You had a very tough time getting out of bed this morning...and no it wasn't because you had partied too hard the night before or anything like that. Today would mark the beginning of the mission assigned to you and the rest of the Special Operations Squad, it wasn't something that you particularly looked forward to and it was for more than just one reason.
It was as you sat on your bed, pulling on your long-sleeve top that there was a sudden knock on your door, probably one of your teammates making sure that you were up and getting ready for the mission that was to take place in a few hours.
You knew why you were worrying about the mission, it was obviously different than any of the other missions you've been on and it wasn't just the setting or the fact that you would be pursing your target as citizens and not members of the Survey Corps. Your family was now in the line of fire and they knew that well. So why in the world would they agree to aid the military in anything that may get them and the whole town killed? Whoever they were hunting down was in possession of the Titan serum, should things turn for the worse, the whole town and the squad will die at the hands of a Titan with unknown abilities. As if there wasn't enough odds against you already, you had next to nothing on the abilities of your target.
"Hey Y/n, you awake?" Jean asked, his hands knocking on the door and voice slightly muffled by the piece of wood in between you both.
Your eyes couldn't stop from slightly widening when it was the voice of Jean Kirstein that you heard and not someone like Mikasa or Sasha. What in the world was going through that group's head when they decided to send him to your room? "Ahh yeah, I'm awake." You answered, doing your best to dress as quickly as possible.
"Alright then good," He said, a small 'thump' telling you that the male was now leaning against your door, "Not everyone's done yet, but I would still suggest that you speed up. The captain seems like he's more than ready to leave now."
You let out a small huff while putting on a jacket, not liking that you were being rushed. You understood why this was happening though, so you decided to just stay quiet and not say anything. After you had made sure that nothing was forgotten you grabbed your bag and opened the door, the face of Jean being the first thing to greet you. To be honest you never really had a problem with him so seeing him there didn't bother you in the slightest.
"Alright then princess, are you ready to get going?" He asked, a small smirk residing on his face.
You nodded your head, pulling the strap of your bag over your shoulder to ensure that it wouldn't fall off or anything. The last thing you wanted was your bag falling off while you were still on your way to the town, that would be embarrassing.
After flashing a small smile in the male's direction, you began to walk alongside him to meet up with the others who you guessed were all already outside. Despite Jean telling you that not everyone was there yet, everyone who was assigned to the mission was present. All of them were either taking care of their horses or walking them out to ready them for the long trek ahead of them. Your guess was that everyone else had come while Jean was waiting in front of your room.
"Nice to see that you could make it Cadet." Levi said as he walked past you, his cold tone causing a shiver to run up your spine. He didn't seem too happy with the fact that you were the last one there.
'Great first impression Y/n.' You thought dejectedly as you approached your horse's pen, your companion giving you a small neigh in greeting. You gave the horse's mane a light brush with your hand, a soft smile now on your face.
After a few seconds have passed, you opened up the horse's pen and allowed him to walk out, your hand taking hold of the harness to ensure that your horse didn't try to run off or anything.
"L/n get your horse ready so we can get moving." Levi commanded as he climbed up onto his own horse. Everyone around you soon began to copy the male's movements and mounted their own horses, the focus of Jean and the others now on you.
"Understood Captain." You muttered distastefully as you stabilized and adjusted your saddle. As soon as you were sure that everything was ready to go, you too mounted your horse and made it so you were in front of all of them with the exception of Levi.
"I'm relying on you to make sure that we don't get far off course or anything like that, understand Cadet?" Levi asked as he had his horse walk so that he'd be able to stop next to yours.
You nodded your head, confident about the route that you were all about to take. "Yes sir." You answered, your horse letting out another neigh as you began advancing forward. To be honest you were kind of worried, you could easily screw this up and if that happened, you didn't doubt that you'd be sent back to the camp without a second thought.
The male and the rest of his squad began to follow you through the terrain that you were leading them to. For the most part there wasn't too much difficulty, the only part of this that annoyed you was the amount of thime that would pass before you reached your hometown.
"Hey Y/n," Sasha begin as she brought her horse up to your own, "Out of curiosity, do you miss your hometown at all? Be honest with me okay?"
You looked at the road in front of you, thinking about the question which honestly wasn't all that hard to answer. "Yeah, I do." You answered, flashing a smile in the female's direction, "It's just been so long since I've last seen everyone, I don't know how they'll react to all of this."
Shasha nodded what you had to say, processing the words coming out of your mouth carefully. "Well I mean if they actually care for you, then they won't hold any hostility am I right?"
You gulped slightly before nodding your head, "Yeah, I guess so." You muttered.
It was true, if your family actually cared about you and the choices that you have made, then they wouldn't be so sour about your choice in career. They shouldn't have too much of a problem with it, especially since they had volunteered to house all of you while you worked on the mission.
"Hey Y/n, just hear me out ok?" Connie said from slightly behind both Sasha and yourself, "I...I just want to wish you and your town good luck, I don't want to see another village end up the same way mine did. to say the least."
You turned your head around slightly so you'd be able to see Connie, a slightly worried yet genuine grin on his face. "Thanks guys." You said, nodding at both of them in gratitude.
"Hey! Will you idiots stop being so damn depressing up there? Come on!" Jean shouted from not too far behind, the look on his face showing his annoyance, "We shouldn't be thinking like that at all, all that's going to do is drag us down."
Another laugh was soon heard coming from Eren, a toothy grin plastered on the male's face, "Yeah, this definitely wouldn't be the most difficult mission we've been assigned to. Plus we have me here to aid with all of the fighting so there's no need for all that."
An unimpressed sigh escaped through Mikasa's lips as she heard the words Eren had said, "Well isn't someone overconfident." She stated blandly, her eyes focused on the path ahead of her.
"Will all of you stay focused? The more you keep this up, the longer it'll be until we reach the town." Levi said, as he glared at everyone who's spoken so far.
Those who made eye contact with the male froze before reverting their eyes back to the road, a disappointed sigh escaping your lips.
"Yes sir." You all groaned, the sound of hooves hitting the ground now the only thing echoing through through the forest.
You had a feeling that your friends probably wanted to try and lighten the atmosphere a bit with their talk, but Levi didn't seem all that crazy about the idea. This was a forest after all, it was more than a little possible that there were people ready to ambush the group. You just hoped that nothing like that would occur on your little trip.
'I shouldn't be too worried though.' You thought silently, 'These guys have held their own against the anti-personnel squad, a novice group of bandits don't hold a candle to them.'
Hello everyone! So this is the 5th chapter of the story, I hope you all liked it! If you think I should be doing something different, then please tell me! Thank you all for reading, comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!

Life of Dignity? Or Corruption? (Levi x Reader)
Hayran KurguY/n L/n, you weren't anything special. In fact you weren't all that great if a cadet and was constantly challenging yourself to try and keep up with people like the top Ten of your regiment. As you aided Levi and his new squad in a mission that woul...