Chapter 17

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Side note Yankees and Red socks are the only two teams I know :) if your a red socks fan sorry ! 

Authors POV

Today the girls got up and raced into Melissa and Chris's room, starting to jump up and down on the bed excited about today, they were off to the baseball game. "Hi girls," Melissa said "Come we don't have to get up for another half an hour so let's have cuddles in bed," Melissa said as she opened the rugs and they all got in making Chris stir. "Morning my beautiful girls how are we today," he said slowly opening his eyes. "Good, we need to start to get ready," Emma said Elissa nodding her head while Eliza cuddles up to Melissa. "I know but we want you girls to have as much sleep as you can because we're out for the whole day," Chris told all three girls they nod but got up and started to bounce around on the bed. Making the two adults laugh. After a good ten minutes of laying in bed, the 5 got up and had breakfast. The girls sat and watched TV while Melissa and Chris sat at the table and ate their breakfast talk about what happened yesterday with the whole miscarriage and the Blake and Hanna situation, the main thing was that the girls would all be together, but would be difficult to explain it to their friends and family.

Once the girls were ready they once again sat in front of the TV while Melissa and I each had a shower getting ready and packing one bag for the outing. "What have you got in the bag, remember we need to take water bottles, sunscreen," Melissa said. "Yep, phones, wallets, chargers, I have their iPads in there for the car ride?" Chris asked "Nope, remember were are trying to get them off the iPads, I mean to bring one" Melissa replies Chris nods "Ok, I do agree with you, and I do think that they can't always rely on iPads but what If they get bored?" Chris asks "They want to go to the game plus I don't think that we will be staying the whole time because they will most probably fall asleep." Melissa explained, Chris nodded as Melissa came back into the room from putting a light layer of makeup on. "you look beautiful" Chris told Melissa "Thank you, you don't look too bad your self" Melissa said hanging over him giving him a kiss. "Oh, we should get the girls to bring jackets in case it gets cooler later tonight. "Ok" he replied smiling.


"Girls let's go" Melissa called out, to the girls so they could get in the car, they came racing to her. "Ok girls you have your hats and a cardigan?" Melissa asked all three girls. They all nodded We gave them to dad" Emma stated "Ok, good, now go get in the car" Melissa said as she put Farley into the laundry, making sure that the door was closed and that she had food and water as well as paper to pee on. Then headed out the door her self getting in the car were there girls were very excited. "Ok girls while I'm driving trying to find a car spot I may need some quiet time ok, or your help," Chris said turning to them before he drove off. The car was filled with music and the girls talking about what merchandise they were going to get as both Melissa and Chris each gave them 50 each to spend, they also talked about what they were going to get tomorrow for school supplies, for Melissa and Chris they really just got the basic items nothing like what the girls were going to get with character pencils and all that stuff.

Once they arrived the girls were told to stay seated Until the Melissa and Chris got out of the car, so the girls wouldn't get 1 either run over or 2 run off and get lost in the sea of Yankees fans. As the family of 4 walked into the stadium,, waiting in line for a good 20 minutes, once the girls saw the merchandise stand they told Melissa and Chris they wanted to buy something now, and it was a good idea because that meant they didn't have to buy anything during the game or the innings break or after the game making the girls disappointed if they didn't get what they wanted, all the girls wanted one of the jackets but it was $80 each, Chris and Melissa told them they should pick something else out little did the girls know that they would be getting one later on. So the girls decided on a Yankees hat, and jumper which all came to $50 each, getting their hats in a different colour so they could tell the difference, between all of them. The family went to find their seats before they went to go find some food and drinks before the game started in about 15 minutes. While the girls sat with Melissa Chris went to get the food and drinks for them all as well as getting the shirts for the girls.

Once Chris got back, we all stood up for the national anthem, once the anthem finished we all sat when three players from the Yankees came over to where we were sitting, "Hi girls how would you like to come out and though a few balls with us?" One of them asked they looked at Melissa and Chris they both nodded with a smile, as they helped them over the barrier so they could go on the field. That's then one of the commentators stated speaking about Chris's new book, a fictional book about love, lust and everything in-between.

Melissa looked over at Chris smirking, and looked back out at their daughters, on the field, before they all through the first ball each they gave them each a jersey, with signatures from all the players. "You ready to through the ball?" One of the players asked as he gave them a tennis ball each goes through to the mascot. As they threw the ball the mascot moved side to side, dodging the balls making the girls and the crowd that was near them laugh. A few of the helper for the match helped the girls up to their parents so they could watch the game the girls told their parents what just happened to show their parents, they were so happy that their girls were happy.

Melissa's POV

I knew the girls were having fun because they were out of their seats and enjoying themselves, Chris and I were enjoying our selves too because we loved seeing our girls happy, even though I was feeling uncomfortable, with what happened yesterday, I still enjoyed the game, watching the Yankee's beet the Red Socks. As the day went on, the girls wanted to go on the bouncy castle they saw, We both decided to go, as we were walking many teenage girls stopped us so they could take a photo of him, some of them asked if they could take a photo with his girls but he wouldn't allow that because of privacy reasons.

We took some photos, and since Chris was here they decided too put him on the 'kiss cam' which I didn't mind but I started to feel a little overwhelmed with the attention that we were getting. I went to the bathroom which was a good excuse so I could take my anxiety medication which I hadn't taken in a while, I came back sitting with Chris to see the girls sitting down with him, I had to take a photo from a distance and one close up, how El felt so comfortable sitting with Chris, it made my heart melt. I sat down next to Elissa, Emma and Eliza star in-between Chris and I.

The game was still going when it got to 6 pm, I could see that the girls had lost a lot of energy, from been out all day, I whispered to Chris telling him we should head home. He looked down at the girls who were trying to stay awake, he chuckled taking a photo of the girls. "Ok I think we should get going" Chris stated. I nodded agreeing. "Girls we need to get going, come on," I told them. "No we want to watch the whole game" The all said. Making us chuckle. "Come on, I'm tired too," I tell the girls they started to wine and Chris and I got up. "Girls get up, come on," I say, looking at them, they all sighed getting up. As they got up and walked out many fans's of Chris's waved to them as the girls hunched their backs with their heads down.

We got in the car and 10 minutes into driving home the girls were asleep. I saw Chris look back at the girls through the revision mirror. I smiled and looked at Chris smiling. 

Ok there we go sorry again to the Red socks fans :) 

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