Chapter 16

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This chapter is going to be a wild one.  I did do some research and I have mad errors I apologise, I also apologise if this triggers emotions for anyone. 

Authors POV

Its been three weeks since Melissa and Chris put in the restraining order for Blake and Chris did the same for Hanna with in reason that Chris and Melissa were around if the girls wanted to see their fathers. It had been a week since Elissa's birthday, Chris was at a meeting with his publisher and agent while their girls were their baseball game, Chris was their but wasn't concentrating on the girls so, Melissa and Chris ha one of their team members parents pick them up so he didn't have to worry dropping them off and picking them up. Melissa hadn't been feeling well since last night, she had bene having cramps so she told the girls that she had to stay home so she would be good to go to the baseball game the tomorrow. Melissa was laying on the couch trying not to think about the cramps that had worsened overnight.

She heard a knock at the door, she slowly got up and the knocking became faster and louder until she got there. When she got there she wasn't ready for what was to come. "What the Hell Melissa, Moving without telling me, and now this what are you doing?" Blake yelled at her all she could do is look at him, trying not to show any pain or mercy. "Blake," Melissa said holding her stomach. "What.... Hu.. you can't stop me seeing her I'm taking you to court" he yelled. Thankfully Hanna notices something before she fell on to the floor. "Blake stop somethings wrong" Hanna said and Melissa fell on to the floor screaming out in pain. "Call an ambulance, I'm going to call Chris," Hanna said getting out his phone. "He won't answer you, get my phone," Melissa said in pain holding her stomach. "The ambulance won't be here for like 15 minutes," Blake said in sorrow. "Forget it, start the car. Melissa I have your phone was taking you to the hospitable" Hanna told Melissa as she helped her up and walked to the car slowly.

They got in the car, and Hanna called Chris. "Melissa is everything ok?" Chris asked over the phone "Chris its Hanna, sorry but Melissa Blake and I are taking her to hospitable" Hanna said. "Ok, umm we will talk about how you are at my house later, umm what hospitable will you be going to." He asked "Um Canada ladies hospitable" Hanna told Chris "Ok great thank you I will meet you there, how is she doing? Can I talk to her" Chris asked "Sure" she told him? "Hey, babe, everything ok?" Chris asked her. "I don't know, well I mean I think I know but I don't," Melissa said sounding really unsure. "Ok I'm going to meet you at the hospitable, Hanna is going to take care of you" Chris explained "Ok" she replied to Chris, Melissa handed the phone back to Melissa. "Take good care of her please Hanna," Chris told Hanna. "I will, I'll see you soon" Hanna to Chris hanging up the phone, trying to help Melissa through the pain. "We're here," Blake says as he pulls up. "Ok go find a park I'm taking her in," Hanna says as Melissa starts to shut her eyes Melissa stay with me," Hanna says. Blake runs in to get some help for Hanna. A nurse comes out with a chair and helps her into the chair. "Her Fiancé said that I need to go with her he will be here soon," Hanna said since Melissa was in and out of consciousness.

"No worries ok let's get her into emergency and see what wrong with her.


Chris POV

After I got the call I told my publisher and agent that I had to go, I didn't care if Hanna and Blake were there at this point, they probably save her life, I raced to Canada Ladies hospitable finding a car space and raced into to see Blake waiting. "Hi, my fiancé came in where is she?" I asked the receptionist "Name, Melissa Benoist, my name is Chris wood" I told the receptionist, she nodded "Follow me, Hanna is with her" the receptionist explained.

I saw her, laying in the hospitable bed, tubes with air going through her knows, looking pale, and an Iv in her arm. Hanna sitting on their chair, she heard the door click open, she looked at me getting up. "Wait.," I said as I walked out the door with her. "I don't care what you were doing, I mean I want to talk about it, but thank you," I told Hanna she nodded her head, and walked away, down the hallway of the hospitable.

I walked back into her Melissa's room and sat by her bed, "Melissa it's me, Chris, you're in the hospitable, I'm with you now" I say as I push away the hair that was in her face. Melissa began to open her eyes "Chris" she said softly. "hey" I say giving her a kiss "I'm going to get the doctor" I said she nodded, as I walked out to get the doctor that was helping Melissa. Chris sat down next to Melissa while the doctor looked down at the notes nurses had taken.

"Mrs Benoist, I'm sorry" The doctor started "what are you sorry about?" I asked the doctor looked down at the floor and back at us. "You had a miscarriage, and its affected your body by going into shock, don't worry you will be able to have more children," The doctor said. "you were pregnant?" I asked her, she looked down. "I'll leave you two alone," the doctor told us. I nodded and looked back at Melissa. "Mel, hey its ok, I'm not mad. "Are you ok?" I asked her "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry," she told me. "For what?" I asked "that I didn't tell you, because I thought you were going to run, and that I lost a baby that was ours," she told me. "hey its ok," I told her kissing her, as there was a knock at the door. I pulled away from Melissa and went to open the door. Three girls came running in. "Mummy are you ok?" Elissa asked almost crying "I'm fine baby, how was your game?" Melissa asked not even worried about what had just happened. "Are you ok Mel?" Eliza asked "I'm fine Eliza thank you, did you enjoy the game," Melissa asked Eliza and Emma they both nodded "That's good" she replied we sat in the room as Melissa kept telling the girls that she would be fine to go to the game tomorrow. We continue to talk as there is another knock at the door. Elissa runs up to get it, and freezers. "Babe, what's wrong?" Melissa asks as we look up to see him. I get up and walk over to the door. "Look thank you so much for you saved her but now is not the time for this," I tell him he nod's "Ok just let me know when I can talk to her," he said "Now" I heard Melissa said from the door been open by the girls. "Girls can you sit outside for a minute," I asked the girls they all nod. As Blake came in with Hanna.

We sat in the room talking "Can we just see them with your supervision, I just want to get to know my daughter" Blake said "And I want to get to know our daughters Chris" Hanna explained we with looked at each other. "We aren't going to stop our girls from seeing their other half, but if they don't want to see you we can't doing anything we aren't going to force them to do anything, it's all up to them, you must know that," Melissa told Melissa and Blake. "So no court, just a mediation figuring out what we can do?" Hanna asked "Sure, but we want the girls there, I think its important that they know that we both love them and that you want to have contact with them" I explained. "Ok, Um I hope you feel better Melissa," Blake said "Thank you, and Thank you, Hanna, you saved my life," Melissa said with a smile. "No worries, I hope you feel better," Hanna said with a smile as they walked out the door with the doctor coming in. "Are those your girls out there?" The doctor asked we both nodded "They are adorable, so we are going to let you go home, I understand you are going to a baseball game tomorrow?" The doctor asked we nodded "Ok, we suggest you get some good night sleep and take lots of menstrual pads, you were 4 weeks pregnant. You can bleed for two weeks. I also suggest not having sexual intercourse for a good three weeks" The doctor explained we both nods shyly "I will get a nurse to unplug you and give you some tablets in case your fluids are down. And have a good time at the game" the doctor said leaving giving us both a smile. We allowed the girls back in and told them that Melissa had to make sure she didn't overdo it.

Once we arrived home it was all most dinner time so we picked up dinner on the way home so they could have a shower, get in the PJ'S and watch a movie While I helped Melissa have a shower.

"So did you know that you were?" I asked her as I helped her in the shower. "I had my suspicions, I hadn't taken a test yet, but in the back of my mind I had this feeling that something was wrong, but I did nothing about it" she replied to me. "Well if you like we can always try again in a few months," I told her she smiled. "if it happens yes, but I was thinking maybe a year?" She replied "Ok whatever you want" I replied to her not been hurt. 

There you go I hope you enjoyed, and hope you're enjoying this story so far. 

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