Chapter 7

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 You continued to walk up the stairs with your group of friends trailing not too far behind you. Since you were in charge of giving them their rooms you decided to just assign them wile everyone was still around, you really didn't want to have to go out and search for others if someone wasn't in the room or something like that. You were already tired and not really in the best mood at the moment, going out to find one of your loose teammates was something that definitely wasn't going to help you out at the moment.

With that thought in your head, you looked back just to ensure that everyone was in fact behind you. You silently counted them all out in your head before letting out a sigh of relief. Everyone was there...

As soon as you had reached the second story of your house, you began to direct everyone to their assigned rooms. There wasn't an official plan made out as for 'who went where' so really you just had to improvise as you went. You almost screwed up a few times, catching yourself before you accidentally assigned Jean two different rooms. As most would expect, that process didn't take that long and soon enough you found yourself back downstairs, your eyes grazing over the different pictures that decorated your house's walls. You still remembered many of those moments, when your life was still in tact and when your family was still considered well...your family. Nowadays they felt more like really old friends than anything else. You knew they weren't the most supportive of your life here in the military, but you also did't know all that much about them. People can change a lot in one year, how much more in three of those?

You turned around, your eyes grazing over the sight of your aunt currently stationing herself in the kitchen so that she'd be able to cook all of you dinner. You were happy to see that she was cooking you all food, but you were still pretty disappointed that your mother wasn't here yet. It may have not seemed like it bothered you all that much, but in reality it stung like a bitch.

After a few more seconds passed, you allowed the breath that you were subconsciously holding in, exit through our mouth. You really needed to relax, if you worried about your family life the whole time then you wouldn't have enough time to actually worry about the reason you were all there in the first place. There was a potential Titan Shifter in the town, you didn't have time to worry about personal problems. The whole town was in danger, if you didn't execute the mission correctly then you wouldn't have a family to worry about anymore!

You then turned back to the position you were in before, looking at the pictures, but there was a difference now. Instead of it being just you and the pictures there was a very familiar, grey eyes looking back at you, the owner of those eyes only a foot away from you. This sudden appearance had actually caused you to jump slightly. You didn't even hear the male coming down the stairs!

"What is this place to you?" He asked blandly, his stone grey ones boring into your own. You honestly couldn't say that you understood the question, but you did your best to answer it anyway.

"It's home of course, what else would it be?" You asked, quirking a questioning eyebrow at the male. You knew that Levi could be a bit indirect when it came to questions, but this question was pretty unusual.

The male in front of you crossed his arms over his chest and allowed a stressed sigh to escape his lips. Why did he do that? You only told him the most obvious answer, was there something he wasn't telling you? "Well that could be a problem." he muttered, his eyes now directed on the scene outside of the windows, separating the inside and the outside of the house.

"Wh-what? Why would that be a problem?" You asked, walking so that you would be the one that the captain was looking at. Why would you considering this your home be a problem? It was just an opinion after all! He didn't have to consider it his own if he didn't want to, but he shouldn't be saying that it would be a problem...unless he wasn't .

Life of Dignity? Or Corruption? (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now