Chapter 4

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I sat outside on one of the benches looking through the laptop and planning lessons when he came up to me again.

"Can you please talk to me?" he asked. "Why, so you can tell me what to do even when it's the wrong thing to do" I reply, looking at him. "I've seen you with a kid, is she mine?" He asks. I look up at him. "I don't want anything to do with you please leave me alone," I say "Melissa please, I'm sorry I told you to have an abortion, I was thinking about your career and mine too," he told me, I looked at him once more. "My career as a dancer and actor stopped the moment I fell pregnant, and I'm the happiest I've ever been without you in my life, so please leave," I tell him walking away with all my things in my arms.

"Mel, please" he called but I continued to walk away, back to my classroom.


It was coming to the end of the day, I always have my phone on in case anything happened to Elissa. "Ms Benoist, is your phone on, your daughter's school has been trying to contact you," the school's receptionist tells me. I looked at my phone and saw messages. "Thank you, the class read as much as you can and take notes," I tell my class, while I contact my daughter's school.

"Hi, sorry I missed your call, is everything ok?" I asked

"I'm sorry what.. ok um I can't come at the moment I have class" I responded to what I heard.

"there's... no one.. wait... is he still" I asked.

"Ok good... I'm going to call a friend his name is Chris wood, she plays with his daughters.. can he come and see if she's ok?" I questioned

"Thank you" I replied.

I texted Chris and asked if he could see if Elissa was ok, thankfully he was able to go to see if she was ok.

Chris's POV

Hey Chris can you please go check on Elissa, someone tried to talk to her from outside of the school and she's apparently shaken up, I can't go cause I have classes for the rest of the day I will explain later. I read the text

Sure I replied she sent me Elissa's schools address.

I arrived at the school and went into the reception, the receptionist told me that she was in the other room, taking me there, I saw Elissa balling here eye's out.

"Elissa it's me you ok," I say to her walking towards her. "I want mummy," she said putting her head into my shoulders. "Ok," I say. I decided to call her.

"Hey Melissa I have Elissa with me she's balling her eye's out," I say over the phone. "Ok put her on," she tells me I only heard Elissa's conversation, she gives me back the phone. "Can you bring her to my work?" I ask. "I will explain everything," Melissa tells me. "Sure of course, no its ok, I understand, you don't have to tell me," I tell her. "Thank you" she replied. "No worries I'll see you soon," I tell her. "Thank you again" she replies and hangs up.

"Alright Elissa I'm going to take you to mum's work," I told her, hopefully, she would nod her head from what Melissa told me. "Ok, come on I'll sign you out," I told her, she nodded as I helped her off the bed. She held my hand tightly as I took her out grabbing her bag and signing out.

"Elissa we're here," I tell her, she nodded as I walked into the reception of Melissa's school and told the receptions I was here for her with her daughter. The receptionist nodded and took us down to her office classroom. I knocked on the door since it was closed, I heard footsteps, the door opened, I saw Melissa in well not what I expected teacher clothes. "Hi Thank you so much for doing this is she ok," she asked me. I shook out of my thoughts on how beautiful she was with her hair down, it must have been in a bun or something because it was slightly curly. "Yeah" I replied as Elissa jumped up into her. "Your ok you're safe now," I tell her. She looks at me and smiles.

"Um come in," Melissa tells me as she walks in and sits Elissa down, and I place the bag down by her desk. "Thank you again, um I think I should tell you but not here can we meet you and your daughters for a milkshake when I finish around 4?" She asks me. "um yeah sure, Eliza and Emma will be happy to see you, Elissa," I say as Melissa and I walk to the door. "So I'll see you at 4," she says I nod and walk out to the school.

Melissa's POV

"So a man came up to you, claiming he is your father and tried to get you to talk to him," I asked Elissa, she nodded. "Ok, if that ever happens again walk away ok," I tell her. "Yes mum," she said scared, I smiled that bastard I thought to my self, he comes to me and then to her. "Alright let's go to the ice-cream shop, and get you some ice-cream, and you can go to the park and play with Emma and Eliza since you don't have dance today," I tell her she smiles.

We drive to the Ice-cream shop where Chris is already making Elissa ice-cream. "I think we might go to the park if that's ok, let them burn some of the ice creams off so they can have dinner?" Chris asks me, I nod in agreement.

Chris and I sat on the park bench while the three girls played on the playground, El's laugh made me smile knowing that she has forgotten about what happened at school today. We were chatting when I saw him at the corner of my eye, watching the three girls. I kept my eye on him and the girls, Chris noticed. "Is that him?" He asked me. I nodded. "Come in we will get the girls, I think they have had enough time to play plus Eliza and Emma have homework to do," He tells me. "Yeah, um ok. But I didn't tell you.." I started "I don't need to know its ok trust me," He tells me. I nod and we walk over to the girls.

As we walk over he walks over to us. "Let me see her Mel," he says "Leave other wises I'll call the cops," I tell him. "You can't stop me from seeing my daughter" He retorts back. "And since when, you weren't there when they were born, you weren't there for her firsts. You dumped me as soon as I found out I was pregnant" I yell tears about to come down my face, also not realising that the girls heard us. "They? Mel, you only have a daughter, and the only reason why I told you to abort was for your career, you were going to be a star, but you stopped and you became a mother, you could have had such an amazing life." He says not thinking on what an amazing life I have already. "Leave please I don't want you seeing her," I say almost in tears. "I just want to say hello," he asks "she's asked you to leave, please just go," Chris says "And who are you?" He asked. "Her partner, we raise both of our daughters together as a family," he says, putting his arm around me as I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Fine," he says and leaves the park before I break down in tears into his shoulder. "Come on I'll take you home maybe I could cook you dinner?" He asked me. "No, its ok, thank you for.. doing that... I'll call you or see you on the weekend at the girls game" I tell him. "El lets go time to do some homework" I call out to Elissa, as she jumps off the playground and comes over to me. "Thank you again," I say with a smile and wipe away the tears so El wouldn't know what happened."Mummy is everything ok?" She asks me "Yes baby, its time to go ok," I tell her she nods and smiles. 

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