Chapter 12

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Once the girls were picked up Chris and Melissa headed straight over to her old place where they would collect the remainder of the boxes and clean up the place so that she could rent it out and have a third income, coming in.

The two managed to clean the house up and get all the remaining boxes in the car, in half a day, they thought of calling their friends father to say they could drop them at home but they realised they really had to unpack at the other and make decisions on if they should sell the furnisher or keep it.

They arrived home and only just realised how messing the house was with all boxes, in the living room. "Oh wow, umm" Melissa started "Hey its ok, why don't we start with one box and then go from there ok," Chris told Melissa rubbing her back to calm her down. She nodded. The two worked on one box at a time placing things where they thought it would work and if it didn't work they could move around where it would fit.

After a few hours, they managed to do half the boxes although the living room was a big mess. The two sat down and looked around "It's starting to look like a family home" Chris told Melissa. She nodded "I forgot how exhausting it can be," she said, chuckling "Umm yeah but hey at least we did it in two days," he told her she nodded agreeing. After a few minutes I relaxing they continued to unpack and place things around, soon they finally managed to put things away and fold the boxes up. They had something to eat and went into the spare room taking the couch out and putting it with the other couch so there was more space for the family.

As the two say down on the couch wanting to have a minute where they could relax, the doorbell rang. Melissa groaned, Chris patted her on the thigh, placing his drink on the coffee table he got up to answer the door. "Is it 5 already?" Melissa asks Chris he shrugs and opens the door. "Hi is Mel here?" The male voice asks. Melissa gets up goes to the door with her phone, ready to call the police. "Blake please stop following me, I am getting tired of this, your name is not on the birth certificate, you weren't there for any of it, please just, please go," Melissa says almost in tears. "Melissa please, let me explain," Blake says.

Meanwhile, Chris is on the phone calling the police letting them know what's going on.

"I wanted to be in her life, but I was thinking about my career, and what I could do with my life" Blake said to Melissa "That's the thing Blake, when I found I was pregnant with them, I stopped thinking about me and what I could do with my life and how many opportunities I was getting, I started thinking of them, that's what you have to do as a parent" Melissa told him. "I know, and I see that now. My partner she's pregnant, and I... I need some tips, I also want to see my daughter" he tells Melissa. "As I keep saying, Blake, since you left me and then you were never their father, ok yes you helped me create them but you are not their father," Melissa said "They, why there you always say they," he says. "I had twins, but Elissa's twin brother, he died 2 hours after she was born," Melissa said. And, as if on cue, Elissa, Emma and Eliza came up to the door. "I.. I have a brother" her quiet voice sounded. "El.. i.. I" Melissa started as she ran past Melissa, followed by Emma and Eliza. Chris walked up to Melissa and Blake letting Melissa know that the police are on their way. She nod's "Look the police are on their way so I suggest you leave before they come," she tells him. He looks down "Here's my card if you change your mind," he said hand Melissa a car, right before the police come to the door. "I'm leaving no need to escort me," Blake said as he walked away and Chris waves them inside.

"Is everything ok?" One of the police officers asks as they sit down on the couch. Melissa nods slightly, getting ready to tell them who it was. "He wants to see her his daughter, but he is not on the birth certificate, so I won't let him see her," Melissa Tells the birth certificate. "Um sure, Chris where is it?" Melissa asks him, I put it on your side bedside table" Chris tells the Melissa "Sorry Melissa and her daughter have just recently moved in here" Chris explains to the officers. "No worries, what we can do once we have seen the birth certificate we can definitely suggest getting a restraining order, or allow visitation rights, but first doing a DNA test, if he is the biological father." One of the officers says, Chris nods as Melissa bring out all the papers from her daughters birth. "Um, this is her birth certificate, with the fathers signature not on there," Melissa says. "Ok, well legally he can be arrested and put on a restraining order for this, however if you know that he is the birth father but he hasn't signed he can request to take a DNA test have the right to see his child" the police officer explained Melissa nodded, "I personally don't really want him seeing her" Melissa explained "Ok, well then that would be discussed in court" the price officer said "Until now if he comes up to her, you in any way, we will write a restraining order here and take it to the courts and get it done right away" the police officer said. Melissa and Chris nodded as they both got up to let the police officers out. They both sat down on the couch and sighed, Chris pulled her into a hug.

"Mummy" a quiet voice spoke, they both looked to see Elissa standing there. "Come here baby," Melissa said Elissa, ran and jumped into her arms. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, baby, I really did" Melissa started "Why?" She asked Melissa sighed at the thought of Ethan. "Baby, he died 2 hours after you were born. That's why I don't talk about him or I told you, the other reason why is because the hospitable where you were born that said because he only lived for two hours they won't put him on the living or dead list" Melissa told her daughter really trying not to cry. Elissa hugged her mother. "It's, ok mummy," Elissa said going her mum a hug. "I love you, baby," Melissa told her baby girl. "I love you to mummy," Elissa said as if on sue Emma and Eliza came out, running out and jumped into their arms.

After a few minutes, the girls desperately wanted to show them how they drew out how they wanted their room to be. "Wow, umm this is interesting, how about we tackle it tomorrow," Melissa told the girls. The nodded and went back to do what they were doing. While Chris and Melissa sat down and relaxed for a little bit.

Once again Melissa and Chris decided to order take away, so they could relax and not have to worry about making me dinner. And so they could all spend more time as a family. 

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