Chapter 3

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 As you stood at the side of Armin Arlert and all of your other friends, you could't help but wonder about what kind of mission Erwin was assigning to you all and why this group in specifically was chosen for the mission. You'd already noticed that all of the comrades with you at the moment were either part of Levi's squad at one point or currently on the team. That left you, who was never actually part of the team except for the most recent event which was against the anti-personnel squad and Rod Reiss, though to be honest you felt more like extra baggage than anything else. At times you felt like your presence only dragged the team down and you hated yourself for ever feeling like that. The only person you've told about this so far was Sasha and she told you that you were a valuable asset to the group. Part of you doubted her words though, thinking that she was only telling you that to spare your feelings.

You found yourself lost in your thoughts once more until Armin slightly nudged you so that you wouldn't be caught spacing out. It wasn't a hard nudge or anything and you understood that he was having your back at that moment so you had no reason to be mad at him about it. You flashed the blonde a small smile of gratitude before facing the front of the room once more, Erwin's eyes staring at all of you with an expectant look in them. When he knew that he had all of your attention, he nodded at all of you.

"Alright everyone, as I have stated before there's a mission that I'm assigning to this group in specifically." He said, his gaze hard and unwavering.

You really didn't know how all of the higher ups were able to keep up such calm and composed looks on the battlefield and when addressing all of the different squads. The front that they all put up made it seem like they couldn't be startled or shaken up by anything thrown in their way. Of course for people like Levi and Erwin, that statement could actually be true. They were one of the best soldiers humanity had to offer, of course they had to have such stoic and impassive fronts, that was a level that would be hard to reach for anyone.

"Recently, some of our Scouts have spotted a man who may possess another one of the Titan serums. We already know how effective a Titan is against another Titan, if we were to get our hands on another on it could be a drastic turning point for humanity."

Erwin's words had broken you out of your thoughts and your eyes along with the others had widened a fraction. Another Titan shifter working on the front lines would make it so much easier for humanity to take back Wall Maria, Eren by himself was already strong, but if you had another Titan helping you guys out the future would only become that much brighter. Everyone in the room knew better than to talk while Erwin and Levi were still in the process of informing you about the mission, so you kept your mouths shut and continued to stay focused on the two males in front of you.

"The last time this man had been sighted he was going through Trost. That was two days ago and witnesses say that he was on foot and heading deeper into the walls." Levi said, continuing the debrief, "They actually say that this man had spoken to a merchant about where he was planning to go next and his answer was the town called Gurma, one of the towns that aren't too far into Wall Rose and right behind Trost."

Your eyes widened as you heard the name of your hometown escape the captain's lips. So a man that could actually turn out to be dangerous, was heading for your hometown? But why, there was nothing special there! All he was doing was placing innocent lives in danger...

Unknown to you, Erwin had been looking in your direction the whole time. He was already well aware that the town was the one you'd call home and from your reaction his information had been proved correct.

"Cadet L/n," Erwin said, his eyes boring into your own, "I am aware that Gurma is your hometown correct? Your mother and Aunt live there if the information that you have provided with us is indeed correct. My plan was not for you all to approach the man as Scouts, but as fellow citizens of Wall Rose. I have spoken to your mother about the ordeal and she has agreed to house all of you there for the time being. I will allow you all to bring your ODM Gear should it ever be needed, but other than that don't bring it out until absolutely necessary. If the man knows we're there he'll most likely leave the town before we even have a chance to see him."

Life of Dignity? Or Corruption? (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now