Chapter 7

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Melissas POV

I got out of the car walking up to Chris door to pick up Elissa and hoping to get some advice from him.

I knocked on his door hoping that Chris would just answer, which he did. "where are the girls?" I asked "In the bedroom," he says. "Good that means I can do this" I started as I gave him a peck on the lips. I smiled as I pulled away. "Um, can I get your advice one something?" I question "Sure come in," he says opening the door further. "Do you want a drink?" He asked me. "Coffee please," I say smile he nods and we head towards the breakfast bar. "so what do you need to ask me?" Chris asked "Do Emma and Eliza tell you when they are been bullied," I asked him. "Um yeah sometime other times I get it out of them, why is Elissa been bullied," he told him asking if El was ok. "Well her school called and told me about her been bullied but she hasn't told me about it," I tell him. "Ask her, and if she doesn't like it at the school I can refer you to Emma and Eliza's school," Chris told me. "Thank you, now how was she today?" I questioned. "Yes, she was" he replied. Coming round to sit next to me. "So I was wondering, my mum is coming over for a week, and the girl is going to spend time with her, if someone could look after Elissa we could you know have our proper first date?" He questions. "Umm yep I think I can make that work, I'll get my sister or one of my or her friend's parents to look after her," I say smiling the girls come running out. "Mummy," El says coming up and hugging me. "Hi, Melissa" Eliza and Emma say "Hi girls. "Mum, can I stay the night?" El asks me. "El you have spent the whole week with the girls plus I want to spend some time with you," I say as she pouts. "Maybe we can invite them to our place after baseball on Saturday?" I suggest, the girls nod and I look at Chris and he smiles. "Ok let's go," I say "Thank you for the coffee," I say to Chris smiling he nods, and walked out the door with us. "Good luck with her," he says I nod and smile.


We arrive home and I allow El to do what she wants while I start to get dinner ready after I got everything ready and it was a little early for us to bother to eat dinner I decided to sit down with El to figure out what has happened a school.

"Hey, El come and sit with me on the couch," I say. She comes over looking at me. "Am I in trouble?" she asks me. "No honey, I just want to ask you something," I say. She nod's I pick her up and place her on my lap. "Oh, you're getting, heavy miss," I say put her on the couch. "So your school called me, and asked me to come in," I tell her and she looks down. "Do you want to tell me what happened before I tell you?" I say. She looks down again and looks at me. "Babe you tell me, its ok I just want to know what happened I'm worried," I tell her she nod's "I've been bullied at school because I don't have a dad," she tells me. "Babe that's not an excuse is that the real reason why or is there another," I ask her trying to get more out of her. "They have been teasing me because I've started to play baseball and you know that I've had friends at school that I do dance with, they decided to cut me out because I'm not wanting to go dancing anymore" she tells me, I sigh, is that why you don't want to do all the dancing anymore?" I ask her she nods. I sigh "Come here," I say as she placing her head on my shoulder "I really don't want to go back to that school mum, I don't like it there," she tells me now in tears. "Ok, we will figure something ok, I'll talk to the school and find another school ok," I tell her knowing that there more behind this then she is telling me.

El and I sat and ate dinner together "So what did you do today, do anything fun?" I asked El. "yeah, we went down to the park, we had a water gun fight with coloured water that why I'm wearing Emma's clothes Me, Eliza and Emma created a dance together, and Chris made us lunch," she said "What's a wrong baby? I asked as she had a sad expression on her face when she was talking about Chris "Its been so good with him, I just wish I had a father figure in my life like him" she tells me. "Yeah, I know baby maybe you could ask him?" I suggest. She smiled "Do you like him?" She asks me "Who ?" I question "Chris, Oh you to should who on a date and I can go stay with Chyler or grandma?" She suggests happily, making me smile. I nod smiling " Chris and I are just friends hon, but I have to admit he is cute I tell her smiling as we giggle and eat dinner

Chris POV

We all sat down for dinner "So did you have fun today with Elissa?" I asked the girls they nodded "That's good" I say as we start eating our food. "Dad do you like Melissa?" Eliza asks "Yeah as a friend" I reply. The bow their heads in sadness. "What's wrong girls?" I ask them "It's just that it's nice having Melissa in our lives like a mum" Eliza say "Oh why don't you go on a date with her, we go to grandmas, or Gemma's house?" Emma says excited making me choke on my food, I take a sip of my water and look at the girls who have smiles planted on their faces. "girls it doesn't work out like that" I say "Yeah right dad, we saw you cuddling on the couch a few weeks ago, please, we love Melissa, plus we would gain a sister" Emma said excited I just nodded and smiled. We continued to eat dinner and talk about what we would do tomorrow.

I put the girls to bed and sat on the couch with my computer so I could start writing the ending of the book I've been writing. I look at my phone and see that I have a test from Melissa.

"I think the girls want us to get together." Her text reads. "Umm yes, my girls have seemed to have already organised who they are staying with" I reply smiling "Yes same with El" she replies "Should we talk about it tomorrow?" I ask "Yeah, plus I would really like some time where we can be adults and have a drink or two, 😏 😉" she tells me making me chuckle a little "Ok good, goodnight see you tomorrow," I tell her and continue to write my book. 

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