Chapter 3

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Melissa's POV

Elissa and I went in to Order our food they said they would be about 15 minutes, making me quite angry because I had a lot of work to do. We sat down at one of the tables waiting for our order. As Elissa was on her iPod that I always had, I was also on my phone looking at my classes for tomorrow seeing that I had at least 3 free periods that I could mark all the assignments thank god making me relax a little bit. "How about we go out for ice cream after this ?" I ask Elissa she smiled happily, making me smile. I told one of the waitresses they nodded and made sure that we got it on a plate. I looked up at the door as the bell rang and saw two familiar girls and a familiar hottie. I saw him smile at me, I smiled back. He walked over to our table. "Hi mind if we join you, " he asked us, I nodded as he pulled two extra chairs over, sitting the girls next to Elissa.

"Hi girls. How are you?" I asked "good, Elissa are you going to come down to the park and play baseball again?" Emma asked.

"I'm not sure unless you two come to my open dance class with me as a guest?" Elissa asked. "Deal," they both said, the two parents laughed.

"So how's your writing going?"I asked Chris.

"Pretty good, hows school going? He asked me.

"Pretty good, I'm gonna mark all my assignments tomorrow," I tell him. He smiles. "Girls why don't you go order and tell them that I will pay later," Chris tells his girls. They nod and go grab their order. There was silence for a while "So.." Chris started making Melissa laugh. "So is there someone in the picture? Their mother?" Melissa asked "No, she left when they were two, she gave me full custody without a fight," Chris said without any hesitation. "What about With Maddie and you?" Chris asked. "Umm very similar, but no" Melissa said not wanting to talk about how Elissa's father wasn't in the picture. "Oh" he replied. "So the girls and I always get ice cream after dinner when we eat out did you want to join us?" Chris asked Elissa and me, I looked over at Elissa and she smiled gleefully. "Ok then, So Chris you own an Ice cream shop and you write, what else do you do ?" Melissa asked "Well I coach the girl's baseball team" he replied. Smiling. "What about you, you teach? What else do you do?" Chris asked Melissa "I really don't have time to do anything else, other than going to Elissa dance rehearsal" Melissa replied. With a slight smile.

Chris POV

When I was talking to Melissa my first thought was she is so beautiful my second thought was she is hiding a lot of stuff, under all that beauty. All she did was work and run around Elissa, I mean I get the girls to go over to a friends house so I can have me to.

"So I was wondering if you want some time to yourself? I can always look after Elissa, I'm sure the girls would love to have her over" I asked Melissa. "Thank you for the offer, I'll think about it" Melissa replied "Ok," I said with a smile. "Does Elissa go over to a friends house?" I asked. "Well not really, she doesn't have time" Melissa replied. I nodded and our food arrives. "I'll go get the girls," she says smiling. I nod and once she leaves I pull out my phone and called my best friend Eddie. "Hey man I need some advice," I say through the phone Softly. "What is it?" He asks me. "You know Melissa that women I was talking to a week ago at softball" I remind him. "Yeah man, are you going out with her" he asked me excited "no, well her and her daughter are having dinner and Eliza, Emma and I walked in and just sat down with her, but I feel like she is closed off, like she doesn't want to share anything thing" I say. "Maybe ask her out on a night out, I can look after Eliza and Emma," he tells me. "I know that, but I don't think she had anyone to look after her daughter," I say, as Melissa starts to walk back with the girls. "Look man I have to go I'll talk to you later," I said hanging up my phone quickly. "Who was that daddy," Eliza asked been noise "uncle Eddie. I said as all the girls sat at the table.

The two families ate their dinner the girls talked while the adults just smiled at their daughters. After they ate their dinner they two families went to the ice cream shop and had their ice cream.

"So is Elissa's father in the picture?" Chris asked Melissa again, as they ate their ice cream while their girls, Melissa shook her head. "No" she responded with nothing else. I went along with it and tried to ask questions where they needed to be fuller answers instead of 'yes, no, umm I guess so, oh not sure'

I saw Melissa look down at her watch. El, babe we need to get home, I have a few assignments to mark and I want you to do some homework" Melissa tells her daughter. "But muuuummmmm" I head Elissa whine. "Nope come once I let you have ice-cream and go out for dinner come on. Thank you, Chris, see you I guess on the weekend" Melissa told me referring to the fact that Elissa would come to play baseball.

Melissa's POV

Once we arrived home it was 8 pm I told Elissa she was lucky that she didn't have to do her homework instead I told her to get ready for bed.

I walked out of her room from saying goodnight to her and sat on the couch pulling my bag of assignments that were due back tomorrow.

I sighed as I went on to my third terrible assignment. "How can they be so terrible," I said quietly, I looked over at a photo of me and Elissa, and then thought about the fact that she didn't have a father. I placed the pile of assignments down beside me I rubbed my face and laid my head back, closing my eye's a little.

"Mummy wake up, its time for school and work" I heard Elissa say. I opened my eyes to see sunlight, I rub my eye's I looked over at the clock and it read 8 am. "Fuck, ok umm.. you know how to get your lunch ready, so I can have a shower an get ready," I asked Elissa. She nodded, while I went to have a shower. Thankfully I had the first period free.

"Ok babe, have a good day," I say as I give her a kiss and sign her in school. "Ok bye" she replied to me smiling. I walked back out to the car and drove to work. I was very lucky because I was able to mark the rest of the assignments.

As the day went on I gave students back their assignments giving them another chance to explain it to me verbally instead of writing it down for those who needed it, finally my last student left and I had a period to my self where I was going to sit and relax, instead of writing and planning my next lessons.

"Melissa, someone here telling me they wanted to see you ?" Karin, the school's receptionist told me. I nodded as she brought the person in. "Hi," the male voice said. I froze, as I looked at him. "Um Karin can you show him out I just realised I have to meet a student in the library," I tell picking papers that were laying on my desk along with my laptop and walked out. 

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