Chapter 22

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Melissas POV

"So tonight our last night together for a week since we well got together," I told Chris. "Umm, I'm going to miss you in the bed," Chris told me, "I'm going to miss your heat on me," I said "You will be fine, plus you can wear my shirt with my scent on it," he told me chuckling with his smile. "Umm, the girls are going to miss you," I tell him as we sat down on the bed. "Yeah, I've spoken to them about it, Emma and Eliza are used to it, but Elissa is going to find it hard I think," Chris told me. I nodded "I'm going To find it hard to take care of them all" I told him "You will be ok, this past week I have prepped everything and made sure all their uniforms are set out, al you need to do is take out them out of the freezer In the morning and they will have defrosted by the evening in the fridge" Chris told me. "but I am going to miss my morning pancakes and coffee, made by my amazing partner I told him "Umm well it means that you will love them, even more, when I come back" He told me giving me a kiss. "Umm theres a few more things that I will love when you come back" I said giving him a kiss. "Umm I need to get to bed, and so do you its late and I have an early flight to catch," Chris tells me. "Umm ok" I say we both take one last shower together, and head to bed in each others arms.

Chris's POV

I wake up to my alarm and Melissa in my arms I look at her and turn off my alarm. "Babe I need to get up now" I say quietly "Umm nooo" she says slightly awake. "Yes, go back to sleep, I'll see you on Sunday" I say, giving her a kiss. "Ok, I'll miss you" she says getting up giving me a kiss. "I'll miss you too, now I really need to get ready" I say getting out of Melissa grip which is really tight making me chuckle. Once she finally releases, I take a shower and head out to the kitchen where my suitcases My publisher and agent have all the books and everything I need for my book tour.

I walk into the girl's rooms giving them each a kiss on the forehead and walk out the door with my cases and an apple in my hands.

When I get to the airport I meet my publisher and agent there, where we catch out flight to New York where the tour starts, ending back in Los Angles.

Melissa's POV

I wake up to my alarm Chris must have set and to an empty bed, I groan realising I need to wake the girls up, I have a shower first and then wake the girls up so I can make the breakfast and get their lunch ready. Chris was very helpful by taking dinner out this morning.

"Girls time to get up" Call through their bedroom door. Once she did that she went to do her make up, going to and from making sure that the girls were getting ready and when they weren't she went into their room and told them they had to get up otherwise they won't have time to have breakfast. Once she finished her makeup the girls were awake and dressed calming Melissa down. "Morning girls, you ready for school?" She asked them, they nodded tiredly. "Good, ok, so you girls are going to after-school care, and I will be as quick as I can coming to pick you up around 4 PM," I tell them. They nod, "And don't worry dad has put Supergirl on record so if you miss it it will be recorded. I reassured them, "Ok we have 15 minutes to get in the car and head off to school. They ate their breakfast and got their lunch ready themselves so I could get all my bags ready for work.

I dropped the girls off at school and then went back to the senior school to start my day of work. Once I got there I called Chris to see how he's travelling. "Hey babe, how are you?" I asked him over FaceTime. "Good, I just arrived, how are you, did the girls get up on time?" He asked me. "Yes they did, even though I had to do it three times, they managed to have breakfast and make their own lunch," I told him with a smile. "That's good, I miss you already, how are you feeling?" He asked me "Yeah I'm good I miss you too," I say as a male teacher comes in. "I'll call you tonight babe, I gotta go, love you," I say as the male looks down "Bye love you have a good day," he says as we both end the call. "Hi, can I help you," I say. "Um hi, sorry I haven't come to introduce my self I'm Mark, one of the history teaches," he says "Hi Melissa Benoist" I reply. "So who was that?" He asked me, yet again another male teacher hits on me. "My Partner, he is away and its the first time I'm looking after his girls as well as mine," I tell him. "Oh, so he's away?" He asked "Um yes but no thank you, now if you come onto me like that again, I will be talking to the principal," I tell me as he nod's and walks out.

For the rest of the day, I worked hard, getting students to do their work and teaching them about the history or the theatre as well as what to do and what not to do out in public when you're famous, which was more like a comedic way of showing them. When school finished I had to stay back for a half an hour so I could take to students about their grades and how they were doing and if they needed extra help with their work so I can incorporate it into my teaching. Only two of the 5 students came to me which meant I had to send them an email to come to me before school to during the day tomorrow. Once I sent the email out I packed everything up and went to pick the girls up.

We all went home and had some extra afternoon tea before the girls sat down and did some homework while I got dinner ready as well as start marking students first test they did to see where they are all at.

Once I put the girls to bed I continued to mark the students work as well as get worksheets and notes ready for tomorrow before going to bed and calling Chris for our nighttime call, thankfully he was up and doing the same getting ready for his next trip to a different state. "Is it hard, doing one state each day?" I asked him. "Well I haven't done it like this before so I will let you know," he told me with a chuckle. "Ok, um ... so one thing" I started "What?" He asked "Um one of the teachers, history teacher um came on to me today when I finished talking to you," I told him. "Umm, what he hot?" He asked me laughing "Um your much cuter," I tell him. "Good to hear. I have to go. I'll see you on Sunday" he tells me. "Ok, see you on Sunday, love you bye," I say. I lean back and drift off to sleep waiting for Sunday to come around


I dropped the girls off to before school care so I could get most of the things done, so I can take the girls to their first dance class, I made sure that they knew the girls had to have their dance clothes on so we could head straight to dance.


My day was great no problems all my students were great and I was able to get a lot of everything done so I will be able to get to their dance class on time.

When I get their Emma, Eliza and Elissa are sitting on the floor. "Hi, El, Em and Liz get your bags," I say "Have they had afternoon tea?" I asked the young lady at the desk, much younger than me. "yes." She replied "Sorry I just need to see you I.D for Eliza and Emma," the lady said "Um yeah sure ok" I reply getting my I.D. "I'm their dad's partner, so while he's away I'm picking them up. He normally picks the girls up" I explain. "That's fine. Thank you, Enjoy dance girls she replies and waves to them as we all head out to dance.

Authors POV

The girls enjoyed dance, Emma and Eliza met new people as did Elissa as Melissa requested that she was put into, new class. Melissa was able to enjoy watching her girls and talking to new parents, many of them recognise his girls Emma and Eliza.

Once Dance finished they all went home and had showers having dinner, and went to bed, Melissa defiantly tired, even though it been two days since Chris left. 

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