Chapter 11

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Chris POV

As the girls were getting ready they insisted they had braids to match their overalls so I did the best I could to make the braids look good.

Once we were ready I thought that Melissa needed boxes, so I told the girls to get any boxes they could, to take over to Melissa's and then we would head down the shops to get some too.

We arrived at Melissa's with the girls ran inside asking Melissa to do their braids so they could get to work while Chris brought in all the boxes.

"Oh my gosh thank you," Melissa said as she saw Chris bring in boxes. "All good the girls want you to do their braid because I didn't do a good job," I said looking at his girls they giggled. "Um well you can help El with her room first and then we can get to packing everything else, it won't be done all today but it would be a great start." Melissa told Chris "No worries" I replied giving her a kiss while she starting Emma's Braids, and Eliza followed me into help Elissa.

"Elissa where her to help do you know where to start ?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Ok well, why don't we get your bedding off and into a box because we can take your bed today so you won't have to sleep on a mattress, but we will have to figure out how we will fit your bed and clothes in their room," I said thinking. "OH Daddy we could smash the wall into the next room and create massive room for all of us," Eliza told me "YEAHHHHH" Elissa said, smiling I chuckled. "Ok well lets do this and then we can figure it all out ok" I tell them they nod as the strip the bed off and threw it all into a box then I folded up with all the teddies she had on her bed. Emma came running into the room where she told Eliza to go out if she wanted to have her hair done, which she did so she ran out while Emma helped Elissa back her room up putting and her bits and bobs in boxes as well as her clothes.

Melissa's POV

While I was doing Eliza's hair she was very happy and excited

"I'm happy that you're going to be living with us," Eliza told me

"Yeah so am I, we can play pranks on your dad," I said making her laugh.

"Yeah, but we can also go shopping and get our nails done," Eliza said starting to list a few things she wanted to do. "We can certainly do those things," I told her. Smiling as I finished her last braid. "alright let's go help El" I say as she got up and gave me a hug.

We go into EL's room to see everything on the floor and a big mess. "What's happened here?" I say as El, Emma and Chris look at me giving me a goofy smile. "We're trying to put everything into boxes," El says. "Umm ok well how about we take everything off the shelves and on to the floor neatly and then you girls can put them into boxes while Chris and I start my room and then see how we go from there maybe have lunch and take a few loads over?" I suggest. They all nod.


Chris and I left El's room to pack what she had which was a lot of stuff into boxes while we went into my room to pack a few of the bits and bobs, most of my things were out in the living room.

"SO this is your room," Chris asks me, as he walks into my very bland room, with only my bed and some photos. "Yeah, I keep a lot of my things out in the living room," I tell Chris. He smiles and nod's I tell him with the small shelf that has all my jewellery and photos on it to put it in a small box. My room wasn't that hard to pack it was going to be the living room kitchen area that was going to be hard since I hope I would be allowed to take it and be able to place it around the house. "Hey while the girls are packing come here," Chris told me. I sat on the bed next to him "What's wrong, its like you don't want to move in with me. Do you?" He asked me I looked down trying to hold in the tears. "I do, I really do, its just I I rented it for two years and after it, the previous owner said if I rent it for another 6 months for an extra $100 then it would be mine, and I brought El home its where she grew up," I told him. "I can understand that, but I think she's excited for a new beginning at my home?" Chris questioned. I nodded agreeing "I know" I replied smiling wiping away my tears "Its ok," he told me giving me a kiss, rubbing my back comforting me. "Thank you," I tell him. "No worries he replied. "Ok so, I was thinking that we take your bed and put it into the spare room, as well as the lounges, and TV I don't know about the fridge, we could put in the Garage as an extra fridge," Chris explained I smiled like his ideas. "I am sorry in advance about your house been covered in boxes" I tell him "It's totally ok plus I guess we need to get used to it" he replied and gave me a kiss before the girls came in screaming they were done. "OK well, should we try and get some things in the car, drop it off and then go get lunch?" I asked them they nodded as we all went to El's room picking a box up, the girls each picked up a small box and we took them to the car, placing them My car and Chris car.

As all of us walked out of the door, Chris stopped us and asked us to turn around, taking a photo us girls. "You girls look very cute with similar outfits on, now come on let's get some lunch," he tells us as we get in our own cars and drive back to Chris house, unload and then go down to the park to have some lunch.

Authors POV

As the 5 were at the park, Chris decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to get a picture of him and his girls so they could announce it, on social media, they were all happy to have a photo taken.

Once they all finished lunch, they all went back to Melissa's house and started to pack the living kitchen area, so they could cart more boxes and hopefully cart Elissa's Bed and set it up before the girl's god to bed.

Melissa and Chris placed things on the floor so that the girls could pack them in boxes making it easier for them and so they could get involved in packing. It was good that they did it all together, once the loving area was done, Melissa told the girls to watch some TV while she and Chris did the kitchen area.

"So while we were at lunch I organised a truck and Calum is going to help me with lifting the large items, into the truck." Chris said. "thank you, how much is it? I'll pay you back" Melissa explained "No need, we are in this together ok," he told her. She nodded and smiled giving him a kiss and they continued to pack the small number of utensils into boxes. "Um I think I have some china, so I want to be really careful with that" Melissa told Chris. "No worries" he replied.

An hour later there was a knock at the door, Elissa went to open it to find a man standing there. "Hi is Chris here?' The man asked Elissa she nodded worriedly

"Chris" she yelled out, making the man chuckle.

"Calum, come in," Chris said as Elissa scurried off to the living room where the girls were still watching the movie Melissa put on before they pack all the DVD movies away.

"So we will start in Elissa's room, her bed, and shelves and then we will go to Melissa's room and get her bed and then the couch, TV and fridge," Chris tells Calum. He nod's "Are you going to be alright packing everything there while I help Calum?" Chris asks Melissa she nods and smiles as the two Men go and get Elissa's bed. It didn't take the two men long to take Elissa's bed and shelves down to the truck, so they tried to contour Melissa's Bed first which was harder then the expected but they got them. Since it was hot, Chris had been sweating taking down their furniture, the sweet came through his shirt outlining his muscles making Melissa become distracted, she didn't realise he had been talking to her since he had taken off his shirt. "MEL" he spoke loudly clicking his fingers in front of her face, bringing her back to reality. "Your drooling," he said wiping away the drool from her chin making her blush. She wiped it away, her self. "Sorry what wrong?" She asked.

"We are having trouble move g the bed can we take it apart?" Chris asked her. "Um yeah, just take a photo of it first in case we choose to sell it" Melissa explains. "No worries, are you all good here do you want the girls to take some boxes down?" Chris asked. "Um, I'm all good I've asked a few friends to come around and help the might be able to help move some furniture," She tells him. He smiles and gives her a kiss "EWW sweaty kiss" she said wiping it off her face making him chuckle.

Once Melisa's friends arrived everything was a go, so the girls went outside to have a play around so everyone could pick up furniture and move it to the truck, and once that was all done, they took it to the other end and unpacked it and firstly put Elissa's bed together and placed it in the room and they would move it around later, so they would all fit in one room as that's what all the girls wanted. They unloaded everything to the other room and the fringed was placed nicely into Chris garage so they would be able to keep extra food in there. After they managed to fit everything into the spare room nicely and easily they went back for the remaining boxes and then tomorrow they would do a nice clean of the house while the girls went to a friends house for the day so they didn't have to worry about them.

Chris, Melissa, Elissa, Eliza and Emma sat down on the couch eating pizza with Boxes around them. "Well Welcome to our home girls," Chris said smiling as he got his drink holding it up. Melissa smiled giving him a kiss, as the girls giggled. 

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