Chapter 14

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Authors POV

Today was the day, everyone on Melissa's side was coming over, they didn't want to invite Chris's parents over too because it would be too much, though they really wanted to give Elissa a present.

Melissa was running around making sure everything was perfect, so her family would be happy about her new home and family. "Hey, Take a breath Mel, its ok everything is fine," Chris told her. "You know that's the first time you have called me Mel other than we you know," she told him with a smile calming down a little. "And this is the first time I have said with when you know. I love you" he told her "I love you too, you know its weird that we have moved in together however we haven't said that to each other," she said quickly looking around. "Hey say it to me again," he tells her smilies trying to calm her down. "I love you, Chris," she said smiling giving him a kiss calmly. That's when the doorbell rang. "Girls come out here please" she calls out as she stands at the door with Chris by her side. Melissa opened the door to reveal her mum and two older sisters with their kids. "Hi, Mum, Dad Jessica, and Krisie, " Melissa says hugging them all "Hi darling" Melissa's mum replies smiling as did her sisters smirking at her. They all came, so they could be introduced to Chris and his girls. "So um welcome to our place," Melissa said as they walked into the kitchen "Um This is Christopher, and his girls Emma and Eliza," Melissa said, "Melissa your not?" Jessica asked "No, I'm not" Melissa replied. "If she was she would still be here and I wouldn't leave," he said. "Ummm ok I recognise you what do you do?" Jessica asked. "I'm a writer," He tells them. They nodded "That's right I think we were on a similar circuit when you did your last book tour. Chris nodded and smiled. "El, why don't you go show your cousins your new room with Em and Liz," Chris told Elissa Elissa smiled waved her cousins into their room.

"Come sit down do you want anything to drink, Wine, water, soda?" Chris listed " Um Water and wine for me and Jake" Kris "Wine for me, Noah" Jess said smiling "And a wine for me and dad" Her mum said Chris told Melissa to sit down and he would get it, she smiled giving him a kiss, as Melissa and her family sat down on the couch.

"Sooo, we didn't know you were this serious about him, I mean you have told us about him, but moving in after only meeting him a couple of months ago," Kris asks, Melissa nod's and looks at him.

"He is so good to El, and she loves him, I love him, it just made sense, plus we had spent the whole summer here and El is transferring schools, to Emma and Eliza's school" Melissa explains "You love him, he must be a keeper, mind if I steal him away?" Kris asks Melissa she smiles as he comes back with all the drinks.

"Chris come with me," Kris told Chris, he looked over at Melissa as she smiled and nodded following Kris Melissa's sister out.

Chris POV

Once Melissa's sister Kris pulled me away I was quite worried because I didn't know how this was going to go.

"So you and Melissa," She asks me not off to a bad start. I nod smiling "You going to take care of her, not run off and leave her?" Kris asked me, "No, I would never do that, look I Know what happened with El's dad, and it's happened to me with the girls mum, she has only recently wanting to come back into their lives but she gave them to me signed the papers away, and I don't want that kind of person in my life, we have and are in the same situation, I will protect her and El, with everything that I have" I told her. She nodded "Look I just want to make sure ok, I know you're genuine ok we have met before on our book tours I just want to make sure that you will be good to her." Kris tells me. "I will do everything I can to make her happy," I tell her she smiles "Good now be prepared dad may be a little hard on you since well I'm guessing you met Blake?" She asked me I nodded "Ok, noted," I said smiling they walked back in. I sat down next to Melissa giving next to her giving her a kiss on the cheek. "So Christopher, you and my daughter, you wanted to have children with her?" He asked me and Melissa as took a sip out making us spit it out. "Daaad, what's your problem," Melissa said getting a napkin for both her and I. "Darling, you always talked about having a big family, are you sure he can do that?" Her dad said making us sit back. "Dad, please stop, we have something here, he has two daughters, I have a daughter, we want that to be our family, and if we have a kid together, then we will extend our family, if we don't then well I guess well you will have to deal with one biological granddaughter and two possible adoptive daughters" Melissa said looking at Chris who smiled. Her father nodded. 6 girls came running out. "Can we do presents now?" Elissa asks I look at Melissa and she smiles "Sure baby, do you want presents from Chris, Emma, Eliza and I now or tomorrow?" Melissa asks "Um can I do one now and one tomorrow?" Elissa asks us. "Sure" Melissa replies as she goes to get some of the smaller gifts we got her as the girl's followed her into our room so they could get their presents that we helped pay for.

Melissa and the girls came out with their presence as El, sat on the floor in the middle of everyone. Melissa, mum and sisters went first, she was excited about getting, from her grandma and grandpa as well as aunties and uncles. From Melissa's mum and dad, she got a book with jokes and facts. From her Aunties and uncles, she got a make your own jewellery kit and a book about girls stuff along with some drawing and art things. She smiled and looked at them. Emma and Eliza were really excited to give them her present so they asked if they could go next. "El, open it," Eliza said as she handed El Smiling they said they wanted to give her a cap to so they placed it in a box with the cap. Elissa smiled as she opened the box up to find a Yankees hat in there, "Look in the cap" Emma said smiling she opened the cap to find 5 tickets the next baseball game, she smiled and jumped up and down with the girl. "Are we going to their next game?" Elissa asked Melissa and I both smiled as we nodded our heads smiling she hugged the both of us. "Thanks, mum, thanks dad," she said without realising, until everyone became quiet, which is when she ran into her room. Melissa was in shock, as were Emma and Eliza. "I'll go talk to here," I told them Melissa nodded.

I knock and walked into their room. "Elissa, its ok if you called my dad," I said as I walked over to her sitting on the edge of her bed. She stays quiet. "You know what, you can call me whatever you want, Dad, Chris potato, tomato," I said making her chuckle. She turns around and faces me. "what if I call you daddy Chris?" She asked me. "That would be fine with me," I say smiling. "Ok," she said giving me a hug and then a kiss on the cheek. "Can I give you a kiss on the cheek too?" I ask her she nod's with a smile. "Do you want to come out and see what mum and I got you ?" She nodded and smiled, we walked out, hand in had to the family and she sat on the floor as we gave her, her presents. "Ok, El we have two small presents here and one for tomorrow so, here are your two small presents. She opened her presents which were earth since set, and a new more mature leotard as well as a baseball shirt. "Thank you" she replied hugging us both. "No worries el, so should we eat?" Melissa asks them all nod and we head to the table while Melissa and Her sisters help serve their food.

Melissa's POV

"So she said dad, what do you think about that?" Jess ask me. "I think he's a better father the Blake, you know he's tried to come back into our lives?" Melissa explained "What" Kris said "Yeah But he's stalked, Elissa, and she's scared of him now" Melissa explained "Babe, why didn't you tell us" Kris asked "Really, you guys have your lives, Kids, Husbands, and Kris do you really think that your pregnancy is going to be unnoticed" Melissa explained "Yes but you have all that too, your our younger sister we will protect you no matter what" Jess explains "Thank you" I reply smiling we all sit down and have dinner. 

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