Chapter 13

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It had been a week and a half since Mel and Elissa had moved in and they had to get the house tidy and the girls room ready and set so that Elissa was able to Melissa, her mum and dad round as well as her sisters, it was the day that they were announcing her partner Chris to her family as well as his daughters. Chris was helping the girls finally get their room in order while Melissa was tiding the living room up, making. It looks neat and presentable for the weekend. Melissa took a deep breath and had a look around, Chris made space for her photo albums and they created a wall of framed photo's of the girls and were waiting for a large photo of all them to be print. The two made it work, as for all Melissa's kitchen supplies, well some of the things she had Chris didn't and they could always a few extra pans, and plates, glasses as they made it work in the living area they made it work in the kitchen, and the fridge it was perfect storage for all the drinks.

The spare room had Melissa's bed and a TV in there.

The girl's room well it was interesting, Melissa and Chris had to buy an extra wardrobe, so there was more space for Elissa's clothes which meant that there wasn't much room for another set of shelves and even the beds. Chris and Melissa considered the idea of smashing down the wall, but how were they supposed to do it in well three weeks, it would have been chaos on top of Chaos, thankfully there were able to put it out in the living room creating a space for them to colour, draw, and do whatever they wanted. They were able to make it do, with the girls having their beds two at one wall, and the other up against the other wall facing the two other beds.

Chris finally finished helping the girls putting everything out on the two shelves they wanted people to see and the other away where there was room in the extra cupboard they brought.


Chris walked out to see Melissa fidgeting with some of the pieces in the living room. "What's wrong"? he asked her "There is too much in this room," Melissa said looking around, placing her hand on her hips. "Hey, its fine for now, once El's Birthday is over we can sort it out, I know its small, but we will make it work ok," Chris said kissing her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Ok, umm I need to go shopping for El's birthday present can you take care of her?" Melissa ask's, Chris. "Umm why don't we ask you my mum to take care of the girls and we can get her present together plus mum would have them for a night, so we could have a night to ourselves, you now do adult stuff, and not worry about the mess, in the house" Chris suggested. "Umm, I like that" Melissa replies smiling wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a kiss. "Ok come on, let me help you," Chris said, "Um can we pull the couches out maybe?" Melissa asked Chris. He looked at the area, and nodded "Ok, let's see, we want to keep the TV there so we can watch it while one of us is cooking dinner, and so the girls can watch it if they are, colouring, but definitely not while we are eating dinner." Chris started and Melissa nodded, they decided that they would move the furniture, it wasn't a big change they placed one fo the couches near the photo wall so they could add a stooge unit behind the couch, and a couch facing the TV, then the girls area was near one of the shelves facing the small yard, with the kitchen and dining area reaming the same. "That looks a lot better," Melissa said with a smile on her face "I am so sorry I have rearranged your whole home," she said burying her face in her hands. "Its ok, it's your home now to remember," he told her lifting her face out of her hands. She nodded, now why don't we get the girls out here and go to the shops to get dinner and tell them that they would be spending time with my mum for a night" Chris said as he was about to call the girls out, but he had to kiss her first, and that's what he did.

Chris's POV

Girls come out here please I call them out. They all come running us. "Go get your shoes on, we are going to the shops to get dinner," I tell them they smile running back to get their shoes coming back with them on. "You all ready?" I asked them they all smiled as we walked out the door hoping that it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to take them out on a shopping trip.

We hopped in the car and head down to the shops, it was for the first time that we would be going out in public since I posted about the new additions to Mine, Emma's and Eliza's Family.

"So girls, El's birthday is next week, and we were thinking of getting you to go to Chris's Mums house for the night so he and I can go bye your presents El, is that ok?" Melissa asks the girls but mainly El. Eliza and Emma smile happily, however, El wasn't to keen. "El if you don't want to that's fine. I can organise something else" Melissa explains to El. "Um its ok, I'll to Chris mum's house," Elissa says with a faint smile, that I can see through the revision mirror. "Ok, so with that what do you want to do for your birthday dinner?" I ask Elissa. "Umm not sure" she replies making Melissa and I chuckle. "Ok, well have a think about it ok, we can just have a cooked meal if you like" Melissa suggested to her daughter. "Ok," Elissa replied.

The arrived at the shops and we were not off to a good start all of the girls wanted to hold and push the trolly, in the end, Melissa pushed the trolly, while the girls decided they wanted to help pick out fruit, vegetables, snacks from the deli, and their favourite isle, the confectionary aisle. After doing a big grocery shop they all headed home. They came to where the ice creams were, and then when they started to bicker on the best ice cream. "Girls, you can choose two on, and one of you can choose an icy pole ok," Melissa told them. As they all decided who would pick what in Paper, scissors, Rock. Once they finished and they each picked out ice cream and icy pole they proceeded to the checkout, and when they saw a stand with candy on it they begged and begged Melissa and me, but we still refused since that's all we been eating for the last couple of days. They pouted as they went through the check out making the young girl chuckle at the family. Eliza, Emma and Elissa finally told the girl that Elissa and Melissa had just moved in that they were now like a real family when the young girl looked at me once again, she said at the end of the shop. "I really enjoy your books" which made me smile. "Thank you" I replied and we headed back out to the car.

Once we got home the girls immediately ran to the TV and turned it one because they realised that their favourite show was on, 'Supergirl'. leaving Melissa and me to unload the car and unpack the shopping. To be honest, I didn't mind it because they looked up to someone, sure it was fake and the girls knew that but they always talked about it.

Melissa's POV

The girls ran inside and quickly turned on the TV so they could watch Supergirl, I loved and I knew Chris loved it that the girls had someone to look up to other than me. Chris and I would be nearby when watching it in case there were some 'mature themes' in an episode. As we unpacked we watched as our daughters we glued to the screen. "You know we could go somewhere and do something, and they probably won't even notice we were gone," I tell him whispering in his ear. "Umm maybe but I think sometimes your a little too loud" he replies biting my ear, making me have a small moment. "That's because you make me so loud," I tell him smirking. He smirked back at me squeezing my butt.

Once I finished packing away, I sat down at the bench and started writing down what I can get to Elissa, thinking of what Emma and Eliza have that she shares with them now, I don't really want to give her something they already have sometimes two of, having three sounds ridiculous. I had really thought about what she needed and wanted. I thought of getting her some more pencils and texters but they already had lots of those, I thought about getting her a new dance leotard but I don't think she would want a new one since she had heaps of those. "El baby come here" I ask Elissa she came up without me having to call her name again. "What do you want for your birthday baby, I'm trying to figure out what to get you, can you give me a few ideas." I ask her, "Oh a bike, umm I want to go to a baseball game umm maybe oh.. a Tamagotchi. And a discovery set, that I can paint all the planets or a book" she listed giving me an idea. "Thank you, baby," I tell her I could now go out and buy her presents and give her idea's to my parents and my sisters.

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