes to look up every so often to look at the comrades that surrounded you. You were about to go back to your food when Eren asked Levi a question that had totally slipped your mind.

Life of Dignity? Or Corruption? (Levi x Reader)
FanfictionY/n L/n, you weren't anything special. In fact you weren't all that great if a cadet and was constantly challenging yourself to try and keep up with people like the top Ten of your regiment. As you aided Levi and his new squad in a mission that woul...